
thicken Learn more about thicken

  • How to make bonsai trees thicker

    How to make bonsai trees thicker

    For bonsai creators, in order to pursue the highest ornamental value and artistic effect, they often try their best to make bonsai trees grow better and shape more beautiful. Among them, it is more common to thicken the branches of bonsai trees. Obviously, for many bonsai trees

  • How to thicken the root system of boxwood bonsai

    How to thicken the root system of boxwood bonsai

    Poplar bonsai has the characteristics of whirling trees, dark green leaves and ancient Qiu qu roots, so it is of high ornamental value and is favored by the majority of bonsai lovers. And the root system of yellow poplar is well developed, when bonsai is built, in addition to the most commonly used method of pruning and storing stem, it can also be used to lift and expose its roots.

  • Bonsai knowledge: skills for thickening Bonsai branches

    Bonsai knowledge: skills for thickening Bonsai branches

    In view of the fact that the thickening of bonsai branches is a problem that many bonsai friends want to solve, the editor here summarizes a set of methods for rapid thickening of subcutaneous tissue by shaking tree trunks. This method is more convenient than other methods.

  • Prevention and treatment of corneal thickening with white spot amniotic keratitis

    Prevention and treatment of corneal thickening with white spot amniotic keratitis

    Prevention and treatment of corneal thickening with white spot amniotic keratitis

  • Methods and techniques for thickening branches of bonsai simple and easy to learn suggestions

    Methods and techniques for thickening branches of bonsai simple and easy to learn suggestions

    The thickening of bonsai branches is a problem that many potted plants want to solve. Here, a quick way to loosen the subcutaneous tissue by loosening the trunk. Compared with other methods, this method is more convenient, convenient, fast and low cost. ...

  • Where is the best place for the latest Euryale?

    Where is the best place for the latest Euryale?

    Euryale is the dry and mature kernel of Nymphaeaceae plant Euryale, which can be used as food or medicine. It has the effects of tonifying kidney and strengthening essence, tonifying spleen and stopping diarrhea, dehumidifying and stopping belt. It is widely distributed in all parts of Southeast Asia. Wild cultivation is found in the lakes and swamps in the north and south provinces of China.

    2020-11-10 The latest Euryale where the best thicken actually water lilies family
  • How does the triangle grow thick stems?

    How does the triangle grow thick stems?

    Bougainvillea is a kind of flower plant with large flowers and gorgeous colors, which is very suitable for family potted cultivation. However, if we can raise its trunk thick and cultivate a stump bonsai, it will certainly greatly improve the viewing effect. As we all know, flowering evergreen tree stump bonsai, generally not only can view flowers

  • Flowing glue thickens the twigs of Sabina vulgaris, and the new branches stop growing. What is the reason? How to prevent and cure?

    Flowing glue thickens the twigs of Sabina vulgaris, and the new branches stop growing. What is the reason? How to prevent and cure?

    Flowing glue thickens the twigs of Sabina vulgaris, and the new branches stop growing. What is the reason? How to prevent and cure?

  • How to thicken the leaves of crab claw orchid

    How to thicken the leaves of crab claw orchid

    If you want to thicken the leaves of the crab claw orchid, give it enough light, and let the light uniform, the temperature is suitable, between 15 and 22 degrees is the best. Ensure proper fertilizer and water, less water in summer, more in autumn, timely pruning, cut off weak buds to make the plant look good.

  • How to thicken the bonsai root of honeysuckle, trim the twigs and leave the trunk (additional fertilization and less watering)

    How to thicken the bonsai root of honeysuckle, trim the twigs and leave the trunk (additional fertilization and less watering)

    Honeysuckle is a common potted plant in life. Honeysuckle is easy to raise, but if you want honeysuckle to bloom all over the branch, you must find a way to thicken the root. How do the bonsai roots of honeysuckle get thicker? This is related to the usual breeding methods and pruning. Before honeysuckle grows tall, the twigs of honeysuckle can be trimmed.

