
Paste stem Learn more about Paste stem

  • The latest Culture method of Bonsai of Begonia

    The latest Culture method of Bonsai of Begonia

    Sticking Begonia is a potted plant with great ornamental value, and many people have a special preference for it. Sticking pedicel begonia has many designs and colors, and its petals are smooth and transparent, which is very good-looking. It is suitable for making bonsai to beautify the home. It has its own unique charm.

    2020-11-10 The latest paste stem begonia bonsai culture method
  • Do cacti have leaves? What are the uses of cactus?

    Do cacti have leaves? What are the uses of cactus?

    Do cacti have leaves? What are the uses of cactus?

  • The role and efficacy of cactus and home feng shui knowledge

    The role and efficacy of cactus and home feng shui knowledge

    The role and efficacy of cactus and home feng shui knowledge

  • Culture method of bonsai of crabapple with stem

    Culture method of bonsai of crabapple with stem

    Begonia is a potted plant with great ornamental value, and many people have a special liking for Begonia. Pedicel Begonia flower color is more, the petals are clean and translucent, it is very beautiful, suitable for making bonsai to beautify the home, has its own unique flavor, very popular with people

  • Processing technology of jujube paste

    Processing technology of jujube paste

    Jujube is sweet and delicious and rich in nutrition. it is determined that every 100 grams of fresh jujube contains vitamin C380 mg, vitamin B10.06 mg, vitamin B20.04 mg, calcium and phosphorus 41 mg and 23 mg respectively, as well as more sugar and protein. It is a favorite fruit treasure. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that red jujube is warm and nourishing, and it is a good product for the health care of the elderly and children. The jujube paste processed with red jujube is sweet, delicious and nutritious, so it is a popular food for consumers. Now the jujube

  • Technical points for improving planting benefit of Malus tibetanus

    Technical points for improving planting benefit of Malus tibetanus

    Malus tiepedunculus belongs to perennial deciduous shrub of papaya genus of Rosaceae family. It can be used as ornamental plant. Because of its medicinal value, the medicinal material is named "wrinkled papaya". It has the effects of relaxing meridians, activating collaterals, and eliminating dampness in stomach. It is often distributed in Anhui, Hubei, Shandong and other places.

  • Green flowers, what kind of herbs to grow in Inner Mongolia to make money

    Green flowers, what kind of herbs to grow in Inner Mongolia to make money

    Inner Mongolia has a long history of growing Chinese herbal medicine and has produced a large number of authentic herbs. The Mongolian people have absorbed the experience of medicine and traditional Chinese medicine and gradually formed a set of unique and effective Mongolian medicine formula and Mongolian medicine. So, in view of the current development of the Chinese herbal medicine market, what kind of medicine can be grown in Inner Mongolia to make money? First, Huang Wei and Huang Qi

  • [copy and paste small actions to maintain food safety together]

    [copy and paste small actions to maintain food safety together]

    [copy and paste small actions to maintain food safety together]

  • Crabs eat pests Rice provides an environment how to raise river crabs in rice fields

    Crabs eat pests Rice provides an environment how to raise river crabs in rice fields

    Crabs eat pests Rice provides an environment how to raise river crabs in rice fields

  • What are kidney beans? The five differences between beans and beans!

    What are kidney beans? The five differences between beans and beans!

    Kidney bean, also known as kidney bean, lentil and knife bean, is a common leguminous plant in China. It is deeply loved by people because of its high nutritional value, considerable market demand and can be used to make bean paste, bean filling and pastry. At present, it is sold in the market, and the price is small. That kidney bean

    2020-11-09 Kidney beans what is and beans the five big differences kidney beans also known as
  • How to cultivate and maintain Tripterygium

    How to cultivate and maintain Tripterygium

    Stick stem begonia, famous iron foot begonia. Deciduous leaves of Rosaceae. Leaves oval, ovate, glossy surface; flowers blooming in front of or at the same time as leaves, 3-5 flowers, clustered on nodes of 2-year-old branches, scarlet, pedicels very short. The fruit is nearly spherical, yellow when ripe and fragrant.

  • Rich bamboo "pagoda" bonsai

    Rich bamboo

    Choose rich bamboo with strong growth, strong vitality and strong fecundity. A large number of Hsinchu is used to cut off many stems of different lengths to form a pagoda. The upper end of each stem must have bamboo shoots and retain bud eyes so that the top of each layer of pagoda can grow buds and grow branches and leaves to form a new living pagoda.

  • What medicine is used for stem rot of orchids?

    What medicine is used for stem rot of orchids?

    What medicine is used for stem rot of orchids?

  • The method of making bonsai of Begonia with stick stem

    The method of making bonsai of Begonia with stick stem

    Paste stem begonia as a unique ornamental tree, embellished in the gardens and green space, a little red in the grass, it is probably such a beautiful scenery. It is colorful, let people never get tired of watching, but also enjoy it, its bonsai is usually placed in halls and leisure places

  • Maintenance methods of Castanopsis carlesii

    Maintenance methods of Castanopsis carlesii

    Soil and temperature can not only use peat soil, water moss, but also use peat soil, river sand, perlite mixed soil, it can be said that the requirement of soil is not very high. The suitable temperature for the growth of Castanopsis thunbergii is generally 15 ℃-25 ℃, which is not suitable for overcold or overheated environment.

  • The culture method of Castanopsis thunbergii

    The culture method of Castanopsis thunbergii

    The culture method of Castanopsis thunbergii

  • Culture method of Tripterygium

    Culture method of Tripterygium

    First, the temperature should be suitable. Begonia is a kind of plant that likes warmth and strong adaptability. The most suitable temperature for survival is 15-28 ℃. At the same time, if the temperature is lower than-20 ℃, buried protection is needed to spend the winter. Second, maintain humidity and stick to the stem of begonia to resist drought

  • It's nice to be good-looking and good-looking when it's approved to stick to the stalked begonia.

    It's nice to be good-looking and good-looking when it's approved to stick to the stalked begonia.

    Tripterygium is a very good-looking plant, although we may not be familiar with the name, but it is beautiful, but it is recognized by everyone! Brief introduction: paste stem begonia in addition to beauty, but also has a lot of price.

  • The Propagation method of Tripterygium

    The Propagation method of Tripterygium

    Sticking Begonia, also known as Iron foot Begonia, Iron Begonia, is a plant of papaya of Rosaceae. The flowering period of Tripterygium is generally from March to April, and the fruit is ripe in October, and it is also very adaptable and very hardy. It can spend the winter in the open field in North China, and is very sensitive to temperature.

  • Eating like this after rice blossom and harvest can help you lose weight, eat and drink for a long holiday, and you are not afraid of it.

    Eating like this after rice blossom and harvest can help you lose weight, eat and drink for a long holiday, and you are not afraid of it.

    At this time last year, when Paeonia lactiflora returned to Hangzhou from other places, I woke up on the train and a rice field flowed outside the window. The yellowed rice in the green seems to smell the fragrance of rice that I haven't seen for a long time. October in the south of the Yangtze River is the season of rice ripening, the golden sun.
