
How does Yu Mei reproduce? Yu Mei's reproduction mode / sowing reproduction has a high survival rate.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yu Mei is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, which is cultivated all over our country. As more and more people cultivate it all over the country, people are more concerned about its reproduction. How does Yu Mei reproduce? What are the breeding methods of Yu Mei? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Yu Mei is a kind of plant with high ornamental value, which is cultivated all over our country. As more and more people cultivate it all over the country, people are more concerned about its reproduction. How does Yu Mei reproduce? What are the breeding methods of Yu Mei? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to reproduce, sow and reproduce

Second, the breeding mode of Yu Mei.

1. Selection of matrix and good drainage

Before we sow Yu Mei, we first need to choose the substrate, which is a step to lay a good foundation, which is very important. Generally speaking, it is best to choose loose and fertile sandy loam as the substrate, which has good drainage and air permeability. It can make the plant better absorb nutrients and is not prone to the phenomenon of stagnant water.

two。 Substrate disinfection, exposure or stir-frying

After we have selected the matrix of Haoyu Beauty, we have to disinfect it so as not to infect the plant with diseases and insect pests. During disinfection, we can break it up and lay it out in the sun, or we can put it in an iron pot. Then turn on the fire to stir-fry, so that even if there are diseases and insect pests, they will be killed because of the high temperature.

3. Seeds are precipitated and soaked in warm water.

Before we sow and breed Yu Mei, there is another pre-treatment that needs to be done, that is, to urge its seeds. When we do so, we can soak the seeds in warm water for about 1-2 days. When we see that the seeds begin to absorb water and expand, we can take them out and plant them, and the germination rate of the accelerated seeds will be higher.

4. Sowing method, covering soil 1cm

Yu Mei's sowing method is relatively simple. First of all, we should apply an appropriate amount of basic fertilizer to the soil, and then sow the seeds evenly on the soil surface. After sowing, we can cover the soil with 1cm or so and then water it. When watering, it is best to eat the pot immersion method, put the flowerpot into the water about 1/2, let the water slowly soak up from the bottom, and then take out the flowerpot after the soil has a certain amount of moisture.

5. Follow-up management, pay attention to daily maintenance

After we have successfully propagated in accordance with the above methods, when it germinates, we will need to take daily care of Yu Mei. There are many things we need to pay attention to during maintenance, such as watering, fertilization and so on. If we do not know how to raise them, we can refer to the article on the breeding methods of Yu Mei, in which there are detailed teaching.

Iceland Yu beauty cultivation, Iceland Yu beauty poisonous, Iceland Yu beauty price, Iceland Yu beauty Iceland Yu beauty Iceland also known as Iceland opium poppy (scientific name: Papaver nudicaule), origin Arctic, and opium poppy family, but the morphological characteristics and chemical composition are different, belong to garden ornamental plants, different from the opium poppy used to extract drugs. Herbs perennial, left stone 30 cm high, caespitose substemless, leaves root, 15 cm long, stipitate, leaf blade pinnatifid or cleft, flowers solitary on leafless scape, white, orange, light red, 7.6 cm in diameter, all hirsute. Distributed in the Arctic region of both hemispheres and in Central Asia and North America. It is cultivated all over China. Planting of Yumei in Iceland

Iceland Yumei is cold-resistant, suitable for sufficient light and cool climate in spring, and not resistant to hot and humid heat. It is usually sown on the flower bed in early winter. The requirement for soil is not strict, but the loose and fertile sandy loam is the best, with a row spacing of 20 cm, covered with plastic film after sowing, or sowed when the surface is thawed in early spring, seedlings emerge two weeks later, and the plastic film is gradually removed when astigmatism is calm. Yumeiren is a taproot flower with slender and deep roots and few lateral roots. in the seedling stage, the root length is often about twice the plant height, so it can not be transplanted. Barely transplant, the survival rate is also very low. When strip sowing seedlings are relatively dense, the seedlings can be divided into two or three times, keeping the plant spacing between 10 to 15 cm. The beauty of Yu does not have high requirements for water and fertilizer, but not flood, fertilizer and stagnant water in the soil.

The common planting method of Yumei in Iceland is sowing, and it is appropriate to sow seeds in the open field. The sowing of Yu Mei in Iceland is usually sown in autumn in early September. When sowing, the distance between spring sowing seedlings and autumn sowing seedlings is about 25 cm and 30 cm, respectively. After sowing, the suitable temperature is 15 ~ 20 degrees Celsius. After a week of sowing, the seedbed needs to be covered with grass to keep the soil moist. When the Icelandic Yumei emerges, the grass can be removed. As the seeds of the Icelandic Yumei will be scattered, the environment can no longer sow after a year of sowing, and countless Icelandic Yumei seedlings will be born in the same place.

Is the beauty of Iceland poisonous?

