
Belgium Learn more about Belgium

  • Is Yu Mei the national flower of Belgium? Attached planting time and method

    Is Yu Mei the national flower of Belgium? Attached planting time and method

    Yu Mei is a kind of ornamental flower of poppy family, also known as Cichun flower, Sai peony, Manyuan spring, Artemisia annua, Artemisia mandshurica, Artemisia mandshurica, Yumei grass, originated in Europe. The flowers of Yu Mei are gorgeous, the appearance is very hot, and the flowering period is relatively long, so it is suitable for planting in the yard or outdoors.

    2020-11-08 Yu beauty yes Belgium national flower Mo attached planting time
  • From Belgium to Taiwan, I went to my dream vegetable market for the first time.

    From Belgium to Taiwan, I went to my dream vegetable market for the first time.

    From Belgium to Taiwan, I went to my dream vegetable market for the first time.

  • Is Yu Mei the national flower of Belgium? Attached planting time and method

    Is Yu Mei the national flower of Belgium? Attached planting time and method

    Yu Mei is a kind of ornamental flower of poppy family, also known as Cichun flower, Sai peony, Manyuan spring, Artemisia annua, Artemisia mandshurica, Artemisia mandshurica, Yumei grass, originated in Europe. The flowers of Yu Mei are gorgeous, the appearance is very hot, and the flowering period is relatively long, so it is suitable for planting in the yard or outdoors.

    2020-11-08 Yu beauty yes Belgium national flower Mo attached planting time
  • Belgium on-site │ agricultural department and environmental groups eat tofu and soybeans to break out the smell of gunpowder smoke

    Belgium on-site │ agricultural department and environmental groups eat tofu and soybeans to break out the smell of gunpowder smoke

    Belgium on-site │ agricultural department and environmental groups eat tofu and soybeans to break out the smell of gunpowder smoke

  • Control of rhododendron disease in Belgium

    Control of rhododendron disease in Belgium

    The physiological pathological changes in the prevention and control of common diseases of Belgian rhododendron are mainly caused by the difference of water quality between production and marketing places, the uncomfortable temperature on the way of circulation or the lack of time in the family. The main treatment method is to adjust the light, pH and temperature of irrigation water according to the physiological habits of Belgian rhododendron. The common diseases in pathology are as follows: Botrytis cinerea is treated by thinning seedlings, reducing humidity and heat preservation as the fundamental measures. Drug treatment can be treated with prohydantoin (1500-fold solution), mancozeb (500x solution), Sukeling (15.

  • Cultivation and Management of Rhododendron in Belgium

    Cultivation and Management of Rhododendron in Belgium

    Belgian rhododendron, also known as western rhododendron. It has a large number of flowers, long flowering period and fast growth. It is a kind of precious flower introduced from Holland and Belgium in recent years. Belongs to the rhododendron family, evergreen shrub. 1. Flower habits: Belgian rhododendron is an acidic flower with well-developed and small fibrous roots. when planting, it is appropriate to choose loose and permeable soil, and humus soil under the forest is the best. Like the environmental conditions of high temperature and humidity when growing. Second, cutting propagation: Belgian rhododendron has a long growing period and can be cut all the year round.

  • Cultivation of rhododendron in Belgium

    Cultivation of rhododendron in Belgium

    It is suitable to choose acid soil for cultivation, and it can be used after composting with garden soil, rotten leaf soil, mud or bran cake. it is better to collect mountain mud containing more humus in the gully of forest area. The planting time is better in winter and spring, and seedlings bought from the market or mailed can be put on the pot directly in early spring. First put tiles on the bottom of the basin (plastic gauze net can also be), add potted soil to plant seedlings, should not be too deep, cover 1 cm-2 cm thick soil above the root, immediately pour water after planting, you can keep it in the shade. Because the Belgian rhododendron is not very tolerant.

  • The agricultural sector and environmental groups eat each other tofu and soybeans to break out the smell of gunpowder and smoke.

    The agricultural sector and environmental groups eat each other tofu and soybeans to break out the smell of gunpowder and smoke.

    The agricultural sector and environmental groups eat each other tofu and soybeans to break out the smell of gunpowder and smoke.

  • Introduction of improved breed: Petrand pig

    Introduction of improved breed: Petrand pig

    It is native to Brabant region of Belgium. From 1919 to 1920, local pigs were crossbred with French Beyeux pigs near Brabant, Belgium, and then introduced into the blood of British Tamworth pigs. It was recognized by European countries in 1955 and was a more popular pig breed in Europe in recent ten years. Physique and appearance: the body is square, wide and short, the limbs are short and the bones are thin, and the muscles are particularly developed. The coat is gray, sandwiched with black patches and some red hairs. Ear

  • Northern cultivation of Belgian rhododendron

    Northern cultivation of Belgian rhododendron

    China is the origin of rhododendron, which was introduced to Europe from European countries and crossbred with its local varieties to obtain an excellent horticultural variety, "four Seasons Rhododendron", which is distributed in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and so on. Belgium is also known as the Belgian rhododendron because of the most varieties. It likes cool, avoid high temperature and hot; avoid scorching sun, like semi-shade; thin and shallow roots, afraid of dry and waterlogging; avoid thick fertilizer, easy to hurt roots; like weak acid soil, water, avoid salt and alkali; the optimum growth temperature is 20-25 ℃. The northern climate is cold in winter and summer.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Rhododendron in Belgium

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Rhododendron in Belgium

    Belgian rhododendron is a hybrid variety of rhododendron, its ornamental value is generally around the Spring Festival, Belgian rhododendron generally take artificial control of flowering, because the flower color is beautiful, deeply loved by the majority of people, Belgian rhododendron likes warm, humid environment.

