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  • The latest variety classification of violets

    The latest variety classification of violets

    There are many varieties of violets in horticulture, which can be divided into high, medium and short according to height, winter violets, spring violets and summer violets according to flowering period, and petal and double petals. The main cultivated varieties are white Ida and yellowish Carmen.

    2020-11-10 Latest Violet varieties Classification Horticulture
  • The natural enemies of caimans

    The natural enemies of caimans

    Caimans are small and medium-sized crocodiles and amphibious carnivores. Lives mainly on the edges of rivers and other waters. What are the natural enemies of caimans? Let's take a look at it together. First, the caiman's natural enemy caiman has different enemies in different periods. Egg

    2020-11-08 Carmen alligator of natural enemies crocodile yes belong to small and medium-sized
  • Cultivation and Management of cut Violet

    Cultivation and Management of cut Violet

    Violet MatthiolaincanaR.Br, also known as Violet, Osmanthus fragrans, Cruciferae Violet, is a perennial or 2012 plant. Violets are native to the Mediterranean coast and have been found in ancient Greece. Red, purple and white flowers were found in 1542, and double varieties were first recorded in 1568. The repetal rate of varieties bred before 1900 is more than 50%. Very effective variety improvement has been done since the 20th century. Some cut flower varieties have flower stems as high as 80.

  • Violet culture method: how to cultivate violets? The living environment of violets

    Violet culture method: how to cultivate violets? The living environment of violets

    How to cultivate violets: variety selection: the main cultivated varieties are Ida (flower white), Carmen (light yellow flower), Francis silk (flower red), Abera (flower purple), Incana (light purple flower). Plant selection: there is no damage to the root system, and with soil blocks of strong seedlings. If it's a single flower,

  • Classification of Violet varieties

    Classification of Violet varieties

    Classification of Violet varieties

  • Distribution of producing areas of violets

    Distribution of producing areas of violets

    Distribution of producing areas of violets

  • The distribution of the latest violets

    The distribution of the latest violets

    Violet originated in southern Europe, is very popular and popular in Europe and the United States, flowers have a faint fragrance, Europeans use it to make perfume, favored by ladies. There was also a custom in southern Germany in the Middle Ages to hang the first bunch of violets collected each year.

    2020-11-10 Latest Violet Origin Distribution Europe
  • Violet. Maybe you didn't know it had a nickname.

    Violet. Maybe you didn't know it had a nickname.

    Violet originated in the Mediterranean coast, widely cultivated in southern China, purple flowers, but also light red, yellow or white, fragrant, slender fruit, for viewing, violet long-lasting water, or important cut flowers.

  • Introduction to the growth habits and culture methods of bird's nest fern, a shade-loving plant

    Introduction to the growth habits and culture methods of bird's nest fern, a shade-loving plant

    The bird's nest fern, also known as nest fern, mountain perennial fern, crown fern, etc., is a perennial shady herbaceous foliage plant of the family Pteridaceae. It is of high ornamental value and is suspended indoors with a tropical flavor. It is planted under tropical garden trees or on rockery rocks. Potted small plants are used to decorate bright living rooms, conference rooms, studies and bedrooms.

  • Breeding methods and matters needing attention of bird nest fern

    Breeding methods and matters needing attention of bird nest fern

    Bird's nest fern growth habits bird's nest ferns often grow on tree trunks or rocks in rainforests or seasonal rain forests, like high temperature and humidity, but are not resistant to bright light. 1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for its growth is 16 ℃ to 27 ℃, of which 22 ℃ to 27 ℃ from March to October

  • Culture and Management Technology of Zibian Jasper

    Culture and Management Technology of Zibian Jasper

    Purple jade alias pepper grass, from the botanical classification point of view, it belongs to the genus Piperaceae, is a perennial herb species. Native to the West Indies of the Western Hemisphere and northern South America. Born in a warm and humid semi-overcast environment. The most suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃

  • Can African jasmine be hydroponically cultured? what are the effects of fengshui?

    Can African jasmine be hydroponically cultured? what are the effects of fengshui?

    African jasmine, this is also a kind of plant, is a lot of people like, super good-looking, so this African jasmine can be hydroponic? What are the effects of fengshui: can African jasmine be hydroponically cultured?

  • How to raise purple jasmine, the breeding method and matters needing attention / temperature are the key.

    How to raise purple jasmine, the breeding method and matters needing attention / temperature are the key.

    It is well known that purple jasmine has many effects and functions, such as its seeds can dispel acne and beauty, roots can clear heat and detoxification, and so on, and if you want to play these roles, you must let purple jasmine grow healthily, so how to raise purple jasmine? Let's take a look at the culture methods and matters needing attention of Mirabilis.

  • Application of sulfur in Flower Culture

    Application of sulfur in Flower Culture

    We all know that sulfur has the effect of inhibiting bacteria, and if used in human wounds, it can also promote the production of new calli. Do flower friends know that sulfur can actually be used in flower wounds?
