
How to cultivate and maintain Tripterygium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Stick stem begonia, famous iron foot begonia. Deciduous leaves of Rosaceae. Leaves oval, ovate, glossy surface; flowers blooming in front of or at the same time as leaves, 3-5 flowers, clustered on nodes of 2-year-old branches, scarlet, pedicels very short. The fruit is nearly spherical, yellow when ripe and fragrant.

Stick stem begonia, famous iron foot begonia. Deciduous leaves of Rosaceae. Leaves oval, ovate, glossy surface; flowers blooming in front of or at the same time as leaves, 3-5 flowers, clustered on nodes of 2-year-old branches, scarlet, pedicels very short. The fruit is nearly globose, yellow when ripe and fragrant. The flowering period is from March to May and the fruit maturity is from September to October. There are single, double and dwarf varieties. Like warm and cool, humid environment, like light, more cold and drought tolerance, not resistant to shade and waterlogging. It is suitable for slightly acidic sandy loam with deep and fertile soil layer and good drainage.

The main results are as follows: (1) the stem begonia has strong tillers and is resistant to pruning. Ramet, striping and cuttage propagation are commonly used. The ramet can be combined with transplantation in spring, together with the mother plant, leaving 2 or 3 branches per plant, or sprouting tillers around the mother plant for planting. The striping is carried out more than in early spring, and the long branches with strong growth are bent to the ground, ditched and lying in the ditch, compacted with soil, covered with grass and moisturized, which can take root after about 2 months, and separate from the mother plant in the next spring.

(2) Tripterygium is a positive tree, and the planting site should be sunny. If the light is not enough, it is easy to cause branches and leaves to grow and affect flowering. The long branches should be cut short before planting to enrich and grow the plant. Apply stable manure into the pit, cooked chicken and duck dung, bean cake and so on as base fertilizer.

(3) usually watering should not be too much, if the soil is not too dry, it is not necessary to water frequently. The northern region should pour enough anti-freezing water and apply rotten organic fertilizer before winter every year. Areas with low and dry temperatures of-20 degrees Celsius in winter need to be buried to protect them through the winter.

(4) Begonia przewalskii blossoms and bears fruit on 2-year-old branches. Therefore, the annual branches should not be cut short, and then cut moderately after flowering, which can promote the germination of more lateral branches and increase the number of flowering. In winter and spring, overlapping branches, disease and insect branches can be cut, and only long branches can be cut short, so that nutrition is concentrated, consumption is reduced, and it is conducive to more flowering. For flowering plants, liquid fertilizer should be applied 3 or 4 times a year. If you apply more phosphate fertilizer before flowering, the flowers will be colorful. Tripterygium is vulnerable to rust, so attention should be paid to timely spray control.

How to grow Begonia with sticking stem? Key points of planting techniques of Tripterygium

Tripterygium has a long history of planting in China, originated in the southern part of North China, the eastern part of Northwest China and Central China, but now it is cultivated all over the country. Tapestry Begonia flower color is very rich and diverse, there are scarlet, peach, moon white and other colors, but also some varieties of pink and white, coupled with its petals are very beautiful, so it is loved by people. The flowering period of Tripterygium is from March to April and the fruit is ripe.

First, the habit of sticking Begonia

The suitable stem begonia is adaptable and hardy. It can spend the winter in the open field in North China, but it is very sensitive to temperature. In the same place, it blossoms 4-6 days earlier than in the shade in the leeward. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is not resistant to waterlogging, and avoid dampness and early tolerance. Excessive soil moisture often leads to thin plants, thin growth of branches and leaves, and obvious decrease of stress resistance. Poor soil drainage and stagnant water often cause serious rotting roots and suffocate to death. Tripterygium is a positive tree species that requires sufficient light, but it can still grow well and blossom normally in a little shade.

