
15cm Learn more about 15cm

  • I like many different styles of micro-landscapes.

    I like many different styles of micro-landscapes.

    Who says that the bigger the vat is, the more it can reflect the charm of water plants to create scenery? In fact, the micro-landscape also has its unique charm, let us see today, in such a narrow space can also create an extremely exquisite landscape! The work.

  • Family maintenance and management of sword orchid

    Family maintenance and management of sword orchid

    Sword orchid, also known as Gladiolus, the editor needs to remind you that the sword orchid is not an orchid, but a bulbous plant of the duck tail family. As the sword orchid is very suitable for cultivation in the family environment, so the popularization rate is also very wide, the editor will introduce to you what problems should be paid attention to in the family maintenance of the sword orchid.

  • Row spacing and plant spacing of peanut

    Row spacing and plant spacing of peanut

    When planting peanuts, the row spacing of double-grain strip sowing in the south is about 25~35cm, the plant spacing is about 15~30cm, the row spacing of single-grain strip sowing is about 7.5~15cm, and the plant spacing is about 7.5~15cm. In the north, the row spacing of single-row ridge is about 35~45cm, and the plant spacing is about 13~15cm.

    2020-11-09 Peanut planting row spacing and plant spacing flower planting general southern
  • Cultivation techniques of pot cut flowers in open greenhouse of lily

    Cultivation techniques of pot cut flowers in open greenhouse of lily

    The lily is a cold-resistant bulb flower of the lily family, which is light-loving and fertile sandy soil. It has peculiar flowers, many colors and beautiful colors, and potted flowers are used for both purposes, giving people a sense of wealth and elegance, which is very lovable. It can be planted all the year round, with large flower yield and high economic benefits, and it has developed rapidly this year. But the first growers often have poor growth, few flowers and diseases. For this reason, combined with the planting practice, the author briefly describes the following pot cut flower cultivation techniques of lilies in open greenhouse. I. planting method and time, no matter whether lily is planted in open field or in greenhouse, the sand with good fertility and good permeability should be chosen.

  • How to grow mint with high yield? Master the Seven Elements! Detailed explanation of mint planting technology

    How to grow mint with high yield? Master the Seven Elements! Detailed explanation of mint planting technology

    Mint everyone knows, cold, can be used to treat sore throat and other symptoms. Mint planting technology is also very simple, and the market prospects are also relatively large. Mint has strong adaptability to environmental conditions. How to cultivate mint with high yield? Its cultivation technology mainly has the following aspects. variety selection

  • Cultivation techniques of Schisandra chinensis

    Cultivation techniques of Schisandra chinensis

    Cultivation techniques of Schisandra chinensis

  • The latest cultivation and management techniques of mountain celery

    The latest cultivation and management techniques of mountain celery

    1. Open-field cultivation. 1. Soil preparation. Choose flat, non-stagnant, thick, moist, sandy loam with high organic matter content. 30000-45000 kg of base fertilizer and 225kg of ternary compound fertilizer are applied per metric. Ploughing and ploughing 20m / m ~ 30cm and raking flat to make a flat bed 10-15m long and 1m wide.

    2020-11-08 Mountain celery latest cultivation management technology one open field
  • Planting of Ophiopogon japonicus

    Planting of Ophiopogon japonicus

    Generally, from mid-April to early May every year, choose cloudy days for planting. Ditch planting and hole planting are usually used. Trench planting according to row spacing of 15 cm, ditch depth of 5 cm, first apply thin pig manure water in the ditch, and then plant seedlings according to plant spacing of 6 cm to 8 cm, 3 plants per clump, compacted with soil after planting, so that the seedlings stand upright and firm, so that the seedlings are straight. In some areas, ditches were planted at a depth of 5 cm to 6 cm on the border surface according to a row spacing of about 20 cm, and 1 to 2 seedlings were planted at a spacing of 15 cm in the ditch, and then compacted with soil cover. 700 kg of seedlings are used for every 667 square meters.

