
3911 Learn more about 3911

  • The use of pesticide 3911

    The use of pesticide 3911

    Pesticide 3911, also known as methamidophos and simetil, is a transparent, slightly smelly oily liquid. The list of pesticides that are restricted on vegetables, fruit trees, tea, Chinese herbal medicines and other crops is prohibited, and it is illegal to produce, sell and use them.

    2020-11-09 Pesticide 3911 use also known as Methyl phosphorus Phosphate West
  • Which pesticides cannot be used to grow cucumbers?

    Which pesticides cannot be used to grow cucumbers?

    Which pesticides cannot be used to grow cucumbers? Please give guidance on the cultivation of cucumbers the following pesticides are not allowed: pesticides that have been banned: 666, DDT, insecticide, fluoroacetamide, arsenic, Xilisheng, Sanli San. Highly toxic pesticides: methamidophos, methamidophos (3911), phosphos (Suhua 203), parathion bowl (1.

  • Which pesticides cannot be used in cucumbers?

    Which pesticides cannot be used in cucumbers?

    Which pesticides cannot be used in cucumbers? Please introduce the pesticides that can not be used in cucumbers are: 666,666, DDT, insecticide, fluoroacetamide, arsenic, Xilisheng, Sanli San. Highly toxic pesticides: methamidophos, methamidophos (3911), phosphos (Suhua 203), sulfur bowl (1605),

  • Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis

    Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis

    The main results are as follows: (1) the peak of the disease is in mid-April, mid-June, early September and early November after transplanting, which is harmful to the roots, and most of the underground pests are beneficial to the disease. Control methods: ① is mixed well with 3911 granules per mu, 3kg of fine soil, 15kg of fine soil, 0.5kg of methyl isophos emulsion and 2.5kg of water, sprinkled on 15kg of soil, sprinkled and turned into the soil; ② is regularly irrigated with broad-spectrum long-acting insecticides, 250g of carbendazim gel suspension or 600g of topiramate per mu.

  • Poisoning of organic nitrate compounds in rabbits

    Poisoning of organic nitrate compounds in rabbits

    The disease is caused by rabbits accidentally eating vegetables, cereals, plant seeds or field weeds that have used organophosphorus pesticides, and improper use of drugs in the treatment of external parasites. Organophosphorus compounds include trichlorfon, dichlorvos, 1605, 1059, 3911, dimethoate, marathon, Erqinong and so on. 1. Clinical symptoms: symptoms appear within 0.5-4 hours after exposure to poison, showing no eating, salivation, tears, pupil narrowing, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, muscle tremor all over the body.

  • Measures for preserving seedlings of Spring Cotton

    Measures for preserving seedlings of Spring Cotton

    Seeds are ready to buy superior seeds, and high-quality seeds are the prerequisite to ensure seedling emergence rate, seedling quality, seedling integrity and seedling strength. Therefore, it is necessary to choose and buy seeds with standard packaging, good maturity and plumpness and high germination rate produced and operated by large manufacturers. In seed dressing, 50% carbendazim WP, 30% seedling enemy WP, or 50% methyl topiramate WP and 0.8% 3911EC can be used for seed dressing, every 100m.

  • What are the specific drugs for underground pests?

    What are the specific drugs for underground pests?

    What are the specific drugs for underground pests? Please give us an introduction and how to use it. Underground pests generally include root maggots, ground tigers, mole crickets, grubs, golden needles, etc., and the main crops are: peanuts, cotton, soybeans, corn, wheat and vegetables, garlic and fruit trees. It is more common to prevent and cure underground damage in the market.

  • Nine methods of seed treatment of wheat before sowing in spring

    Nine methods of seed treatment of wheat before sowing in spring

    With the warming of the climate, wheat has gradually entered the stages of turning green, getting up and jointing, which is not only an important period for wheat to promote the growth of weak seedlings, control and steady growth, but also the key stage for the prevention and control of wheat diseases and insect pests. In view of the occurrence characteristics and existing problems of wheat diseases, pests and weeds this year, recently, the reporter interviewed the northwest.

  • Cultivation and field management of Codonopsis pilosula

    Cultivation and field management of Codonopsis pilosula

    The traditional Chinese medicine Codonopsis pilosula is used as a root and is born on the edge of a forest or in bushes. Distributed in western Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi, Henan, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shaanxi, Northeast and other places. Cultivation is available in most provinces and cities throughout the country. Taste sweet, sex is flat. How can Codonopsis pilosula be cultivated and managed in the field?