2. Propagation of Begonia affixed to the stem

Tripterygium is often propagated by ramet and cuttage, although sowing can also be used, but it is rarely used. Ramets are carried out in early spring. After the soil thawing weather turns warm, dig out the whole plant, shake the root soil and then split it from the middle of the plant with a sharp knife, and finally divide it into two or four branches with roots at the base of each pier, and cut off the branches cut to the neck of the root and leave the rest about 10 cm short. After planting in a pre-prepared seedbed and strengthening management, it can be out of the nursery after 1 or 2 years of careful cultivation.

The cutting propagation of Tripterygium was carried out from June to July, and the sturdy new branches were cut into 12-15 cm long cuttings and cut into substrates such as human river sand or frogstone. During mass propagation, sandy loam with good drainage can be selected as a border and inserted directly into the soil. After cutting, it should be shaded and watered to keep the soil moist for about 40 days to grow new roots. After rooting, it is necessary to reduce water spraying and gradually prolong the light time, and finally remove the shade shed. In cold places in winter, open-field cutting seedlings need to be covered with grass or take other cold protection measures to protect overwintering until the following spring transplant. If the cuttings inserted in pure sand or frogstone should be transplanted in time after rooting, otherwise the new roots grow too long and the cuttings lack nutrition for a long time, which is disadvantageous to transplanting and growth. Or it can take root after pressing in spring for one month, and then cut off the mother and plant it after falling leaves in autumn.

III. Cultivation and management of Begonia affixed to the stem

Cultivation and management is relatively simple, so sticking begonia has no strict requirements for soil, general loam or sandy loam can grow well, but alluvial soil and gravelly soil grow best. When potting crabapple, it is appropriate to use garden soil with higher fertility and some thicker sand grains. Tripterygium can tolerate both drought and hemorrhoids, so the cultivation and management is relatively extensive. In order to make the plants grow luxuriantly and the flowers are colorful, proper water and fertilizer management should be carried out. Because it is sensitive to water and fertilizer, excessive water and fertilizer often lead to excessive growth and reduction of flowers. Under normal management, organic fertilizer (rotten barnyard manure or compost) is applied to the rhizosphere of the plant once a year in autumn. If the plant growth is not very thin and weak, there is no need for topdressing in the growing period, you can increase the amount of organic fertilizer in autumn.

The growth of Tripterygium is more luxuriant, and the plants are easy to be too dense, so pruning is an important management work. The main purpose of pruning is to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions in the plant clump, to avoid the influence of dense branches on growth, to control vegetative growth and to promote flower bud formation. When pruning, we should pay attention to because the attached begonia blossoms and bears fruit on the biennial branches, so do not cut them short after the new branches are born, and then cut them short after flowering in the young tree stage, in order to promote the germination of more side branches to make the tree take shape as soon as possible, and can also increase the flowering position in the third year. In order to make the tree hierarchical, it is best to keep only three main branches after the seedlings are planted, cut the excess branches from the base to form a "three-book happy" tree, and let the lateral branches break out from the upper end of the three main branches. this shaping method can not only maintain a low shrubby tree shape but also prevent excessive density and disorder.

Because the root system of potted Begonia is limited by the basin, it is necessary to pay attention to the management of water and fertilizer, otherwise it will affect the growth and cause sparse flowers. Generally, organic fertilizer is applied once a year in late autumn or early winter, and liquid fertilizer is applied once after flowering in spring. Topdressing should not be thick, but can apply rotten cake fertilizer and water, etc. Watering is appropriate to keep the soil moist.

Fourth, the ornamental and application of Tripterygium

Stick stem begonia branches, beautiful flowers, such as brocade, flowers into clusters, yellow fruit fragrance is huge, is a good ornamental flower, fruit tree species. It is suitable for planting in the corner of the courtyard wall, the edge of the lawn, around the trees and by the stream by the pool. It can also be planted in front of evergreen shrubs into flower hedges and flowers can also be made into old pile bonsai. The common varieties of horticulture are white flower, rose, scarlet, dwarf and so on.

