
Mei's Learn more about Mei's

  • Zhi Guotang / crop background | epitome of Mei's Taiwan export

    Zhi Guotang / crop background | epitome of Mei's Taiwan export

    Zhi Guotang / crop background | epitome of Mei's Taiwan export

  • Song Mei's experience on planting-following the SF style

    Song Mei's experience on planting-following the SF style

    Song Mei's experience on planting-following the SF style

  • Summary of Cheng Mei's planting and cultivation for 3 years

    Summary of Cheng Mei's planting and cultivation for 3 years

    The refined fluorescein in the alpine four Seasons (Wuyi Orchid). The inflorescence is good if it doesn't fall on the shoulder. Ma er, also known as Wuyi Orchid, also known as Xia Hui or Minhui, some Lanyou call it the Alpine four Seasons, let's study the details. The pseudobulb is small (smaller than Jianlan, more than 3 times larger than Cymbidium, oval, disordered) with tall leaves.

  • Cheng Mei Huilan

    Cheng Mei Huilan

    Huilan Cheng Meimei petal, a traditional famous product. History: during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, it was selected by a physician surnamed Cheng in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. it is a variety of red Huimei petal, also known as "Cheng Zi Mei". Cheng Mei's leaf posture is semi-drooping, the new seedling is strong, the leaf width is more than 1.5 cm, the leaf length is 50 cm, and the plant is majestic. The leaf margin is slightly inward wrapped in a shallow "V".

  • The stubborn wife keeps her husband to raise pigs.

    The stubborn wife keeps her husband to raise pigs.

    The stubborn wife keeps her husband to raise pigs.

  • Is the Song Mei Orchid easy to raise? Song Mei Orchid Price what are the characteristics of Song Mei's flowering process

    Is the Song Mei Orchid easy to raise? Song Mei Orchid Price what are the characteristics of Song Mei's flowering process

    Mr. Ding Yongkang's evaluation of Song Mei in his "Chinese Orchid Art 300 questions" is: for more than 200 years, none of the plum petal flowers can surpass her, which is true. She, fragrant and unique, contains the essence of Chinese orchid culture and people's pursuit of perfection, purity and ideal.

  • The breeding method of Song Mei

    The breeding method of Song Mei

    1. Soil-raised Song Mei uses soil prepared from various planting materials to make the soil rich in humus, loose and breathable, and slightly acidic. 2. Sunlight Song Mei likes semi-shady environment, suitable for scattered light irradiation. Too strong or too weak light is not good for plant growth. Song Mei can be placed on the balcony to receive morning light for two hours.

  • Pictures of Huilan Cuimei, the characteristics of Huilan Cuimei how many seedlings

    Pictures of Huilan Cuimei, the characteristics of Huilan Cuimei how many seedlings

    There are many varieties of Cymbidium. Do you know the variety of Cymbidium Cuimei? The price of this kind of orchid is not cheap and belongs to the bright spot that many people know about it. Its general price is about 1000 yuan to 1500 yuan. What kind of characteristics does it have? Cui Mei's grass is less than the longest.

    2019-03-21 Huilan Cui Mei pictures Cui Mei's characteristics how many
  • How does Yu Mei reproduce? Yu Mei's reproduction mode / sowing reproduction has a high survival rate.

    How does Yu Mei reproduce? Yu Mei's reproduction mode / sowing reproduction has a high survival rate.

    Yu Mei is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, which is cultivated all over our country. As more and more people cultivate it all over the country, people are more concerned about its reproduction. How does Yu Mei reproduce? What are the breeding methods of Yu Mei? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

  • Cheng Mei leaf identification

    Cheng Mei leaf identification

    Origin: Hubei downhill in 2001. Ye Zi: oblique standing medium width. Flower appearance: the outer perianth is diamond-shaped vivid, the petal tip is slightly backward, semi-hard, as small as the tongue, jumping out of the traditional variety, do not have taste.

  • How to raise Song Mei Culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise Song Mei Culture methods and matters needing attention

    Because of the different flower patterns, Chunlan is divided into many kinds. Song Mei is one of the many species of Chunlan. Of course, people who know about orchids all know that Song Mei is also known as the first of Chunlan. Orchids have always been delicate, so we need more when we plant orchids.

