
Changbai Learn more about Changbai

  • The law of carbon sequestration of aged Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain was revealed.

    The law of carbon sequestration of aged Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain was revealed.

    On December 23, the project "study on carbon sequestration function of aged broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain", which was conducted by the National Field Scientific observation and Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest ecosystem in Jilin Province, passed the expert review organized by Changchun Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences in Changchun. Experts believe that the integration of a variety of methods in the project, component flux change and process mechanism research has reached the international advanced level. As the main body of terrestrial ecosystem, the process and mechanism of forest carbon cycle play an important role in understanding the function of forest carbon sequestration and its impact and response to global climate change.

  • Where is the main producing area of ginseng?

    Where is the main producing area of ginseng?

    Ginseng is a kind of valuable traditional Chinese medicine, which has been known as the king of all herbs since ancient times, and it is also one of the famous three treasures in Northeast China. So, where is the main origin of ginseng? Where is the main origin of ginseng? Ginseng is mainly produced in three provinces in northeast China.

    2020-11-09 Ginseng of main origin where ginseng yes a name
  • Does Gastrodia elata in Changbai Mountain of Jilin Province suffer frost damage in the snow year? How to prevent frost damage

    Does Gastrodia elata in Changbai Mountain of Jilin Province suffer frost damage in the snow year? How to prevent frost damage

    The wild Gastrodia elata in Changbai Mountain of Jilin Province is mainly distributed in the alpine broad-leaved mixed forest with cool and humid summer, deep snow in winter, large ground coverage, thick litter layer, shallow frozen layer, 500-2500m above sea level and loose soil. Wild Gastrodia elata has less snow and thick frozen layer in winter, and artificial cultivation of Gastrodia elata has freezing injury at the time of cold prevention measures. The ground was sealed by heavy snow in 1981 and 1982, and the snow was 80 cm thick in winter. The snow was broken and found that the ground permafrost was only 3 cm, so wild Gastrodia elata and home planting

  • Are you still drinking honey? Don't blame me for being late. Tell your family quickly.

    Are you still drinking honey? Don't blame me for being late. Tell your family quickly.

    Her name is Park Weihua, who has lived at the foot of Changbai Mountain since childhood and returned to her hometown for beekeeping after graduating from university. Now everyone calls her "Bee Flower" to play a warm reminder: Weihua will update her knowledge about local honey in the circle of friends every day.

  • Changbai 9 (Rice)

    Changbai 9 (Rice)

    Breeding unit: Rice Institute of Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Approval: it was approved by Jilin Provincial crop Variety approval Committee in 1994 and by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1995. Variety registration number: GS01009-1994. Variety source: Jijing 60 / Northeast 125. Characteristics: mid-early maturing japonica rice varieties. The plant height is about 95 cm, the plant type is compact, the tillering ability is medium, the leaf is lifted up, the leaf sheath, leaf margin and leaf pillow are all green, 90 per panicle.

  • How many kinds of ginseng are there? how much is the price of ginseng per jin in 2019?

    How many kinds of ginseng are there? how much is the price of ginseng per jin in 2019?

    Ginseng is because its nutritional efficacy is widely known, but also a very precious traditional Chinese medicine, there are many kinds of ginseng, can replenish qi, but also can delay aging. So, how many kinds of ginseng are there? how much is the price of ginseng per jin in 2019? 1. How many kinds of ginseng are there? 1. By growth

    2020-11-09 Ginseng species category how much 2019 ginseng price more less money
  • Distribution of Origin of Ginseng

    Distribution of Origin of Ginseng

    Distribution of Origin of Ginseng

  • Distribution of the latest ginseng

    Distribution of the latest ginseng

    Ginseng is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Ginseng of Araliaceae. It is also known as yellow ginseng, goblin, god grass, king of herbs, etc. It is produced in Northeast China, Korea, Korea, Japan, eastern Russia and other places. It likes cool and humid environment. Let's take a look at ginseng together.

    2020-11-10 latest ginseng origin distribution for araliaceae genus
  • Jiudao 44

    Jiudao 44

    1. Selection and breeding unit: Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences II. Variety source: it was bred by pedigree method with Ji 93D22 as female parent and Jiudao 16 as male parent in 1995. The original code is Jiudao 101. 3. Characteristics: 1. Plant characters: plant height 100 cm, compact plant type, erect leaves, strong tillering ability, about 22 effective ears per hole; 2. Panicle characters: ear length 17.8 cm, scattered spike shape, 220 grains per main ear, average 120 grains per spike.