The above are the key points of the cultivation techniques of Tripterygium. If you want to know more about the planting and maintenance of seedlings and flowers, you can pay attention to Huinong School!

Paste pedicel begonia Chaenomeles speciosa paste pedicel begonia map guide: paste pedicel begonia how to raise / paste pedicel begonia how to propagate paste pedicel begonia business card paste pedicel begonia culture methods and matters needing attention paste pedicel begonia is a Rosaceae papaya plant, its branches are clustered, there are spines on the branches, its pedicels are very short, flowers stick to the branches, hence the name. It is widely known to everyone that it originated from the Qunfang Spectrum of the Ming Dynasty. Its flowers are fresh and plump, gorgeous and dazzling, and it is one of the main spring flowers and trees in the garden. It can not only be planted in a single plant in the garden, but also can be planted in rows as a hedge, and can also be used as a potted plant. It is an ideal flower and fruit stump bonsai material. The fruit is called wrinkled papaya, which is referred to as papaya when used as traditional Chinese medicine. It is one of the unique rare fruits in China, which has high medicinal and edible value. The name of paste stem begonia is widely familiar from the Ming Dynasty Qunfang Spectrum, "there are four products of begonia, all woody, Xifu crabapple, weeping begonia, papaya begonia and sticking begonia." In fact, both Tripterygium and papaya are plants of the genus papaya, unlike Western Begonia and Tripterygium, which can be directly called Begonia or Begonia flowers. Tripterygium has a very long history of cultivation in China, and it has been proved that "Yi" in "Erya" is this thing. Stick stem begonia has a variety of colors, there are scarlet, peach, moon white and other colors, but also some varieties of pink and white colors, coupled with its petals clean and transparent, very beautiful. Its dark branches, curved like wire, are very much in line with the aesthetic taste of the ancients, and it is a good material for making traditional bonsai. This atmosphere has also affected Japan and Korea. The horticultural community in Japan attaches great importance to the cultivation of Begonia. A new horticultural variety has been cultivated. The fruit shape of Tripterygium is peculiar, like an upside-down pear, so it is also known as "iron foot pear". It is also called "wrinkled papaya" because it is slightly wrinkled compared with papaya, the fruit of papaya. As for "Sichuan papaya" and "Xuan papaya", it is because it is abundant in Sichuan and Xuancheng, Anhui. Deciduous shrubs, up to 2 m high, with spines; branchlets cylindrical, spreading, stout, purplish brown when young, glabrous, dark brown when old. Leaf blade ovate to elliptic, sparsely long-elliptic, 3-10 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, apex acute, sparsely obtuse, base cuneate to broadly cuneate, margin acutely serrulate, tooth tip spreading, surface glossy, dark green, glabrous, abaxially light green, glabrous; petiole 1-1.5 cm long, glabrous; stipules large, leaflike, ovate or reniform, margin acutely doubly serrate, glabrous. Flowers 2-6 clusters on biennial branches, 3.5-5 cm in diameter, opening in front of or at the same time as leaves; pedicels thick and short, 3 mm long or subsessile, glabrous; calyx tube outside glabrous; calyx lobes erect, subsemiorbicular, apex obtuse, entire or undulate teeth, margin yellowish brown eyelashes, outside glabrous, sparsely pilose inside, half of calyx tube Petals suborbicular or Obovate, shortly clawed, 1-1.5 cm long, scarlet or reddish; stamens 35-50, erect, 1-1.3 cm long, filaments slightly reddish; style connate below middle, glabrous, nearly as long as stamens, stigma capitate. Pear fruit globose to ovate, 3-5 cm in diam., yellow or yellowish green, with inconspicuous sparse spots, aromatic, pedicel short or nearly absent. Flowering in April and fruiting in October. The plant height is about 2m, and the branches are erect or spreading, with spines. Leaves ovate or elliptic, stipules large and conspicuous. Flowers red, blooming first leaves or with leaves. Stick stem begonia ecological habits like light, more cold-resistant, not resistant to flooding, do not choose soil, but like fertile, deep, well-drained soil. Tripterygium is a deciduous shrub of Rosaceae and papaya, up to 2 meters high, 3 to 5 flowers clustered on 2-year-old branches, blooming first and then leaves or flowers and leaves together, red, pink and white, about 3 cm to 5 cm in diameter. Fruit ovoid to globose, 4 cm to 6 cm in diameter. The flowering