
Greece Learn more about Greece

  • Is the olive flower the national flower of Greece? What is fancy language?

    Is the olive flower the national flower of Greece? What is fancy language?

    Olive flowers, also known as white olives and mountain olives, are flowers of the same family as sweet-scented osmanthus and cloves. Their leaves are very green and covered with white scales. They are very dazzling and good-looking in the sun. When the olive tree blossoms, there is a fragrance, the Buddha noodles with the wind, refreshing.

    2020-11-08 Olives flowers yes Greece national flower Mo flower language what is it?
  • What grape varieties are grown in the Macedonian (Macedonia) region of Greece?

    What grape varieties are grown in the Macedonian (Macedonia) region of Greece?

    What grape varieties are grown in the Macedonian (Macedonia) region of Greece?

  • Panic subsided and soybean meal resumed its rising trend.

    Panic subsided and soybean meal resumed its rising trend.

    Dalian soybean meal futures fell sharply on Wednesday and Thursday, affected by the Greek sovereign debt crisis and a sharp fall in the Chinese stock market. However, with the reduction of the risk of Brexit and the stabilization and rebound of the Chinese stock market, the panic in the commodity market eased temporarily, and Dalian soybean meal futures recovered.

    2016-01-10 Panic mood fading soybean meal recovery rally acceptance Greece sovereignty
  • Pearl culture method

    Pearl culture method

    China is the first country in the world to collect and use pearls. In addition, the ancient pearl-producing countries include ancient Egypt, Persian Kingdom, ancient Greece and ancient India. So what is the method of pearl culture? Pearl culture method 1. Types of waters for pearl culture

    2020-11-11 Pearl culture method I Guoshi the first in the world collecting and
  • What do carnations stand for?

    What do carnations stand for?

    What do carnations stand for?

  • When is Mother's Day?

    When is Mother's Day?

    When is Mother's Day?

  • How many feet does an octopus have?

    How many feet does an octopus have?

    How many feet does an octopus have?

  • Storage Technology of Garlic

    Storage Technology of Garlic

    Garlic alias garlic, Hu garlic, lily family Allium to form a bulbous scale buds in the cultivation of species. Garlic is native to southern Europe and Central Asia. It was first cultivated in Mediterranean coastal countries such as ancient Egypt, ancient Rome and ancient Greece. It was only used for medicinal purposes at that time. It was introduced into Guanzhong area of Shaanxi Province from the Western Regions by Zhang Qian in 113 BC. Later, it spread all over the country. It spread to Japan in the 9th century. It expanded to Africa and South America in the early 16th century. It began to be cultivated in North America in the late 18th century. Now it has spread all over the world. Garlic has high nutritional value, unique flavor, sticky and spicy

  • Symbolism of the olive branch

    Symbolism of the olive branch

    Symbolism of the olive branch

  • What is the flower language of carnations?

    What is the flower language of carnations?

    What is the flower language of carnations?

  • The flowers of carnations are pleasing to the eye and make them more beautiful.

    The flowers of carnations are pleasing to the eye and make them more beautiful.

    The flowers of carnations are pleasing to the eye and make them more beautiful.

  • The planting method and management of lettuce, when to plant lettuce, what are the best diseases and insect pests?

    The planting method and management of lettuce, when to plant lettuce, what are the best diseases and insect pests?

    Do you like lettuce? Lettuce is one of the oldest known edible plants and is believed to have originated in India and Central Asia. Herodotus wrote about the supply of lettuce in ancient Greece, which was the most popular vegetable in ancient Rome. How do you grow lettuce? In order to maximize

    2019-04-17 Lettuce planting method and management when best you
  • How to cultivate carnations full of love and charm

    How to cultivate carnations full of love and charm

    How to cultivate carnations full of love and charm

  • Key points of annual production technology of anise

    Key points of annual production technology of anise

    Anise is an annual herb of Umbelliferae and anise. Originated in Eurasia, mainly in Greece and Egypt. Seeds can be used as food seasoning and medicine, and seedlings can be used as green vegetables or salad side dishes. The main results are as follows: (1) the botanical characteristic plant is high 35~40cm, the plant shape is slender, the whole plant has a very fresh aromatic smell, and the taproot is spindle-shaped. The stem is thick, cylindrical, with shallow grooves on it, branched on the upper part of the stem, nearly rounded to reniform in the lower part of the stem, with blunt notches, long petioles, and the upper leaves of the stem are cleft, almost

  • Apricot (apricot)

    Apricot (apricot)

    Plum genus of Rosaceae, perennial deciduous fruit trees, trees or shrubs, also known as common apricot. Scientific name PrunusarmeniacaL. Apricot is native to China. Apricot was cultivated 2600 years ago. The "Silk Road" spread to Iran, Armenia, Greece, Rome and other countries along the Mediterranean in the 2nd century BC, to Japan in the 10th century, and to Europe and America after the 18th century. In 1988, the world's total output of apricot was 2.112 million tons, mainly in Asia. The cultivation of apricot in China is most concentrated in the provinces of the Yellow River basin. Tree height 6

  • What is the flower language of carnations? what are the flower words of carnations?

    What is the flower language of carnations? what are the flower words of carnations?

    What is the flower language of carnations? what are the flower words of carnations?

  • Culture method of hydroponic cyclamen

    Culture method of hydroponic cyclamen

    Culture method of hydroponic cyclamen

  • Carnations are not the only flowers for mothers.

    Carnations are not the only flowers for mothers.

    The tradition of Mother's Day originated in Greece. The "mother" that people saluted and celebrated at that time was Zeus and Poseidon. The mother of the Greek gods expressed the awe and worship of the goddess. Modern Mother's Day comes from beauty.

  • Cross breeding of Carnation

    Cross breeding of Carnation

    Carnation (Dianthuscaryophyllus), also known as carnation (Carnation), belongs to the genus Carnation of Carnation family. The flower color is delicate and beautiful, and the flowering period of a single flower is longer, so it is an important cut flower plant in contemporary times. Carnation originated in southern Europe, the northern shore of the Mediterranean, France to Greece, now widely cultivated all over the world, mainly in Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Israel, Colombia, the United States and so on. With the commercial production of carnation, there are many companies specializing in breeding and breeding.

  • Legislator Fei Hongtai's commonweal speech on Hong Junpei Culture and Education Foundation

    Legislator Fei Hongtai's commonweal speech on Hong Junpei Culture and Education Foundation

    (Taiwan Business Daily News) Greece, Spain and other European debt countries are caught in a political and economic storm due to the financial crisis and need to be rescued by the European Union. Taiwan's financial crisis is emerging rapidly, and the problem is as serious as that of European debt countries, and there is no international rescue mechanism to rely on.
