
Adults Learn more about Adults

  • Sorghum pests: introduction to the eggs of red bugs and larvae, how to control sorghum bugs

    Sorghum pests: introduction to the eggs of red bugs and larvae, how to control sorghum bugs

    How to control the sorghum bug?

  • Potato ladybug and 28 star ladybug

    Potato ladybug and 28 star ladybug

    The morphology of potato ladybug is very similar to that of eggplant 28 ladybug. As soon as the potato sprouts, the adults and larvae concentrate on the growing plants to feed on the leaves to survive the winter. The overwintering adults lay eggs in the field around April and emerged in July. One generation a year occurs in spring sowing areas. The larvae and adults of 28 ladybug damage the leaves of eggplant, potato, tomato, cucumber and other vegetables, causing wilt. The larvae live on the back of the leaves. Adults occur for 2-3 generations a year in warm areas, overwintering as adults, and generations overlap. Adult colonies after overwintering

  • Occurrence regularity and control points of copper green golden tortoise shell

    Occurrence regularity and control points of copper green golden tortoise shell

    Coleoptera, Coleoptera. It occurs in many apple orchards in our area. the hosts are apple, Hawthorn, begonia, pear, apricot, peach, plum, persimmon, walnut, grass poison and so on. First, the harm symptom of the tortoise shell is that the apple fruit tree suffers the most, and the adults feed on the leaves, which often cause a large area of young fruit tree leaves to be incomplete, and even the whole tree leaves are eaten up. Second, the law of occurrence (1) the copper green golden tortoise shell occurs one generation a year, and it is mature.

  • Manual for daily feeding and management of caged flies

    Manual for daily feeding and management of caged flies

    Manual for daily feeding and management of caged flies

  • Oriental beetle

    Oriental beetle

    Oriental beetle, also known as black velvet Gill beetle, velvet beetle. It belongs to the family Coleoptera. It is widely distributed and has miscellaneous feeding habits. Both adults and larvae can cause harm and can harm more than 100 species of plants. Adults are addicted to poplar, willow, cherry blossom, magnolia, magnolia, Koeluan tree, sycamore, peach, crape myrtle, heather and other dozens of garden plants. Morphologically, the adult is 7 to 9 mm long and 4.5 to 6 mm wide, ovoid, narrow in front and wide behind; brown at first Eclosion, and then gradually dark brown or black, body surface

  • How much does it cost for adults to have dental implants?

    How much does it cost for adults to have dental implants?

    Many adults have lost their teeth due to periodontitis and periodontal disease and need implant restoration. But there are a lot of people about the price of dental implants.

  • There is an outbreak of autumn army insects in China: the larvae of autumn army insects are all over Taiwan, and four adults are trapped by Mazu.

    There is an outbreak of autumn army insects in China: the larvae of autumn army insects are all over Taiwan, and four adults are trapped by Mazu.

    The autumn army worm appears to be an adult! The Council of Agriculture described that the current autumn army insect larvae appeared in all parts of Taiwan, like "Tiannu scattered flowers", and almost all counties and cities were notified. As of the 14th, molecular identification confirmed 5 cases, type identification confirmed 39 cases, all.

  • Prevention and control of beetles

    Prevention and control of beetles

    The beetle, commonly known as "Cang insect", is a generation every year, which mainly harms poplar, willow and other plants, larvae harm roots and adults feed on leaves. According to the investigation and statistics of the Forestry Bureau of our county, the harm of beetles accounts for a large proportion of flower and tree diseases and insect pests in our county. Prevention and control methods: 1. Artificial control: make use of the false death of adults to vibrate branches in the evening to kill landing adults. two。 Physical control: make use of the phototaxis of adults, hang black light to trap and kill adults at 7-10:00 in the evening. 3. Horticulture

  • Autumn army worm 0614 "Taiwan fall, larvae appear like Tiannu scattered flowers! Matsu Penghu caught adults pull alert

    Autumn army worm 0614

    Autumn army worm 0614 "Taiwan fall, larvae appear like Tiannu scattered flowers! Matsu Penghu caught adults pull alert

  • Fly maggot culture technology: how to raise fly maggots? Introduction to the feeding methods of fly maggot adults

    Fly maggot culture technology: how to raise fly maggots? Introduction to the feeding methods of fly maggot adults

    Now, anything can be farmed, and flies can also be farmed, but how can flies be bred? And there are a lot of things to pay attention to in the process of fly breeding, you know? Let's take a look. 1. Equipment: fly cage: each fly cage should be equipped with one

    2019-01-23 Fly maggots culture techniques how culture adults breeding methods
  • How to control the sorghum bug?

    How to control the sorghum bug?

    How to control the sorghum bug?

