
Privet Learn more about Privet

  • How much is a shrub leaflet privet sapling? How do you plant it?

    How much is a shrub leaflet privet sapling? How do you plant it?

    Lobular privet is used as an important hedge material in many courtyards, parks and gardens. How much is the leafy privet sapling? How do you plant it? First, the basic situation of lobular privet 1. The origin of lobular privet is a kind of leaf.

    2020-11-09 Shrubs leaflets privet saplings price more less money one how
  • How much is the price of evergreen shrub Jinsen privet seedlings? What's the difference between Golden Leaf Privet and Golden Leaf Privet? How do you plant it? Common diseases

    How much is the price of evergreen shrub Jinsen privet seedlings? What's the difference between Golden Leaf Privet and Golden Leaf Privet? How do you plant it? Common diseases

    Ligustrum lucidum, alias: Ligustrum lucidum, a large evergreen shrub with white flowers and purple fruit. Flowering from May to July, panicles with white flowers. How much is the price of Ligustrum lucidum seedlings? What's the difference between Golden Leaf Privet and Golden Leaf Privet? How do you plant it? What are the common diseases? Learned from Jiangsu Seedling Base

  • Reproduction methods of privet

    Reproduction methods of privet

    The reproduction methods of Ligustrum lucidum mainly include sowing propagation and cutting propagation, but the most commonly used method is sowing reproduction, which can be sowed in spring or winter.

  • What are the nicknames for privet?

    What are the nicknames for privet?

    Privet whirling four seasons, sparse branches, dense branches and leaves, neat tree shape, is a commonly used ornamental tree species in the garden. Because of its strong adaptability, fast growth and resistance to pruning, easy sowing and reproduction, family potted plants are also a good choice.

  • How to grow privet planting methods and matters needing attention

    How to grow privet planting methods and matters needing attention

    Ligustrum lucidum plants have luxuriant branches and uniform trees in four seasons, so privet is often used in garden construction. Strong adaptability, low requirements for the growth environment, resistance to pruning, and very easy to reproduce, so privet can also be used to make potted plants for viewing. that

    2020-11-08 Privet how planting method and points for attention privet
  • Is privet deciduous or evergreen?

    Is privet deciduous or evergreen?

    Privet can be planted alone or in groups in the courtyard, street trees, hedges and so on. Do you know if it's green or green? Let's take a look together! First, privet is deciduous or evergreen privet belongs to evergreen shrubs or trees. Its leaves remain evergreen in winter

    2020-11-08 privet yes deciduous or evergreen available garden solitary plant
  • Golden leaf privet evergreen or deciduous

    Golden leaf privet evergreen or deciduous

    Golden leaf privet is native to California, USA. It was introduced and cultivated in China in the 1980s. It is distributed in southern, eastern and southern China. It sprouts strongly, grows quickly and is resistant to pruning. So is it evergreen or deciduous? 1. Gold leaf privet often

    2020-11-08 Gold leaf privet evergreen deciduous gold leaf native produced in
  • Is the lobular privet poisonous? can the lobular privet be cultivated indoors / non-toxic can be raised indoors?

    Is the lobular privet poisonous? can the lobular privet be cultivated indoors / non-toxic can be raised indoors?

    Lobular Ligustrum lucidum is a common flower plant in people's life, which has high ornamental value, and it is precisely because of this that many people want to keep one at home, but now many plants on the market are toxic to a certain extent. So before we breed, we need to find out about whether lobular privet is poisonous.

  • Japanese golden leaf privet (Kanamori privet)

    Japanese golden leaf privet (Kanamori privet)

    Characteristics: also known as Ligustrum lucidum, Ligustrum lucidum family. Small evergreen tree with dried cyan and white spots. The leaves are opposite, simple, ovate, the tender leaves are golden, the leaves are thick and leathery, bright and glossy, and the ornamental performance is obviously better than the yellow varieties such as golden leaf privet, golden leaf melon seed and yellow poplar. Good resistance, cold resistance, high temperature resistance, strong adaptability. Panicle with white flowers. The fruit is dark purple and oval in shape. It is suitable for cultivation in East, South and Central China. Suitable for color blocks, hedges and spheres

  • Bonsai production: deformation of old piles of multi-pole privet

    Bonsai production: deformation of old piles of multi-pole privet

    Recently, I have been telling the story of this bonsai designer who makes privet bonsai. He dug up old piles of privet everywhere, and it is estimated that he will only play with privet all his life, one moment from a friend's house, the other from a neighbor's house.

  • Introduction to the culture method of privet

    Introduction to the culture method of privet

    1. The container privet is a large shrub, so when cultivating privet potted plants, try to choose larger flowerpots, purple sand pots or pottery flowerpots, preferably according to the shape of privet. Appropriate flowerpots can make privet and containers more complementary. 2. Ligustrum lucidum has developed root system and strong growth adaptability.

