
tree stiffness Learn more about tree stiffness

  • The causes and Preventive measures of the latest Citrus seedlings

    The causes and Preventive measures of the latest Citrus seedlings

    Citrus is our most common fruit, every autumn and winter season is its market season, which can be seen everywhere in the market, although it is delicious, but there will be a variety of problems in the planting process. Stiff seedling is one of them, it is a kind of infancy.

    2020-11-10 The latest citrus stiff seedlings causes and preventive measures are
  • The latest rubber tree dead seedling causes and solutions

    The latest rubber tree dead seedling causes and solutions

    Rubber tree is a relatively easy to raise plants, its leaves are darker in color, grow more fat, many people like to raise it, but if the culture is improper, it is easy to appear stiff seedlings, resulting in rubber tree is not long. So what is the cause of rubber tree stiffness? a

    2020-11-10 latest rubber tree stiffness seedling cause and solution method
  • Causes of slow-growing branches, pods and few stiff seedlings of rape and its prevention and treatment

    Causes of slow-growing branches, pods and few stiff seedlings of rape and its prevention and treatment

    Causes of slow-growing branches, pods and few stiff seedlings of rape and its prevention and treatment

  • How is urgent succulent stiff seedling to return a responsibility?

    How is urgent succulent stiff seedling to return a responsibility?

    The 28th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

  • What's the reason for peaches and nuts?

    What's the reason for peaches and nuts?

    What's the reason for peaches and nuts?

  • What is the reason for the latest peaches and nuts?

    What is the reason for the latest peaches and nuts?

    The planting area of peach trees in China is very large, and when planting peaches, there is often the phenomenon of peach fruit. Peach fruit means that peaches stop growing before they are fully ripe, seriously affecting the yield and planting efficiency of peaches. And cause peach.

    2020-11-10 The latest peaches nuts what the reason peach trees in our country
  • How is succulent stiff seedling return a responsibility?

    How is succulent stiff seedling return a responsibility?

    Network: when you find that there is no sign of growth for a long time (3 months or more), the leaves gradually wrinkle and shrink, and the color is basically unchanged, then it should be a "rigid seedling". It's usually because of the meat.

  • Causes and Control of stiff seedlings of Cotton

    Causes and Control of stiff seedlings of Cotton

    During the transplanting period, cotton seedlings are often affected by abnormal climate, weak seedlings, inadequate cultivation measures and other factors, which slow down the growth process and reduce the yield of cotton. The causes and prevention of cotton stiff seedlings are introduced as follows: first, reason 1. The quality of cotton seedlings is poor. The ① seedling bed is insufficient to fertilize and form small and weak seedlings, the growth potential is poor, and the living trees are slow. ② nursery bed was improperly managed to form tall seedlings and prosperous seedlings. After transplanting, too much water was lost and the planting injury was serious. two。 The temperature is not suitable. A lot of places.

  • What to do if the cherry tree has brown rot?

    What to do if the cherry tree has brown rot?

    What if the cherry tree has brown rot? How to control harmful symptoms cherry brown rot, also known as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, gray rot and so on. It can damage flowers, leaves, branches and fruits, but the fruit suffers the most. After infecting the floral organ, the stamens and petals first appeared brown watery spots, then the whole flower rotted rapidly and the surface was covered with ash.

  • What are the manifestations of water-deficient leaves of plants? Introduction to the characteristics of leaves of over-wet plant soil

    What are the manifestations of water-deficient leaves of plants? Introduction to the characteristics of leaves of over-wet plant soil

    Leaf characterization of water deficiency and excessive wetness in plants. The roots of the plants are healthy but the soil moisture is insufficient, and the leaves have non-stop evapotranspiration water consumption, especially in autumn when there is no rain, strong wind and strong sun, this situation is most likely to happen to newly planted seedlings, especially in autumn.

