
Gaza Learn more about Gaza

  • FAO: the Gaza conflict seriously damages agriculture and affects people's livelihoods

    FAO: the Gaza conflict seriously damages agriculture and affects people's livelihoods, Aug. 15-according to a report on the United Nations website, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned on August 14 that the conflict in the Gaza Strip has not only brought direct losses to local agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery production, but will also have a long-term impact on the livelihood of the people of Gaza. Food and Agriculture Organization

    2016-03-20 FAO Gaza conflict serious damage agriculture impact
  • What is the effect of basic culture materials on the yield of Gastrodia elata

    What is the effect of basic culture materials on the yield of Gastrodia elata

    At present, the basic culture materials used in the cultivation of Gastrodia elata are different. In Hanzhong area of Shaanxi Province, river sand is used as the basic culture material, and humus soil is often used as the basic culture material in Tonghua area of Jilin Province. Others use broad-leaved sawdust Gaza or rice husk Gaza as the basic culture material. The biggest advantage of sand culture material is good water permeability, but contains very little nutrients; choose semi-rotten deciduous humic soil as culture material is better, but can not be mixed into the bottom black soil. Production practice has proved that sawdust Gaza, rice husk Gaza, semi-rot

  • Culture techniques of mackerel

    Culture techniques of mackerel

    Culture techniques of mackerel

  • How to sow Gastrodia elata seeds with bacterial solution

    How to sow Gastrodia elata seeds with bacterial solution

    (1) prepare the bacterial bed and begin to prepare the bacterial bed in April. Because of the low temperature in Northeast China, Gastrodia elata planted outdoors in winter is easy to suffer frost damage, so wooden boxes are used to grow Gastrodia elata, and wooden boxes are used as bacterial beds. Put a layer of basic culture material at the bottom of the wooden box, then put 5 high-quality bacterial sticks, fill the blanks with humus soil or sawdust Gaza (3:1), cover them with 18 cm thick, semi-rotten branches and leaves, water and keep warm, wait for the seeds to be collected, and sow the seeds. (2) the liquid Armillaria mellea strains with good culture materials were obtained by sowing method and diluted slightly with aseptic water. Will be just

  • The culture method of hanging bell flower

    The culture method of hanging bell flower

    The soil requires that the substrate of potted bell flower should be cultivated with fertile, loose and well-drained soil. generally, rotten leaf soil and Gaza loam soil can be evenly mixed with rotten organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and there is no need to apply base fertilizer to avoid rotting roots. The clayey and heavily consolidated soil is disadvantageous to the growth of the bell flower, let alone the seedlings that have just survived cuttage.

  • How to raise upside-down Admiralty Culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise upside-down Admiralty Culture methods and matters needing attention

    The flower shape of the inverted Admiralty is strange and very interesting, especially when other flowers bloom positively upward, but on the contrary, the flowers droop and look like small lanterns, capturing the hearts of many people. They all want to plant a pot at home.

    2020-11-08 Hang upside down Admiralty how to raise breed method and matters needing attention
  • Milanese flower cultivation method

    Milanese flower cultivation method

    Milanese flower cultivation method

  • Culture methods of evergreen in Guangdong

    Culture methods of evergreen in Guangdong

    Soil: generally use rotten leaf soil Gaza mixed soil on the basin, the south can be potted or open field cultivation, the north needs to be cultivated in the greenhouse. The requirements of the soil are not strict, but they are afraid of stagnant water, soil or potted plants avoid hard clay and alkaline soil for thousands of years. Humidity: Guangdong evergreen likes humid climate

  • The latest culture method of Milan flower

    The latest culture method of Milan flower

    Rice orchid is a kind of evergreen shrub, small tree, alias Magnolia, rice orchid, tree orchid, fish orchid and so on. Milan flower is native to Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces of China, and is also distributed in Southeast Asia. It is a common fragrant ornamental.

    2020-11-10 The latest Milan flower breeding method rice orchid is a kind of
  • Conservation guide for evergreen to keep evergreen all the year round

    Conservation guide for evergreen to keep evergreen all the year round

    There are many varieties of evergreen, and the so-called "evergreen" is their general name. At present, the common varieties of evergreen on the market include: Elaeagnus angustifolia, Marian evergreen, Tiger Eye evergreen, Daifen Ye evergreen, zebra evergreen.

  • What should be used to grow orchids in the north?

    What should be used to grow orchids in the north?

    What should be used to grow orchids in the north?

  • How to plant seeds of Huanghua pear

    How to plant seeds of Huanghua pear

    First of all, select the sandy land with good water permeability and strong air permeability, and the soil is neutral or weak acid and weak alkaline, so it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer. Then, soak the seeds in clean water for more than 12 hours, sow them evenly or on demand in the soil, and cover the sand around 1cm after sowing.

    2020-11-09 Huanghua pear seed how species first of all selection water permeability good sex
  • Treatment of diseased fish

    Treatment of diseased fish

    If it is found that tropical ornamental fish have loss of appetite, lack of spirit in swimming, abnormal body color, white membrane and other abnormal conditions are all signs of illness! When suspected ornamental fish are found, they should be fished out of the aquarium as soon as possible and put in an aquarium for isolation and treatment to prevent the spread of the disease. At this time, we should pay attention to: 1. when fishing for fish, the action should be light (to avoid the spread of fish germs caused by fear and struggle, to avoid injury to the fish); 2. when isolating, be sure to use the original water (putting the diseased fish into the new water will reduce the resistance of the diseased fish)!

  • How to raise violets? how to cultivate violets?

    How to raise violets? how to cultivate violets?

    How to raise violets? how to cultivate violets?

  • Raise a pot of this flower to blossom 1-2 times a summer.

    Raise a pot of this flower to blossom 1-2 times a summer.

    Milan, evergreen all the year round, blossoms in summer and autumn, blossoms, golden strings, fragrant, refreshing, deeply loved by people. Maintain Milan, not only blossom jasmine, a summer, can blossom 1-2 times. So, how to raise rice well.

  • Matters needing attention in Family Culture of African Violet

    Matters needing attention in Family Culture of African Violet

    Notes for family farming of African violets African violets: also known as African pansy, are perennial herbs. Like enough scattered light to thrive and blossom. The Violet pot soil should not be too dry or too wet, and should not be watered on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will be macular or rotten.

  • Planting techniques of western green fruit

    Planting techniques of western green fruit

    Planting techniques of western green fruit

  • The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of evergreen

    The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of evergreen

    Many people like to decorate a pot of evergreen in the living room, study and other places at home. Evergreen is a relatively elegant indoor foliage plant. Its leaves are green, elegant and beautiful. So how to plant a pot of evergreen? Next

  • Pot planting method of Orchid in Family

    Pot planting method of Orchid in Family

    Pot planting method of Orchid in Family

  • The plant morphology of hanging gold hook upside down the culture method of hanging gold hook upside down

    The plant morphology of hanging gold hook upside down the culture method of hanging gold hook upside down

    The plant morphology of hanging gold hook upside down the culture method of hanging gold hook upside down