  • What are the main varieties of privet seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    What are the main varieties of privet seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    Privet tree is a very common ornamental tree, also known as ash tree, holly, wax tree, many flower lovers will choose to plant such a tree in their own courtyard, its fruit can be dried as medicine, has a certain medicinal effect. So, privet seeds.

    2020-11-27 Ligustrum lucidum tree seed Lord what do you want what variety how to carry out
  • How to breed, how to breed, how to

    How to breed, how to breed, how to

    Ligustrum lucidum is a common flower plant in people's life, which has high ornamental value. There are many people who cultivate it everywhere. However, with the increase of people cultivating it, people are more concerned about its reproduction. How does Ligustrum lucidum reproduce? What are the ways in which the leaves are reproduced?

  • Ligustrum lucidum Arbor market is optimistic that the price of shrub type will fall.

    Ligustrum lucidum Arbor market is optimistic that the price of shrub type will fall.

    Ligustrum lucidum is an evergreen tree or shrub of Oleaceae, which is one of the major products in China's green seedling market. The common varieties of seedlings in the market are lobular privet, golden leaf privet, red leaf privet and so on. The main producing areas of privet seedlings are in Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, in which Hunan and Jiangxi have a large output of tree seedlings with a breast diameter of more than 8 cm, and many areas are out of stock. In 2004, the selling prices of seedlings with DBH of 8 cm, 12 cm, 16 cm, 20 cm and 30 cm in Hunan were 200,300,500 and 1 respectively.

  • How much is the price of "hedge material" lobular privet seedlings? When does it blossom? How to plant it? What about bonsai?

    How much is the price of

    Lobular Ligustrum lucidum is a small shrub of the genus Ligustrum lucidum in Oleaceae, also known as holly, small white wax, neem green, lobular wax tree, is an excellent tree species for bonsai production. How much is the seedling of Ligustrum lucidum? When does it blossom? How to plant it? How to maintain bonsai? How much is the seedling of Ligustrum lucidum?

  • A new product of colorful leaves-- Jinsen privet

    A new product of colorful leaves-- Jinsen privet

    Jinsen privet: also known as Hawati privet, Ligustrumjaponicum'Howardii' Japanese privet series color leaf new products. Evergreen shrubs or small trees; leathery, thick, fleshy leaves; bright yellow leaves in spring and golden in winter, with cloud-shaped light green patches on both sides or one side of the midrib; short internodes and dense branches and leaves. The original species is distributed to the west of Kanto, Japan, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Taiwan of China. Light-loving, drought-resistant, cold-resistant and acidic

  • The high connection of big leaf privet and golden leaf privet

    The high connection of big leaf privet and golden leaf privet

    Ligustrum lucidum and Ligustrum lucidum both belong to Oleaceae and Ligustrum lucidum. The former is a good green sub-tree, which is often ignored because of its universality. The latter is a color tree species, which has been widely used by people in recent years. Because the golden leaf privet belongs to the shrub class, which limits its practicability. In order to expand the greening function of the two, the author makes a high connection by learning from each other to achieve this goal. The steps are as follows: branch grafting or budding can be used in spring (sap has flowed, it is best before sprouting). Ligustrum lucidum with breast diameter of 3 cm to 4 cm was used as rootstock.

  • Control methods of privet inchworm in garden ornamental trees

    Control methods of privet inchworm in garden ornamental trees

    Distribution and damage of privet inchworm NaxaseriariaMotschulsky, also known as lilac inchworm. It belongs to Lepidoptera, Geometridae. Distributed in Northeast, North China, Northwest, Southwest and East China. The larvae are martyr, Beijing clove, weeping clove, lilac, Liaodong clove, white clove, privet, big leaf privet, sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, tea, water wax, Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus mandshurica. The larvae gather to feed on the leaves, often nibbling away at the leaves. The larvae have the habit of spinning and netting, and when it is serious, the net covers the tree crown.

  • Pollution-resistant evergreen broad-leaved tree-privet

    Pollution-resistant evergreen broad-leaved tree-privet

    Privet belongs to Oleaceae. Ligustrum lucidum belongs to evergreen trees. First, habitual privet originates from China and Japan, likes light, can endure shade, likes warm and humid climate, is suitable for slightly acidic to slightly alkaline or calcareous soil, can also grow in clayey soil with 0.2% salt content, can withstand low temperature of-12 ℃, is not resistant to barren, deep roots, developed whisker roots, fast growth, strong sprouting ability, and resistance to pruning. It is not strict about climate, but it is suitable to be planted in humid, leeward and sunny places, especially in deep, fertile and humus soils.

  • Master makes bonsai: it takes 8 years to make a privet and a multi-pole.

    Master makes bonsai: it takes 8 years to make a privet and a multi-pole.

    Around 2010, a family outside London rebuilt the fence and about 30 privet trees were dug up. This multi-pole privet is one of them, but because it has more branches, it does not grow any taller than.
