
Violet. Maybe you didn't know it had a nickname.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Violet originated in the Mediterranean coast, widely cultivated in southern China, purple flowers, but also light red, yellow or white, fragrant, slender fruit, for viewing, violet long-lasting water, or important cut flowers.

Another name for Violet

Violet, also known as sweet-scented osmanthus, Sitaoke, grass violet, is the general name of all kinds of plants belonging to Cruciferae and Violet.

Morphological characteristics of Violet

Violet is a biennial or perennial herbaceous flower. It is usually sown in the autumn of the first year and blossoms in the spring of the following year. The plant height is 30~60cm, the whole plant is covered with gray stellate pilose, the stem is erect, and the base is slightly lignified. Leaves broad, long elliptic or oblanceolate, apex obtuse. Racemes terminal and axillary, pedicels stout, flowers with purplish red, light red, yellowish, white and other colors, single flowers can seed, double flowers do not seed, fruit is siliques cylindrical, seeds winged. The flowering period is from December to April and the fruit ripening period is from June to July.

The living habits of Violet

Violet likes cold climate and avoids hot and dry weather. Like a well-ventilated environment, mild climate in winter, but can also withstand a short low temperature of-5 ℃. The suitable temperature for flower bud differentiation is 15 ℃, which is not strict to the soil, but grows well in the soil with good drainage and neutral alkali, and avoids acidic soil. Violet is resistant to cold and shade, afraid of waterlogging, and is suitable for being born in an environment with high position, exposure to sunlight, ventilation and drainage. Avoid muggy heat, it is easy to be harmed by diseases and insects when it is hot and moldy and poorly ventilated. Require fertile, moist and deep loam; like adequate sunshine, but also slightly resistant to semi-shade; fertilization should not be too much, otherwise it is disadvantageous to flowering; if the light and ventilation are not adequate, it is easy to suffer from diseases and insect pests.

A variety of violets

There are many varieties of violets in horticulture, including single and double strains. The double strain has high ornamental value, the single strain can seed, but the double strain can not. In general, plants sown with flat seeds can usually produce a large number of double flowers, while full and full seeds, most plants produce single flowers.

The main cultivated varieties of violets are white "Aida", yellowish "Carmen", red "Francesco", purple "Abera" and lavender "Incana" and so on. There are high, medium and short according to plant height, summer violets, autumn violets and winter violets according to different flowering stages, and annual and biennial types according to different cultivation habits.

Violet language

Violet (blue)-vigilance, loyalty, I will always be loyal

Violet (white)-Let's seize the chance of happiness

Violet (purple)-falling in love with you in my dreams, you are always so beautiful to me