
Mango disease control: mango common disease powdery mildew disease and control methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What is the disease of mango powdery mildew? What is the ecological cause? How to prevent, how to prevent? Symptoms: This disease can occur in citrus fruit inflorescences, tender leaves, young fruits and tender stems, generally white powdery thallus can be seen in the affected parts, and in the tender stems.

What is the disease of mango powdery mildew? What is the cause of ecology? How to prevent and control, the method of prevention and control?

Symptoms: the disease can occur on lemon inflorescences, tender leaves, young fruits and tender stems, white and powdery bacteria can be seen in the affected parts, and there is a brown ring around the small disease spots in the early stage of the tender stems and leaves, but in the later stage, the disease spots heal into large white spots, and then gradually turn into bluish purple, and the seriously affected young stems and leaves are often deformed. When the disease spot continues to develop and surrounds the pedicel, the small fruit on it will begin to turn yellow and fall, so the seriously hairy lemon fruit tree will not have any fruit. In the later stage of the disease, the bacteria in the lesion turned gray and black. When the once-diseased fruit grows up, purple net will appear on the surface, which will affect the commercial value of the fruit.

Occurrence ecology: the host of lemon fruit powdery mildew is limited to lemon fruit and will not infect other crops. all cultivated varieties are susceptible to the disease, and the disease is more serious in the southern part of the province. The source of the initial infection comes from the pathogen that lives in the diseased tissue on the ground. When the lemon fruit blossoms every spring, the pathogen will form ascomycetes, which will emit ascospores when ripe, infecting the spikes and young branches and leaves of the lemon fruit. Ascospores germinate to form hyphae, grow on the surface of host tissue, invade stomata or lenticels, form haustorium and absorb host nutrients. The hyphae form conidia on the surface of the host, which is the main transmission organ. The spores spread by air and landed on other healthy flowers, becoming the second source of infection and spreading rapidly. After the infected tissue gangrene died, it fell to the ground, and the bacteria survived. In the following spring, a sexual generation was formed, producing ascomycetes and ascospores, and then infecting the blooming lemon fruit.

Control method: lemon fruit powdery mildew is one of the lemon fruit diseases which is easy to be prevented and managed. as long as it is properly controlled, the disease can be controlled. When preventing and controlling powdery mildew, keep in mind the timing. Once powdery mildew occurs in the early stage of flowering, it should be applied immediately every ten days, about two to four times. Until the young fruit is formed, the following chemicals will be used.