  • Large seedlings of Pinus koraiensis to build Mother Forest

    Large seedlings of Pinus koraiensis to build Mother Forest

    Korean pine, Pinus, Pinus, evergreen coniferous trees. It is mainly distributed in Xiaoxing'an Mountains and Changbai Mountain in China. Pinus koraiensis forest is the top community in this area, which plays an important social, ecological and economic role. In the early days of the founding of New China, in order to meet the needs of economic construction, excessive cutting of Korean pine trees was carried out, resulting in a large reduction of Korean pine trees. at present, there are only about 5 million mature Korean pine trees. Therefore, the massive, rapid and high quality construction of Pinus koraiensis mother forest is important for the restoration and development of the top community of Pinus koraiensis forest in Xiaoxinganling and Changbai Mountains.

  • How much is Linden honey per jin?

    How much is Linden honey per jin?

    Linden is a precious key protected plant in China, widely distributed in the Changbai Mountains, and is the most important and high-quality wild honey plant in Changbai Mountain. Linden honey is as famous as litchi honey in the south, which is called "the two famous honey of the north and the south". Here, let's take a look.

    2020-11-08 Linden honey less money one jin yes China Jane expensive
  • Planting time of blueberry seedlings

    Planting time of blueberry seedlings

    Planting time of blueberry seedlings

  • Cultivation techniques of Green Organic Lentinus edodes in Changbai Mountain

    Cultivation techniques of Green Organic Lentinus edodes in Changbai Mountain

    Edible mushroom industry is a very important development project, it is one of the three major industries of modern agricultural production (that is, planting, aquaculture and edible fungus industry). It is a green food for human survival and has great development potential. Baishan City has dense forests, abundant rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night, which is very suitable for the growth and reproduction of edible medicinal fungi dominated by Lentinus edodes. Through the establishment of a green (organic) shiitake production demonstration base, the industrial structure of forestry and agriculture can be further adjusted to make some forestry workers and

  • The latest planting time of blueberry seedlings

    The latest planting time of blueberry seedlings

    Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, and so on, is a small berry tree of blueberry, a perennial shrub of Azaleaceae. It is called blueberry because its fruit is blue. The fruit is rich in nutrients, which can prevent brain nerve aging, protect eyesight, strengthen heart and fight cancer.

    2020-11-10 The latest blueberry seedling planting time also known as blueberry
  • Several species of sika deer that are easy to raise

    Several species of sika deer that are easy to raise

    Several species of sika deer that are easy to raise

  • Cold chain construction "mountain goods" change into "mountain treasure"

    Cold chain construction

    Cold chain construction "mountain goods" change into "mountain treasure"

  • What is the latest Wula grass?

    What is the latest Wula grass?

    Wula grass, also known as Cyperaceae, is a perennial herb of the genus Cyperaceae. It grows in forest swamps or meadow swamps in Sanjiang Plain, China, and can still grow at an altitude of 3460 meters. It is mainly distributed in the Changbai Mountains in northeast China and to the south of Waixing'an Mountains.

    2020-11-10 The latest Wula grass what is it also known as Yula for
  • Where does the secret of artificial cultivation of ginseng come from? Is ginseng planted from the Qing Dynasty or after the reform?

    Where does the secret of artificial cultivation of ginseng come from? Is ginseng planted from the Qing Dynasty or after the reform?

    Where does the secret of artificial cultivation of ginseng come from? Is ginseng planted from the Qing Dynasty or after the reform?

  • From a poor household to raising cattle to get rich, he seized two opportunities.

    From a poor household to raising cattle to get rich, he seized two opportunities.

    From a poor household to raising cattle to get rich, he seized two opportunities.

  • Prevent the onion from being white and short and empty

    Prevent the onion from being white and short and empty

    In the production process, the green onions are short, thin and empty due to a variety of factors, thus reducing the yield and quality of green onions. The main results are as follows: first, the reasons for the short and thin hollowness of green onions 1. The variety types of green onions are divided into two types: long white and short white. The length of green onions is related to the variety, so long white varieties should be used in production. 2. the soil selected by soil quality and cultivation conditions is clayey, shallow and not fine; during the growth period, it is not timely to cultivate the soil, and the soil under the root is hardened; shallow planting, small row spacing, insufficient base fertilizer, topdressing fertilizer