  • How to control diseases and insect pests from mature to deciduous period of pear trees?

    How to control diseases and insect pests from mature to deciduous period of pear trees?

    How to control diseases and insect pests from mature to deciduous period of pear trees? 1 main characteristics and occurrence regularity of diseases and insect pests 1.1 in the young fruit stage of pear scab, the spores formed on the affected new shoots were the source of re-infection of the disease. At the beginning of the killing of the leaf, at the back of the leaf.

  • A simple method to eliminate the corn elephant

    A simple method to eliminate the corn elephant

    Agricultural control: spread gunny bags around the grain noodles or grain piles in late autumn and early winter, lure adults to lurk under the bags, and then collect and destroy them, while in spring, pesticide belts can be sprayed around the outside of the warehouse to prevent the adults from overwintering outside the warehouse and then enter the warehouse. Chemical control: with

    2020-11-08 Corn Elephant simplicity extermination method Abstract Agriculture Control late Autumn
  • How much is it for adults in Dongguan to plant a tooth?

    How much is it for adults in Dongguan to plant a tooth?

    How much does it cost to plant a tooth for adults in Dongguan? Tooth loss usually occurs in adulthood, and many people lose their teeth because of age or other reasons.

  • Control of main Diseases and insect pests in planting Cherry

    Control of main Diseases and insect pests in planting Cherry

    Cherry brown rot is mainly harmful to flowers and fruits, causing flower rot and fruit rot. At the initial stage of the disease, the flower organ gradually turns brown until it dries up; in the later stage, a layer of grayish brown powder is formed in the disease part, and the young fruit begins to occur 10 days after falling flowers, and small light brown spots are formed on the fruit surface gradually.

    2020-11-08 Species cherry main plant diseases and insect pests control brown rot disease
  • Occurrence characteristics and control of garlic maggot

    Occurrence characteristics and control of garlic maggot

    First, harmful symptoms garlic maggots eat garlic bulbs with larvae, so that the bulbs rot, the aboveground leaves wither, wilt, and even die. The maggot pupa can be found when the injured plant is pulled out, the damaged garlic skin is yellowish brown rotten, the garlic head is drilled into a hole by the larvae, incomplete, and the garlic cloves are exposed and cracked, accompanied by a foul smell. The injured plant is easy to be pulled out and cut off. Second, the occurrence characteristics of garlic maggots can cause harm before winter. after entering winter, they pupate and overwinter, and begin to Eclosion from pupae to adults in March of the following year. Adults lay eggs around garlic roots.

  • Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    Ganoderma lucidum membrane beak flat bug

    The scientific name Meziramembranaceabranacea (Frab.) belongs to Hemiptera, Pentatomidae. The insect was first found in Linden Ganoderma lucidum in Baoxi Township, Longquan City in 1994. In recent years, the damage is very serious in Linden Ganoderma lucidum producing area, and the damage scope is expanding day by day, which greatly affects the yield and quality of Linden Ganoderma lucidum. Ganoderma lucidum is mainly distributed in Longquan, Zhejiang, Shaowu, Fujian, Nanning, Hainan Island, Taiwan and Japan. Damage characteristics of the membrane beak flat bug absorbs the juice from the hyphae and primordium of Ganoderma lucidum

  • Identification and control of eggplant 28 ladybug

    Identification and control of eggplant 28 ladybug

    Eggplant 28 ladybug belongs to Coleoptera ladybeetle family, alias sour ladybug, commonly known as "flower elder sister". The host crops are eggplant, tomato, green pepper, potato and other Solanaceae vegetables and cucumber and other cucumber vegetables. in addition, it can also damage legumes, sour milk, cabbage and other crops, of which eggplant is the worst. It is distributed all over the country, but the occurrence is large in the south of the Yangtze River basin, and the harm is serious. The main results were as follows: (1) the characteristics of field identification 1.1 were that adults and larvae were harmful to crops. Newly hatched larva

  • The occurrence and Control of White Star Flower Beetle

    The occurrence and Control of White Star Flower Beetle

    White star flower beetle belongs to Coleoptera, flower beetle family, alias white striped copper flower beetle, white star flower potential, white star beetle, bronze beetle. Distributed in Northeast, North China and Huang-Huai-Hai and other places. After the white star beetle harms the crops, the commodity of the light ones is greatly reduced, and the heavy ones lose the commodity completely, which brings serious economic losses to the growers. At present, the hosts of Baixinghua tortoise are corn, sunflower, tomato, watermelon, peach, grape, plum, strawberry, hops, large Compositae weed, willow and elm. The characteristics of damage are white.

  • Orchid insect pest-- whitefly

    Orchid insect pest-- whitefly

    Orchid insect pest-- whitefly