    2019-06-03 Plants lack of water leaves table existing what soil over
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted tea plum

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted tea plum

    Camellia oleifera has a variety of colors, long flowering period, magnificent color, light and elegant, beautiful tree shape, most branches expand horizontally, full posture, and a large amount of flowers, so it is very suitable for pot appreciation, and it is one of the ideal flowers to watch flowers in winter. Many people wonder whether Camellia or plum blossoms

  • How to disinfect and prevent diseases for bonsai in winter

    How to disinfect and prevent diseases for bonsai in winter

    Cold winter is a very difficult season for pests in bonsai, so this season is also a good time for pest control and disease prevention, so how to do a good job of pest control and disease prevention for your bonsai in winter?

  • Blue spruce

    Blue spruce

    Native to the United States, it is named for its bright silver-blue leaves. Evergreen trees, up to 15 m high, crown up to 5 m, crown conical to columnar. Bark scaly, grayish red. Branchlets strong, brownish red. Leaves 2 cm ~ 3 cm long, quadrangular, stiff, bright silver-blue-green. The cone is green at first, then light brown, 7 cm ~ 12 cm long. Bright leaf color is very decorative, mixed with other tree species, can achieve outstanding color effect. Like light, slightly resistant to overcast.

  • How to control loquat anthracnose?

    How to control loquat anthracnose?

    What harm does anthracnose do to loquat? How to control loquat anthracnose? Also asked experienced netizens to help introduce the loquat trees harmed by anthracnose when they went to the countryside in the loquat plantation, so the planting network sorted out the harm and control methods of anthrax to loquat, the following detailed list for netizens' reference.

  • Control of anthracnose in growing peach trees

    Control of anthracnose in growing peach trees

    With the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, the planting area of peach trees in our county is constantly expanding. due to the influence of climatic conditions, varieties, management and other factors, peach anthracnose occurs seriously and has a great impact on the yield and quality of peach trees. Effective prevention and control of anthracnose to increase production

    2020-11-08 Species peach trees anthrax disease control along with agriculture industrial structure
  • Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Fruit trees in Winter

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Fruit trees in Winter

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and insect pests of Fruit trees in Winter

  • Papaya tree cultivation: what is papaya brown rot

    Papaya tree cultivation: what is papaya brown rot

    What is papaya brown rot? Is there any way to prevent and cure it? Please introduce the harm of papaya brown rot: Brown rot mainly harms fruits, but also flowers and tender shoots. Fruit disease, the initial brown nearly round small disease spot, and then with the development of the disease, the disease spot continues to expand, when the conditions are suitable, the disease spot quickly expand completely.

  • Control of diseases and insect pests of planting winter jujube trees in autumn and winter

    Control of diseases and insect pests of planting winter jujube trees in autumn and winter

    After the beginning of autumn, the winter jujube tree gradually entered the dormant period, and the drug resistance was high. with the decrease of temperature, the diseases and insect pests entered the bark cracks, scars, branches, fallen leaves, fallen fruits, stiff fruits or soil to overwinter. Therefore, it is necessary to seize the favorable opportunity for disease and pest control in autumn and winter.

    2020-11-08 Planting winter jujube autumn and winter diseases and insect pests prevention and control autumn later winter
  • Morphological characteristics of Gleditsia sinensis

    Morphological characteristics of Gleditsia sinensis

    Deciduous trees, up to 15-30m, trunk bark grayish black, shallowly longitudinally lobed, stems and branches often prickly, thorns conical much branched, thick and stiff, branchlets gray-green, lenticels conspicuous, winter buds often superimposed, even-pinnate leaves, 3-7 pairs of alternate leaflets, leaflets long-ovate, apex obtusely rounded, base rounded, slightly oblique, thinly leathery, margin denticulate, abaxial midvein and petiole white pubescent, polygamous flowers, axillary Racemes, pedicels densely tomentose, calyx bell-shaped tomentose, flowers yellow-white

  • Common diseases and control of blueberry

    Common diseases and control of blueberry

    Common diseases and control of blueberry