period is from March to April, if the light and humidity conditions are suitable, it can blossom from January to February, and the fruit ripening period is from September to October. Cultivation techniques of Tripterygium przewalskii; Tripterygium has strong adaptability and extensive management. Flowers are born on 2-year-old branches, and the top of last year's branches can be cut off after flowering, leaving only about 30cm to promote multiple new branches to create conditions for more flowering in the following year. The pedicel begonia is clustered with spines on the branches, the pedicel is very short, and the flowers cling to the branches. The pedicel crabapple tree has a whirling posture, beautiful flowers, double, semidouble, spherical or pear-shaped fruit, yellow when ripe in autumn, fragrant smell, can be plucked and placed on a plate to display several cases for viewing. Tripterygium can not only be planted in the garden, but also an excellent material for potted plants to watch and make bonsai. The maintenance and management of Tripterygium is relatively simple, because its flowering is mainly short branches, so it is necessary to cut the long branches properly and cut them into hemispheres before germination in spring, so as to stimulate more sprouting shoots. During the summer growth period, the growing branches should also be coring. In the process of cultivation and management, attention should be paid to watering in dry season, and it is best to apply mature organic fertilizer or appropriate amount of compound fertilizer (N, P, K elements) in summer. In order to promote flowering in potted plants, suitable plants can be dug up from September to October and put in a cool place for maintenance for a period of time. After entering winter, they are moved into 15 ℃ to 20 ℃ greenhouse, and water is often sprayed on the branches. After about 25 days, they can blossom, which can be used as New Year's Day and Spring Festival ornamental. The maintenance and management of Tripterygium is relatively simple, because its flowering is mainly short branches, so it is necessary to cut the long branches properly and cut them into hemispheres before germination in spring, so as to stimulate more sprouting shoots. During the summer growth period, the growing branches should also be coring. In the process of cultivation and management, attention should be paid to watering in dry season, and it is best to apply mature organic fertilizer or appropriate amount of compound fertilizer (N, P, K elements) in summer. In order to promote flowering in potted plants, suitable plants can be dug up from September to October and put in a cool place for maintenance for a period of time. After entering winter, they are moved into 15 ℃ to 20 ℃ greenhouse, and water is often sprayed on the branches. After about 25 days, they can blossom, which can be used as New Year's Day and Spring Festival ornamental. Tripterygium is distributed in Shaanxi, Gannan, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangdong and other provinces. Myanmar, Japan and North Korea are also distributed. The main cultivation bases are Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan and other places such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hunan and other places to prevent and control the diseases and insect pests in the process of growth, which often results in early shedding of leaves, deformity of fruits, weak growth potential and reduced ornamentality. it brings difficulties to maintenance and management. According to the author's investigation in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui, which is mainly in Suzhou and East China for more than 3 years, it is found that there are one disease and two insect pests that occur all the year round in the adult stage of Tripterygium. That is, begonia rust, net bugs and aphids. The occurrence and harm characteristics of the main diseases and insect pests: at the initial stage of the disease, small yellow-green spots appeared on the front of the leaves, and then gradually expanded to orange-yellow spots. Needle-sized black spots appear on the front of the disease spot, and hard yellow whiskers grow on the back of the leaves, that is, the rust spores of the pathogen. In the later stage of the disease, the color of the yellow whiskers became darker, matured and powdered gradually, and the disease spot on the front of the leaf enlarged, forming dark-brown necrotic spots, which could fall off into perforation. From August to September, the rust spores mature and spread to the juniper cypress with the wind, invading the tender shoots and overwintering. The