  • Planting techniques of Lilium

    Planting techniques of Lilium

    First, the lily varieties in the planting range can be planted in the soil with a PH value of 5.2-7.8. If the soil is too acidic, 50 kg of lime powder is applied before ploughing, and 50 kg of gypsum powder is used if the soil is too alkaline. Ridges can be formed after sticking the soil and planting on the sandy land. Second, base fertilizer: if it is not organic production, please refer to the following use of pharmaceutical fertilizer. Fertilization before ploughing: formula 1, ammonium bicarbonate 50 kg, calcium superphosphate 50 kg and 50% potassium sulfate 15 kg: (sprinkle ammonium bicarbonate alone when fertilizing, and then

  • Culture and Flower cultivation of Cymbidium

    Culture and Flower cultivation of Cymbidium

    Sword orchid, the scientific name is Gladiolus. It's not an orchid. It belongs to the bulbous plant of Cucurbitaceae. Ecological habits: light-loving long-day plants, winter cultivation cloudy days to increase light, afraid of cold. The suitable growth temperature is 2025 ℃ in daytime and 1015 ℃ at night. The dormant corms germinated at 45 ℃ and were cultivated at 0 ℃ in winter.

  • Key points of maintenance of zinnia

    Key points of maintenance of zinnia

    The key points of flower cultivation of zinnia are mainly divided into four aspects: temperature, sunshine, moisture and planting density. Temperature: hundred-day grass likes to warm to the sun, can not bear the heat, high temperature and cold, the suitable growth temperature is 18-20 degrees Celsius during the day and 15-16 degrees Celsius at night. It grows especially fast in summer.

  • How to plant licorice with high yield

    How to plant licorice with high yield

    1. Seedling transplanting 1. Deep, fertile and loose rotten soil or sandy loam should be selected in the nursery land. Apply 2000 kg of farm manure, 25 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate per mu as base fertilizer, ploughing more than 40 cm, leveling and raking fine, doing 110cm.

    2020-11-08 How ability high yield planting licorice one raising seedlings transplanting
  • Pollution-free production technology of potato stevia and autumn cabbage in early spring

    Pollution-free production technology of potato stevia and autumn cabbage in early spring

    This spring, low temperature, light days, is conducive to the occurrence of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the majority of vegetable farmers should start prevention and control as soon as possible to reduce the harm. First, the symptom characteristic after the seedling is susceptible, the leaf appears the water immersion shape light brown disease spot, the edge is not obvious, the disease tissue soft rot causes sudden collapse. Suffer during the heart-filling period, in the vegetable gang near the ground.

  • Toona sinensis planting technology, watering and topdressing, 15 to 20 cm can be harvested.

    Toona sinensis planting technology, watering and topdressing, 15 to 20 cm can be harvested.

    Seed selection and sprouting: soak the full-grained seeds in warm water for 5-8 minutes, soak them in clean water for one day, spread them evenly on the mat, cover them with towels, and put them into the environment of 20-25 ℃ to promote germination. Sowing and raising seedlings: fertilization

    2020-11-08 Toona sinensis planting technology time watering topdressing up to cm can
  • High-yield techniques of artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum with Linden Clinker

    High-yield techniques of artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum with Linden Clinker

    1. According to the suitable temperature for the growth of Ganoderma lucidum hyphae and fruiting body in the production season, the southern and northern regions can be arranged to cut wood in the first ten days of the lunar month, cut wood, bag and sterilize in the middle of the lunar month, and complete the inoculation in the second ten days. The second year Qingming Festival around buried trees in the fields, the same year can receive Ganoderma lucidum 2-3 batches. However, the time of logging should not exceed Qingming Festival at the latest, because the water content of cut wood after Qingming Festival is high, the bark is easy to fall off, and the loss of nutrition is not suitable for production. Only 1 and 2 batches of Ganoderma lucidum could be produced in the year of inoculation around Qingming Festival. Wood requirements all tree species suitable for Linden cultivation Lentinus edodes and Auricularia auricula can be used

  • Cultivation techniques of mint

    Cultivation techniques of mint

    Cultivation techniques of mint

  • Cultivation techniques of Pumpkin in greenhouse in Spring

    Cultivation techniques of Pumpkin in greenhouse in Spring

    First, the variety chooses Beijing green chestnut and Beijing red chestnut pumpkin. 2. The suitable sowing time for pumpkin cultivation in spring greenhouse is generally mid-February. 1. Before raising seedlings, the temperature is relatively low when sowing in the first and middle of February, so the electric hotbed must be used to raise seedlings. (1) the manufacture of electric hotbed: choose to transmit light.

  • How much is the price of Eucommia ulmoides per jin?

    How much is the price of Eucommia ulmoides per jin?

    How much is the price of Eucommia ulmoides per jin?

  • Seed propagation methods of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Seed propagation methods of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Seed propagation methods of Robinia pseudoacacia

  • Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Peppermint

    Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Peppermint

    Cultivation techniques of traditional Chinese Medicine Peppermint