    2020-11-08 Codonopsis pilosula of cultivation and field management traditional Chinese medicine root
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Codonopsis pilosula

    Codonopsis pilosula, which is a perennial herbaceous vine of Campanulaceae, is named after its origin in Shangdang County. The root is used in medicine. Distributed in the northeast, northwest and other provinces. At present, the largest artificial cultivation area is Weiyuan County in our province, which is known as "the hometown of Chinese Codonopsis pilosula". Pharmacological experiments show that Codonopsis pilosula can increase blood sugar, increase the amount of red blood cells and blood pigments, increase blood concentration, decrease white blood cells, reduce blood pressure and promote blood coagulation. Sweet and temperamental. It has the functions of tonifying qi, tonifying blood and promoting fluid. For spleen deficiency, lack of food, loose stools, tiredness of limbs, shortness of breath

  • Scientific selection of pesticides in the cultivation of pollution-free crops

    Scientific selection of pesticides in the cultivation of pollution-free crops

    Scientific selection of pesticides in the cultivation of pollution-free crops

  • Wheat planting technology

    Wheat planting technology

    Wheat planting technology

  • How to control sorghum aphids

    How to control sorghum aphids

    How to control sorghum aphids? Please give me guidance to guide sorghum aphids control methods can refer to the following: early detection of ①, early control: when aphids occur in the spot, timely elimination to prevent spread. Aphids can be wiped easily at the initial stage, and in severe cases, pesticides can be used to control aphids. ② medicament control method: A. spraying powder: every seedling stage.

  • Control of Underground pests of Wheat in Spring

    Control of Underground pests of Wheat in Spring

    The main underground pests are grub, mole cricket and golden needle worm, among which golden needle worm is the most harmful to wheat. The peak damage period of underground pests after the Spring Festival is from mid-March to early April. They bite off the roots of wheat, resulting in serious lack of seedlings and broken ridges, which have a great impact on wheat yield. In recent years, more and more underground pests have been treated.

  • How to control diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis?

    How to control diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis?

    How to control diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis? Please introduce in detail the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis with reference to the following methods: (1) the peak period of the disease is in mid-April, mid-June, early September and early November after transplanting. Underground pests are mostly conducive to the disease. Prevention and cure method: ① uses 391 per mu.

  • Problems needing attention in using pesticides in pollution-free cultivation of eggplant

    Problems needing attention in using pesticides in pollution-free cultivation of eggplant

    In order to cultivate pollution-free eggplant, we should treat eggplant diseases and insect pests with the guiding ideology of prevention. If diseases and insect pests occur, comprehensive control should be considered first. Such as the use of natural enemies of pests (Trichogramma, seven-star lady beetle, etc.), pathogen "natural enemies" (such as Jinggangmycin, streptomycin, avermectin, etc.), and match.

  • Vegetables can be eaten a few days after the drug

    Vegetables can be eaten a few days after the drug

    Vegetables are prone to pest invasion during cultivation. Usually, pesticides are sprayed to eliminate them. So, how many days can vegetables be eaten after being drugged? How many days can vegetables be eaten after medication? It depends on what kind of pesticide is used. If it is high

    2020-11-08 vegetables can be eaten after a few days of being drugged. vegetables can be planted during the process.
  • What pesticides are used to mix seeds with soybeans?

    What pesticides are used to mix seeds with soybeans?

    Underground pests are tired of the existence of many farmers. If mixing seeds between sowing can reduce the damage of pests to a certain extent, what pesticides are used to mix seeds with soybeans? What kind of pesticides are used to mix seeds with soybeans? 60% methyl mixed with phosphorus and 40% methyl heteromethyl can be used.

    2020-11-08 Soybeans use what pesticides seed dressing underground pests are many
  • Control methods of Cotton aphids

    Control methods of Cotton aphids

    Control methods of Cotton aphids

  • Cotton seed dressing gets twice the result with half the effort

    Cotton seed dressing gets twice the result with half the effort

    Years of practice has proved that seed dressing at sowing date is one of the important measures to ensure the health of cotton seedlings, which can achieve the purpose of economically, safely, effectively controlling or reducing the damage of cotton seedling diseases, seedling aphids, underground pests and other diseases and pests, and get twice the result with half the effort. At present, the Qingming Festival has passed, and the cotton sowing work in the city has been carried out in an all-round way. Now this technique is briefly introduced as follows: 1. The selection of resistant and disease-tolerant varieties or sowing coated seeds can emerge early for 3-4 days and reduce the incidence of disease. 2. Mix with 75% nail