injured part of juniper showed light yellow spots, and the back uplift showed gray-brown lenticular tubercle with dilated middle, rough surface and brownish brown. The disease is more serious in the case of mixed planting of begonia, apple and juniper. The propagation mode of Tripterygium is mainly divided into plants, cuttings and striping, and sowing can also be used. A large number of neat seedlings can be obtained by sowing and propagation, but it is not easy to maintain the original variety characteristics. Tripterygium has strong tillering ability, and its mother plant can be dug up and divided into 2 to 3 branches per plant in autumn or early spring, and can be divided 3 years after planting. Generally false planting in autumn after ramet, in order to promote wound healing, the following spring can be planted, the next year can be flowering. Hardwood cuttage is the same as ramet period, and tender plant cuttings can also be carried out in the growing season. Plant segments about 15 cm long are inserted in plain sand or plain soil, watered and moisturized, and leaves can be produced after more than a month. The cuttings can bloom in 2 to 3 years. Stick the flower language of the stem begonia: ordinary, warm. Its floral words also include: precocious, the brilliance of goblins, pioneers, leaders. Dietotherapy or Medicinal value of Tripterygium the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Tripterygium are only for reference and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Ornamental value recorded in the Qunfang Spectrum of the Ming Dynasty: begonia has four products, all woody, which refer to: West House Begonia, Weisi Begonia, Papaya Begonia and sticking Begonia. As a kind of traditional begonia, the red and yellow flowers and colors of the pedicel crabapple are mixed with red and yellow, which is the most romantic in spring. More cultivated in the garden for greening, but also for hedge materials, can be planted alone or with spring, forsythia cluster planting. Also often used as bonsai, potted courtyard to watch the fine flowers and trees fresh and plump, gorgeous and dazzling, coupled with its petals clean and clear, it is really very beautiful. Ornamental characteristics: spring pedicel crabapple has a variety of colors, including scarlet, peach, green, complex moon white and other colors, and some varieties of pink and white colors, coupled with its petals are bright and clear, it is really very beautiful. Medicinal value paste stem begonia fruit called wrinkled papaya, also known as Sichuan papaya, Xuan papaya, used as traditional Chinese medicine referred to as papaya (not papaya, please do not confuse! ) is one of the unique rare fruits in China, which has high medicinal value and edible value. Sichuan papaya blossoms in late January, and there are two kinds of flowers: safflower and white flower. The ripe fruit appears on the market in September and October, the fruit is like an apple, the surface of the ripe fruit is yellow, the sunshine part is pink, the single fruit weighs 200,350g, and the yield per mu is 2000-2500 kg. Sichuan papaya fruit nutrition is extremely rich, per 100 grams of fresh fruit contains vitamin 2741 mg, anti-aging 3237No/g, but also rich in protein, tartaric acid, phosphorus, iron, calcium and so on, is a fruit processing products, pharmaceutical supplies of excellent raw materials, can be used to make candied fruit, the candied fruit made of unique taste, sweet and sour pure delicious, and has a special fragrant fruit flavor, less pulp fiber, no stone cells, hard texture, resistant to storage and transportation. Sichuan papaya has high medicinal value and has the function of relaxing muscles and activating collaterals and resolving dampness. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wrinkled papaya can dredge channels and collaterals, drive wind and activate blood circulation, have the efficacy of strength, excitement, analgesia, calming the liver, and spleen, resolving dampness and relaxing muscles, and mainly treat heatstroke, cholera tendon transfer, beriberi edema, dampness arthralgia, etc.; soak wine (papaya wine) to treat rheumatic arthralgia. The application of Tripterygium in garden is not only an excellent flower and tree for potted garden, but also occupies an important position in garden application. Tripterygium is one of the most important ornamental flowers in spring in Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang and other places. The survival rate of transplanting is extremely high, the florescence is long, the ornamental value is high, and the speed is fast after planting. Post pictures of Begonia