
The stubborn wife keeps her husband to raise pigs.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The stubborn wife keeps her husband to raise pigs.

She used to be a doctor and runs two clinics at home. In order to save her marriage, she wants to raise pigs and start a business. Do not hesitate to use your life to prove your determination. From a doctor to a swineherd, what is her motivation for changing careers?

She is Chen Mei. When the reporter saw Chen Mei, she was about to sell a batch of pigs. The pig market in 2016 is very good. Chen Mei's pig price has reached 21 yuan per kilogram, and a pig can make a net profit of more than 500 yuan, which makes Chen Mei very happy.

Last year, Chen Mei's farm produced more than 2000 pigs, with sales of more than 4 million yuan. Chen Mei was awarded as "Women's Advanced individual in Entrepreneurship and Employment" by Suining Women's Federation for two consecutive years. In the course of the interview, the reporter found that everyone spoke highly of Chen Mei.

Chen Mei's friend Tang Qingping: as a woman, being able to fight all over the world and give up her good career to do something is a model and worth learning.

Zeng Zhongyou: many farmers say that Chen Mei looks fragile, but she is very strong inside.

Chen Mei's friend Zhu Lanying: daring is the kind of character that is very masculine.

Chen Mei raises pigs and has developed a relationship with pigs.

Chen Mei: you see, like this, it will take the initiative to get close to me, ordinary people can not touch, it will run, will avoid them, you see, it will take the initiative to approach me. After all, after all these years, like a child with feelings.

Some people find the smell of the farm pungent, but for Chen Mei, she can smell another smell.

Chen Mei: I think I regard it as economy, money. So many people smell this smell can not accept, smell this smell, I think the feeling that financial resources will continue to come.

However, with the deepening of the interview, the reporter found that behind Chen Mei's strength, there is an unknown side.

Chen Meiyuan, originally a doctor, first embarked on the road of raising pigs to save her marriage.

Chen Mei: at that time, I thought that the farm could maintain the relationship between our family and keep my husband by my side and my children by my side.

Chen Mei even risked her life in order to raise pigs.

Chen Mei's brother Chen Tao: she can risk her own life. She just wants to do it well. She has never made up her mind to do a thing.

But also because of raising pigs, she once tried to kill herself.

Chen Mei: when I saw the river, I had a momentary thought, that is, the idea of simply dying.

What did Chen Mei go through, how did she gain wealth, and how did she grow into a local entrepreneurial star in the midst of tribulations?

Chen Mei, born in Suining City, Sichuan Province in 1980, graduated from Chengdu University of traditional Chinese Medicine in 2000. Chen Mei got married as soon as she graduated, and her husband's family runs a clinic. after marriage, Chen Mei opened another clinic with her husband, and the two clinics have an income of nearly 200000 yuan a year.

At the end of 2001, Chen Mei had a son, but it didn't take long for Chen Mei to find that something was wrong with her husband. She not only paid no attention to the clinic and family affairs, but even began not to return home at night.

Chen Mei: I like playing outside very much. I don't go home very much. I can't find anyone very often. Sometimes when (my husband) comes home at dawn, when I get up, I see how to go home for a while, and no one is there.

Do not go home at night, can not find anyone during the day, in Chen Mei's questioning, just know that her husband is infatuated with online games, can not extricate himself. Looking at her several-month-old son and her always empty pillow, Chen Mei tried to find a way to save her husband's heart.

In 2004, the pork market was popular all the way, and a jin of pork was sold to 14 or 15 yuan. The hot market attracted Chen Mei. Chen Mei has an idea. She wants to set up a pig farm and let her husband take care of it. Chen Mei wants to use this method to get her husband to stop playing and spend more time at home.

Chen Mei: I just want him to seriously do a career, trap him in it, and let him concentrate on that cause a little bit.

In June 2004, Chen Mei took out her family's savings of more than 800,000 yuan and set up a farm in her hometown Xinqiao Town, where she bought back more than 80 sows and more than 500 piglets. The farm is managed by her husband, while Chen Mei continues to work as a doctor in the clinic.

At first, as Chen Mei once longed for, her husband took care of the farm, no longer addicted to games, and could see him every morning when he woke up. However, a crisis is quietly approaching.

In 2005, pork prices plummeted, from more than ten yuan per catty to four or five yuan per catty, and the farm lost more than 300,000 yuan this year. The family began to use the income of the clinic to subsidize the farm, but for the next two years, the pig market was still in the doldrums. By 2007, the income of the two clinics was unable to make up for the deficit of the farm and owed a lot of foreign debt.

In order to save money, Chen Mei's husband bought a batch of mildew corn as feed at a low price. As a result, the corn became the trigger and brought disaster to the family.

The commercial pigs that can be out of the pen in more than ten days developed food poisoning after eating moldy corn. More than 300 pigs died one after another, and the more than 200,000 yuan they were about to get went down the drain.

Chen Daijun: there are several hundred and eighty jin of that kind of pig, soon to become the kind of money, a lot of death, dozens of dozens of deaths a day, anyway, it really looks a little cold.

Chen Mei: for people of our size and this kind of family, if two or three hundred pigs die in a farm, it means bankruptcy.

It never rains but it pours. In July 2007, Chen Mei's mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and needed immediate surgery and chemotherapy. The total cost of operation and chemotherapy was more than 50,000 yuan. Chen Mei has always been in charge of the family's money, the farm has spent all the family's savings, and the mother-in-law's operation fee is a huge sum for the family at the moment.

However, what chills Chen Mei even more is her husband's attitude. At first, the farm was built to keep her husband with him, but now the farm is almost bankrupt, and wave after wave of debt collectors. Chen Mei originally hoped that husband and wife would be of one heart and one mind, but her husband said at this time that he did not care about the farm. He is going to work on an engineering project with his friends.

Chen Mei: it's like the feeling that the sky is about to collapse. I have spent so much effort and money to do something for you to do and give up halfway. You actually said not to do it when you were in a mess. I hated him very much at that time. I didn't understand him, really.

The lake witnessed the darkest day in Chen Mei's life. One day in August 2008, Chen Mei received three phone calls: the hospital urged her to pay her mother-in-law's operation fee, the feed factory urged the bill, and the workers were clamoring for wages, all of which were related to money.