
young stem Learn more about young stem

  • Occurrence and control of stem rot of asparagus

    Occurrence and control of stem rot of asparagus

    1. Symptom characteristics asparagus stem rot mainly harms young bamboo shoots. The young bamboo shoots may be damaged after they are unearthed, and the young stems appear water-like amorphous disease spots, which expand around the stem, resulting in stem tissue disintegration and decay, resulting in the death of young bamboo shoots. If the disease is light, even if it does not wither and die, its growth potential is greatly reduced, the aboveground stems and leaves are weak, the young stems are weak, and the yield.

  • The formation of young stem of cactus

    The formation of young stem of cactus

    Cactus bears little resemblance to ordinary terrestrial plants. Leafless, fusiform or verrucous plants are also quite different from the techniques of ordinary plants. But there are also a few cacti that have common young stems and leaves in addition to typical cactus flower sets, such as leaves.

    2020-11-27 Cactus young stem forming cactus and common terrestrial
  • Control method of underground pests damaging seeds and biting young roots and tender stems of vegetables

    Control method of underground pests damaging seeds and biting young roots and tender stems of vegetables

    Control method of underground pests damaging seeds and biting young roots and tender stems of vegetables

  • What problems should be paid attention to in asparagus planting?

    What problems should be paid attention to in asparagus planting?

    What problems should be paid attention to in asparagus planting? Please introduce the guidelines for asparagus planting to pay attention to the following aspects: fertilizer and water management asparagus has already caught up with enough fertilizer when it leaves its autumn stem. In October, if asparagus premature senescence is found, 500 times Huimanfeng solution should be sprayed on the leaves, and 100g Huimanfeng 200g per mu can prevent asparagus from being fattened. Spray.

  • Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and control of cotton diseases at seedling stage there are many kinds of diseases in cotton seedling stage, but there are mainly two types of diseases: root disease and leaf disease. Root diseases often lead to rotting before emergence, rotten buds, root rot and stem base rot after emergence are the main causes of lack of seedlings and broken ridges in cotton fields, such as standing blight, anthracnose, red rot, quenching and so on. The leaf disease is harmful to the cotyledons, true leaves and stems of cotton seedlings, and when it is serious, the top of the stem and leaves wither and fall off, such as black spot, brown spot, cotton seedling blight, stem blight and so on. This film focuses on an overview of several

  • cotton seedling red rot

    cotton seedling red rot

    Symptoms occur in all cotton areas of China, the Yangtze River Basin, the Yellow River Basin cotton areas suffer heavily, Liaohe River Basin also occurs. Both seedling stage and boll stage can be infected. Infected seedlings are damaged before emergence, and the buds turn reddish brown and rot. After being unearthed, the roots and lateral roots of the injured cotton seedlings turned yellow and then black and brown and rotted. Infected young stem vessel turns dark brown, near the ground young stem base appears yellow streak, then brown rot, young roots, young stems swelling, cotyledons, true leaf edge produces gray-red irregular spots, humidity is high when it produces pink mold layer, that is, pathogen

  • Symptoms and control techniques of litchi stem borer

    Symptoms and control techniques of litchi stem borer

    Litchi fruit borer is the main pest of longan and litchi. The young shoot, flower ear and fruit were damaged by larva decay, the fruit fell seriously in the young fruit stage, was damaged in the mature stage, the fruit stem was full of insect dung, affected the quality, the tender shoot and flower ear were damaged, the apex withered, affected the growth of new shoots and blossomed and fruited in the following year. The insect occurred in southern Fujian.

  • Control of diseases and insect pests of eucalyptus

    Control of diseases and insect pests of eucalyptus

    The main diseases and insect pests of eucalyptus are: bacterial wilt, scorch wilt (commonly known as deciduous disease), eucalyptus stem rot, eucalyptus small roll moth, termites, beetles and so on. (1) bacterial wilt: Ralstonia solanacearum of eucalyptus infects young trees in the forest, and its aboveground performance can be divided into two types. The first is acute type, the leaves of diseased plants lose water rapidly and wilt rapidly.

  • Management techniques of fertilization and soil cultivation of asparagus

    Management techniques of fertilization and soil cultivation of asparagus

    1. Fertilizing and cultivating asparagus should use more organic fertilizer to make the soil loose and fertile, which is beneficial to the development of underground stem and root system. The amount of fertilizer was comprehensively considered according to the plant growth, soil fertility and utilization rate. The growth of the plant includes the yield of tender stem, the weight of aboveground stem and underground stem and fleshy root.

  • How can asparagus be managed to produce high yield?

    How can asparagus be managed to produce high yield?