    2020-11-08 Song Mei how raise breed method and matters needing attention Chunlan
  • What famous products are appreciated in plum blossom bonsai modeling?

    What famous products are appreciated in plum blossom bonsai modeling?

    The ancients all loved plum, and there was an endless stream of poems about plum from ancient times to the present. Because it is one of the three friends, it is one of the three heroes of spring flowers, and it is a gentleman among the four gentlemen. Plum grows almost everywhere in our country, so it has a very.

  • The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Mei Mei

    The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of Mei Mei

    Prunus mume is a small deciduous tree or shrub of Rosaceae. The beauty plum has high ornamental value and has a wide range of uses, which is basically available for viewing all the year round. It can be planted in the courtyard or as a potted plant, and is now widely used as a cut flower.

    2020-11-10 The latest beauty plum breeding methods and points for attention
  • Freshman and Cheng Mei

    Freshman and Cheng Mei

    The picture of Cheng Mei hopes that both Cheng Mei and Cheng Mei have been cultivated for more than 200 years. As early as the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, Cheng Mei was selected by a doctor surnamed Cheng in Changshu, Jiangsu Province. Cheng Mei was regarded as a treasure of Huilan by the art and orchid circles. The "birth" of freshman goods is a little later than Cheng Mei.

  • How to grow Yu Beauty planting methods and points for attention

    How to grow Yu Beauty planting methods and points for attention

    Yu Mei is really a beautiful flower, deeply loved by people, some friends want to plant a pot, but they are afraid of death caused by improper maintenance, and some people think that Yu Mei is as difficult to serve as a delicate young lady just like its name.

    2020-11-08 Yu beauty how planting method and points for attention
  • Song Mei

    Song Mei

    Song Mei, also known as Song Jinmei, the traditional inscription of Chinese orchids, is the representative variety of plum petals. Spring orchid is the first choice. The flower was selected by Song Jinxuan in Shaoxing during the reign of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The flower was named after the surname of Song Jinxuan and the plum petal of the flower. The flower is dignified and generous and is listed as the first of the four famous species of Chunlan.

  • What are the seed planting methods of annual herb Yumeiren? What's the difference between poppy and poppy? What's the price?

    What are the seed planting methods of annual herb Yumeiren? What's the difference between poppy and poppy? What's the price?

    Yumeiren, an annual herb, is used as a medicine for flowers and whole plants, which contains a variety of alkaloids and has antitussive, antidiarrheal, analgesic and sedative effects. As an ornamental plant, it is commonly cultivated in all parts of China. So do you know what are the seed planting methods of Yu Mei? What's the difference between poppy and poppy? What's the value?

  • Safe lotus cross

    Safe lotus cross

    A large orchid seedling company bought some seedlings, the manager called, there are Songmei x green cloud hybrid seedlings, a total of more than 30000 seedlings, respectively for different seeds, cultivated for 5 years, most of them blossomed, far from the breeding goal, such a large group has not come up with a decent one, manufacturers think it is of little value, in addition.

  • How about the fragrance of Jianlan Pin Plum? How much is the price per seedling of Jianlan plum

    How about the fragrance of Jianlan Pin Plum? How much is the price per seedling of Jianlan plum

    Do you know the orchid of Jianlan Yipingmei? This kind of orchid was discovered in Emei Mountain, Sichuan Province in 1994. The petals are Jianlan Zhengge plum petals, known as the first plum in Sichuan. Its flower pole is green. This kind of orchid is also one of the top ten famous flowers of four seasons orchid.

    2019-03-19 Jianlan Yipin Mei's fragrance how is it Mei picture Meido you
  • Cymbidium Liu Meilan Flower: Cymbidium Liu Mei characteristic leaf shape, Cymbidium Liu Mei worth how much a seedling

    Cymbidium Liu Meilan Flower: Cymbidium Liu Mei characteristic leaf shape, Cymbidium Liu Mei worth how much a seedling

    Liu Mei, on hearing this name, friends who do not like orchids must not know that this is the name of an orchid. Why is this orchid called Liu Mei? Because it was selected by Liu Hengfeng in Shaoxing in the early years of the Republic of China, the petal type is Cymbidium green shell plum petals. So it's called

    2019-03-22 Huilan Liu Mei Orchid characteristic Leaf Leaf shape value how much