
How much is the price of evergreen shrub Jinsen privet seedlings? What's the difference between Golden Leaf Privet and Golden Leaf Privet? How do you plant it? Common diseases

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ligustrum lucidum, alias: Ligustrum lucidum, a large evergreen shrub with white flowers and purple fruit. Flowering from May to July, panicles with white flowers. How much is the price of Ligustrum lucidum seedlings? What's the difference between Golden Leaf Privet and Golden Leaf Privet? How do you plant it? What are the common diseases? Learned from Jiangsu Seedling Base

Ligustrum lucidum, alias: Ligustrum lucidum, a large evergreen shrub with white flowers and purple fruit. Flowering from May to July, panicles with white flowers. How much is the price of Ligustrum lucidum seedlings? What's the difference between Golden Leaf Privet and Golden Leaf Privet? How do you plant it? What are the common diseases? It is learned from Jiangsu Seedling Base that the price of cm, cm and cm is 35-55 yuan, 55-75 yuan and 80-90 yuan respectively.

What's the difference between Jinsen Privet and Golden Leaf Privet?

1. The difference between tree shape and leaf.

Ligustrum lucidum is a semi-evergreen shrub with a height of 1 to 2 meters. The leaves of Ligustrum lucidum are dense and branched, and the leaves are smaller and thinner.

Ligustrum lucidum is a large evergreen shrub with a height of 3 to 5 meters. The leaves of Ligustrum lucidum are sparse and less branched, and the leaves are larger and thicker; the leaves of Ligustrum lucidum are more leathery and more glossy.

2. the abilities of heat resistance and cold resistance are different.

Ligustrum lucidum is not as heat-resistant as Ligustrum lucidum, and the high temperature above 35 ℃ will not affect its ecological and ornamental characteristics, while the leaves wilt.

The degree of cold resistance is different. Golden leaf privet is more cold-resistant than Jinsen privet. Golden leaf privet can be planted in Beijing, but Jinsen privet can only be planted in the south of Beijing.

3. The time when the leaf color turns yellow is different.

The golden leaves of Ligustrum lucidum are in spring and summer, autumn and winter, most of the leaves fall off, while the golden leaves in spring, autumn and winter, some leaves turn green in summer and no leaves fall in winter.

4. The ability to resist diseases and insect pests is different.

Jinsen Ligustrum lucidum is more resistant to diseases and insect pests than Golden Leaf Privet. Under the same conditions, the survival rate of Jinsen privet was higher than that of golden leaf privet.

5. Differences in geographical distribution.

Ligustrum lucidum is mainly distributed in warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest from southern North China to eastern China, southern warm deciduous broad-leaved forest, northern subtropical deciduous, evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest, middle subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest.

Ligustrum lucidum is mainly distributed in the west of Kanto, Japan, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Taiwan of China.

How do you grow privet Kansen?

Ligustrum lucidum has good cold resistance, in the south of the Yellow River, it can survive the winter safely in winter, there are almost no diseases and insect pests throughout the year, and the resistance is extremely strong. Black spot disease is more likely in summer and July, so remember to use medicine to prevent it. Propagation is mainly based on cutting, May is the best time to raise seedlings, cut the branches of the current year, the length of each cuttage is 40.7 cm, there are two leaf buds, the soil of the seedling bed requires loose air permeability, good drainage, preferably a mixture of vermiculite, perlite and humus soil, which can take root and sprout 40 days after cutting. After being planted in the field, the fertilizer can be applied with compound fertilizer, and the container seedlings should be fertilized by drip irrigation, not fertilized at high temperature in summer, and twice in spring and autumn.

What are the common diseases of Jinsen privet?

1. Ligustrum lucidum in different regions will show different diseases and insect pests, such as rust. It should be noted that in the areas with more pear and cypress trees around the nursery, due to more sources of infection, it is easy to occur in a large area, which must be paid enough attention to.

2. Reasonable placement density is an effective measure to prevent diseases. Generally, the placement density per mu should not exceed 40,000 pots. Too high density will often cause the outbreak of diseases. The occurrence of rust is the most serious from June to September, and it should be paid attention to. From May to June, three file ketone, Shigao, chlorothalonil and DuPont Fuxing can be used alternately, once every 15 days and 5 times. 0.2% water-soluble fertilizer or trace element fertilizer can be added to topdressing and supplementing trace elements to enhance the disease resistance of the plant. The root-eating pests such as grubs and ground tigers are the most serious, and the occurrence period is about July to September. The control methods remove the weeds around and in the basin in time. For the areas with serious damage, 800 times phoxim is used to irrigate the roots. Pay attention to avoid the period of high temperature and maintain the humidity in the basin when irrigating roots, so as to prevent drug damage.

Time: 2019-03-19 Click: