
The plant morphology of hanging gold hook upside down the culture method of hanging gold hook upside down

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The plant morphology of hanging gold hook upside down the culture method of hanging gold hook upside down

Upside-down gold hook is a kind of plant, many people wonder whether the upside-down gold hook is long, let's learn more about the plant form of upside-down gold hook and the culture method of upside-down gold hook.

The plant morphology of hanging gold hook upside down

Large vines; young branches square columnar or 4-angled, glabrous. Leaves thinly papery, long elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 9-12 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, grayish brown below, apex mucronate to acuminate, base obtuse to subcordate, both surfaces glabrous, purplish red above when dry; lateral veins 5-8 pairs, vein axils sunken with mucous hairs; petiole 3-5 mm long, glabrous. Stipules ovate, deeply 2-lobed to full-length 1-beat 3 to 1-2, outside glabrous, inner base with mucinous hairs, lobes narrowly ovate. Head excluding Corolla ca. 15 mm in diam., solitary leaf axils, total pedicel axillary, 4-7 cm long; bracteoles linear to linear-spatulate. Infructescences 20-35 mm in diam.; capsule 9-12 mm long, pubescent, persistent calyx lobes spatulate, 2.5 mm long, stellate radiate. The flowering and fruiting period is from June to December.

The effect of hanging gold hook upside down

[source] Rubiaceae hangs the golden hook upside down and uses the hooked vine as medicine.

[nature] Gan, slightly cold.

[efficacy] clearing heat and calming the liver, promoting blood circulation and dredging menstruation.

[indications] for headache, dizziness, cold shock, convulsion, pregnancy eclampsia; hypertension.

[usage and dosage] just the right amount.

[taboo attention] use the right amount of medicine.

The culture method of hanging gold hook upside down

1. Soil: inverted Jinzhong prefers slightly acidic soil with loose air permeability, fertility and good drainage.

2, temperature: hanging upside down Jinzhong likes cool, afraid of high temperature environment. It is necessary to cool down in summer and keep warm in winter. Generally, the best growth temperature is 15-25 ℃. In addition, we should pay attention to good ventilation conditions.

3. Moisture: hanging Admiralty upside down prefers a warm and humid environment, following the principle of watering dry and watering thoroughly, but avoid stagnant water in the basin. In summer, it is better to be too dry, and at the same time, pay attention to increase the air humidity, you can spray water to the leaves.

4. Fertilization: follow the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, in general, the frequency of once every 10 days, the frequency of once a month during flowering, and the high temperature season should stop fertilization.

5. change the basin and turn the basin: under normal circumstances, the basin needs to be turned once every spring or autumn before sprouting. Generally, rotten leaf soil, Gaza loam soil and rotten organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer can be evenly mixed. Do not apply base fertilizer, so as not to cause rotten roots.

6. placement: the upside-down Admiralty has a strong phototaxis, it is necessary to turn the basin frequently to maintain a uniform appearance, but do not move it during flowering, so as not to cause buds and flowers to fall.

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