The beauty of Iceland is not poisonous.

Herbs annual, all extended setae, sparse glabrous. Stem erect, 25-90 cm tall, branched. Leaf blade outline lanceolate or narrowly ovate, pinnatifid, lobes lanceolate. Flowers solitary on top of stems and branches, buds oblong-Obovate, pendulous; sepals 2, broadly elliptic or broadly Obovate; petals 4, orbicular, transversely broadly elliptic or broadly Obovate, 2.5-4.5 cm long, entire, sparsely crenate or apically notched, purplish red, base usually with dark purple spots. Capsule broadly Obovate, 1-2.2 cm long, glabrous, with inconspicuous ribs. Seeds numerous, reniform-oblong, ca. 1 mm. The flowering and fruiting period is from March to August.

Icelandic Yumei price

Iceland Yu Beauty perennials Yu Beauty Seeds four Seasons Flower specials

Species: seeds | Classification: engineering grass flower seeds | Variety: Yu Mei Ren | Category: Chinese herbal medicine, festivals, combinations, fruits, flowers | Application scenarios: greening engineering, home decoration, home gardening, garden nursery production

Category: garden plant seedlings, seeds, bulbs


Icelandic Yumei flower seeds indoor potted plants flower seeds are easy to grow on the balcony

Species: seeds | Classification: flower seeds for home gardening | Variety: Yumei | Category: flower viewing | Application scenarios: balcony vegetable garden, family horticulture, garden nursery production

Category: garden plant seedlings, seeds, bulbs


Iceland Yu Beauty Flower language

Yu beauty's posture is lush and beautiful, curling and dancing because of the wind, like a colorful butterfly spreading its wings, which attracts people's reverie. The beauty of Yu is both simple and elegant and rich and gorgeous, and the two are harmoniously United in one. Its appearance has the rich charm of beauties in Chinese classical art, which can be called a wonderful product in flowers and plants.

The beautiful words of Yu Mei in Iceland: parting from life and death

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How to plant the beauty of Yu

The planting method of Yu Mei

Yu Mei is suitable for planting outdoors, and its use is mostly in the garden. Few of them are planted indoors, and it is estimated that they may need more sunshine. The flowers can bloom for about a week, and the soil will be watered when it is dry. Because it is an annual herbaceous flower, it will wither after flowering and will not grow in the second year, but there will be many seeds in its fruit. The fruit is similar to the fruit of the poppy. The seeds are hidden in the bulbs.

If you want to see the sun indoors, the flowering period of each flower is not long, about 10 days, the pot soil should be watered in time, and the watering should be watered once and for all. You can harvest after the seeds are ripe and plant in autumn, but the straight root system of Yu Mei is not resistant to transplantation. after sowing, it is easy to grow seedlings.

Yu Mei is native to Asia and Europe, and is also distributed in North America. Cold-resistant, Yu Mei is suitable for sufficient light and cool climate in spring, and is not resistant to hot and humid heat. It is usually sown on the flower bed in early winter. The planting of Yu Mei is not strict on the soil, but the loose and fertile sandy loam is the best, with a row spacing of 20 cm, covered with plastic film after sowing, or sown when the surface is just thawed in early spring, and gradually remove the plastic film after emergence. Yumeiren is a taproot flower with slender and deep roots and few lateral roots. in the seedling stage, the root length is often about twice the plant height, so it can not be transplanted. Barely transplant, the survival rate is also very low. When strip sowing seedlings are relatively dense, the seedlings can be divided into two or three times, keeping the plant spacing between 10 to 15 cm. The beauty of Yu does not have high requirements for water and fertilizer, but she avoids heavy water, big fertilizer and stagnant soil.

How to plant the beauty of Yu

Reproduction: sowing and reproduction. 9Murray-sowed in a pre-arranged seedbed in October, the optimum temperature for germination is 20C, because the seeds are very small, the soil of the seedling bed must be fine, do not cover the soil after sowing, keep the grass moist, and remove the cover after emergence.

Management: after seedling emergence, the row spacing of the planting plant is about 30 cm. When it grows to 5 murmur6 leaves, pour water through it on a cloudy day, and then transplant it. Do not hurt the root when moving, and take the soil with it. When planting, the soil will be pressed purple. You don't have to water too much at ordinary times, just keep it moist. During the growing period, 5 times the amount of water was applied to mature urine every 3 weeks. Non-seed plants should cut off the withered flowers in time during flowering to make the rest of the flowers bloom better. The ripening period of the capsule is not consistent, so it is necessary to harvest the seeds in batches.

When will the beauty of Yu plant

The seeds are sown in the pre-prepared seedbed from September to October every year, and the germination temperature is about 20 degrees. Because the seeds of Yu Mei are very small, they do not have to cover the soil and keep them moist after sowing.