  • Breeding technique of Belgian Rabbit

    Breeding technique of Belgian Rabbit

    Belgian rabbits are large, physically strong, gain weight quickly, taste delicious meat and excellent leather. At present, it has been welcomed by many farmers in our country. Next, let's introduce to you the techniques of Belgian rabbit breeding. 1. The location of the rabbit house should choose a place with high and dry terrain.

    2020-11-11 Belgium rabbit breeding technology big head physique
  • Introduction to the characteristics of leaf bouquet and fruit shape of rose banana and rose banana in Taiwan

    Introduction to the characteristics of leaf bouquet and fruit shape of rose banana and rose banana in Taiwan

    Rose banana, a perennial herb of the genus Musa of the Banana family, also known as Rose Mountain Banana and Queen Banana, is an agricultural cultivated species. It was introduced from the International Banana species Exchange Center in Belgium in 1995. Diploid banana is one of the series of plantain varieties. Rose banana, large herb

    2019-05-12 Taiwan banana variety rose leaf bouquet characteristic and
  • Where is the origin of flax?

    Where is the origin of flax?

    Flax, also known as flax, is a common herb in the north and southwest of China. There are three types of flax: fiber flax, oil flax and oil fiber flax. Where is the origin of flax? There are flax producing areas in China.

    2020-11-08 Flax origin where flax also known as flax yes north and
  • Petrand pig

    Petrand pig

    Petland pigs are produced in Belgium. The body is square, wide and short, with thin bones and short limbs and well-developed muscles. The hair is gray with black patches and the ears are moderately forward. The average litter size is about 10 piglets. It is reported that 90kg body weight growth fat has a carcass lean rate of 66.9%, a daily gain of 700g, and a feed efficiency of 2.65. The growth rate of commercial pigs decreased significantly after 90kg. Petland pigs have a severe stress response, and about 50% of pigs have halothane recessive genes. It is easy to appear gray meat after crossing with purebred Petrand as male parent.

  • Do flower friends know the national flowers of all countries in the world? Maybe your family is raising it.

    Do flower friends know the national flowers of all countries in the world? Maybe your family is raising it.

    Flower friends usually grow flowers and grass, but do we all know the significance that flowers bring to people? For example, do all the national flower friends in those countries know? What do they mean? 1. France-Iris France is a.

  • How big can a horse dog grow?

    How big can a horse dog grow?

    Horse dogs can grow up to 60-70cm tall. The horse dog is the common name of the Kunma dog. it is the successful mating between the Marinua dog introduced by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security from Belgium and the Kunming dog at the Kunming police dog base. it is the latest generation of hybrid working dogs, mainly used as police dogs. A dog dealer.

    2020-11-11 Horse dog can long how old horse dog can to 60-70cm high.
  • Belgian Rabbit (also known as Giant Grey Rabbit, Flemish Giant Rabbit)

    Belgian Rabbit (also known as Giant Grey Rabbit, Flemish Giant Rabbit)

    Variety characteristics: this variety is a relatively old large meat variety. The wild burrowing rabbit originally from Belgium was improved and bred in England. It is similar to a hare in shape and appearance, with a dark red, yellowish brown or flax coat, a large body and long limbs. The eyes are dark brown, the ears are long and upright, and there are bright black edges around the ears. The coat is tough. The adult weight is 5ml 6kg, with a maximum of 9kg. Young rabbits grow and develop rapidly, with a body weight of 1.2 Mel 1.3 kg at 6 weeks and 2.8 Mel 3 at 3 months.

  • Where is the origin of the lion rabbit? How much is it for one? What do you need to pay attention to in breeding?

    Where is the origin of the lion rabbit? How much is it for one? What do you need to pay attention to in breeding?

    Lion rabbit, is a pet with great ornamental value, adult rabbit can grow up to one foot long, is a small rabbit, very lovely, the color is also very rich, there are white, brown, cyan and other colors. So, where is the origin of Lion Rabbit? How much is one?

    2020-11-11 Lion rabbit origin in where more less money one breeding
  • Spruce bark beetle

    Spruce bark beetle

    Spruce bark beetle [Dendroctonusmicans (Kugelann)] belongs to the family Coleoptera, which is mainly distributed in Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, France and other countries. Some species of spruce, pine, fir, European larch and Douglas pine are also occasionally damaged in China. The damage is characterized by adults and larvae, which can damage weak trees and withered standing trees. When the damage is rampant, it can damage healthy trees and seriously damage the transport function of trees.