    How can asparagus be managed to produce high yield? Please guide asparagus cultivation to high yield can refer to the following methods of management: first, to cultivate strong seedlings to obtain high yield of asparagus, in addition to selecting good varieties, it is also necessary to establish a nursery for seedling raising. The most suitable nursery period is June, and the seedling raising time is about 3 months. The row spacing of the plant is 16.5 cm ×.

  • Management of walnut seedlings after planting

    Management of walnut seedlings after planting

    After planting must be irrigated once permeable, two weeks should be irrigated once permeable, can improve the survival rate of planting. Thereafter, in case of high temperature or drought should also be timely irrigation. In areas with insufficient water resources, after planting and irrigation, immediately cover the tree tray with straw or plastic film to reduce soil

    2020-11-27 walnut seedling planting post management must irrigation once
  • Shaping and pruning techniques of slender spindle-shaped young trees of apple

    Shaping and pruning techniques of slender spindle-shaped young trees of apple

    The shaping and pruning technology of apple slender spindle-shaped young trees at present, the slender spindle-shaped tree has become the mainstream in the new planting area of apple. Cultivate slender spindle apple tree shape, young tree shaping and pruning is a very key link, the author combined with recent.

  • White Horse City, a succulent plant with blooming flowers and failing like a mallet.

    White Horse City, a succulent plant with blooming flowers and failing like a mallet.

    In Baimacheng, when the young plant is young, the stem is thick and thin, the epidermis is silvery white, and the stem ends of leaves are open like umbrellas, which is very charming. It is worth collecting by lovers. Morphological characteristics: stem succulent beautiful species, plant tuber bottle-shaped, plant height 1.5.

  • Occurrence and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Occurrence and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    The occurrence of cotton seedling disease is characterized by concentrated onset time, which usually occurs 15-30 days after sowing. The primary infection source is mainly from soil and a few from seeds. Around April 20 this year, there was continuous rain and low temperatures in many provinces, and the occurrence of seedling disease was bound to be serious, so all localities should prevent and control it in time. First, symptoms (1) blight. Damage to cotton seedlings before they are unearthed will cause rotten seeds and sprouts. The disease occurred after the cotton seedlings were unearthed, and the disease spot appeared at the base of the young stem near the ground and became black and sunken at the beginning, and the disease spot gradually expanded.

  • Stereotyped pruning techniques for young trees

    Stereotyped pruning techniques for young trees

    Stereotyped pruning techniques for young trees

  • Why do flowers often change pots?

    Why do flowers often change pots?

    Turn the pot, that is, the direction of the flowerpot is often changed during the flower growth. Due to the phototropism of some flowers and plants, if the light is not often adjusted by turning the basin, bad shapes such as partial crowns will appear, affecting the ornamental value. Why do flowers have phototropism? This is due to the effect of auxin in vivo.

  • How to dry the rice field? What's the use?

    How to dry the rice field? What's the use?

    How to dry the rice field? What's the use? Please introduce the method of drying rice field is one of the main technical measures to increase yield and promote early maturity of rice. First, the main role of drying field 1, control ineffective tiller, consolidate effective tiller. When the rice tiller has reached a certain number, that is, enough seedlings, our province from the time point of view.

  • Mango disease control: mango common disease powdery mildew disease and control methods

    Mango disease control: mango common disease powdery mildew disease and control methods

    What is the disease of mango powdery mildew? What is the ecological cause? How to prevent, how to prevent? Symptoms: This disease can occur in citrus fruit inflorescences, tender leaves, young fruits and tender stems, generally white powdery thallus can be seen in the affected parts, and in the tender stems.

    2019-01-23 mango disease control common of powdery mildew and
  • Pruning young pear trees

    Pruning young pear trees

    For young pear trees without pruning for one year, the reasonable tree shape will be lost, and the full fruit period will be postponed. With the promotion of fast-growing early fruit and high yield cultivation techniques, young tree pruning has become more important than any period of pruning. So how to trim young trees? 1. First of all, it is necessary to determine which kind of tree to cultivate. Pear trees have many tree shapes, such as layered shape, variable trunk shape, single trunk shape, hedge bar shape, happy shape, fast-growing and delayed happy shape of small crown. At present, the commonly used is the small crown fast growth delay happy shape. Its

  • Five common propagation methods of Phalaenopsis

    Five common propagation methods of Phalaenopsis

    Phalaenopsis is an epiphytic orchid. When Phalaenopsis blossoms, it looks like a butterfly. It is very beautiful, so it has the reputation of "Queen of Phalaenopsis". However, the planting requirements of Phalaenopsis are relatively strict, so we should pay attention to the cultivation methods when cultivating Phalaenopsis artificially.