  • Where is the best place for Euryale fruit?

    Where is the best place for Euryale fruit?

    Where is the best place for Euryale fruit?

  • The production of potato vermicelli

    The production of potato vermicelli

    1. Technological process. Raw material selection & rarr; starch processing & rarr; thickening and noodle & rarr; leaking powder into silk & rarr; cooling and drying finished product 2. Operation points: (1) raw material selection: select non-pest-free, mildew-free potatoes to wash away the sediment and dirt from the skin. (2) starch processing: crushing and filtering the washed potatoes, adding appropriate amount of acid pulp and stirring precipitation (acid pulp water is stored separately from the floating water precipitated for the first time). The amount of acid pulp depends on the air temperature. If the temperature is 10 ℃

  • How to grow the tree trunk of happiness

    How to grow the tree trunk of happiness

    Happiness tree is a kind of tree species which is very suitable for planting as a leaf potted plant. It can not only bring a touch of greenery to the space and make the environment full of vitality, but also purify the indoor air and make us breathe fresher. In general, keep potted happiness trees at home

  • Production of ordinary potato vermicelli

    Production of ordinary potato vermicelli

    1. Technological process. Raw material selection → starch processing → thickening and noodle → leaking powder into silk → cooling and drying finished product 2, operation points ⑴ raw material selection: select non-pest-free, mildew-free potatoes, wash away the sediment and dirt from the skin. ⑵ starch processing: crush and filter the washed potatoes, add an appropriate amount of acid pulp and stir and precipitate (the acid pulp water is stored separately from the floating water precipitated for the first time). The amount of acid pulp depends on the air temperature. If the temperature is about 10 ℃, the pH value should be adjusted to 5.6-6.0; if the temperature is above 20 ℃, the pH value should be adjusted to

  • Preparation and application of mushroom fertilizer topdressing solution

    Preparation and application of mushroom fertilizer topdressing solution

    In order to increase the yield of mushrooms, fertilizer must be applied properly. The author introduces the preparation and application methods of several kinds of mushroom topdressing solution as follows: 1. Chemical fertilizer solution. With 0.1% 0.2% urea solution or 0.5% ammonium sulfate solution, sprayed once every 2 days (days), the fruit body of mushroom was thickened and thickened in the middle and later stage with the degree of spraying wet bed. After dissolving the filtered juice with calcium superphosphate 0.5kg and adding water 15kg, adding 50g ammonium bicarbonate or ammonia water 150ml to neutralize ammonium phosphate to form ammonium phosphate, the mushroom body fertilizer can be made.

  • Let the leaves of Yushu thicken and blossom and learn to raise in this way.

    Let the leaves of Yushu thicken and blossom and learn to raise in this way.

    Yushu wants to grow well, usually maintenance is very important, need to control watering, reasonable fertilization and need proper pruning and so on. Here are some tips on the maintenance of Yushu! Maintenance skills of Yushu: (1). Every time Yushu has to change the basin, the time to change the basin.

  • The magnolia chooses the soil to thicken the leaves and blossom twice a year.

    The magnolia chooses the soil to thicken the leaves and blossom twice a year.

    The cultivation of gentleman orchid is very important, according to the habits of gentleman orchid to choose the soil suitable for gentleman orchid. Cymbidium needs different nutrients in different growth stages. According to the growth and flowering conditions of Cymbidium, let's take a look at it together.

  • Tiger skin orchid watered with some of its leaves thickened and darted.

    Tiger skin orchid watered with some of its leaves thickened and darted.

    Tiger skin orchid leaves are tall and straight, with high ornamental value. Home matching, the effect is very good. If you want Tiger Pilan to grow vigorously, you need to master maintenance skills. The following is to introduce the watering skills of Tiger Pilan. Adding some beer when watering can make the plant grow.

  • How to thicken the trunk of triangular plum

    How to thicken the trunk of triangular plum

    If you want to make its trunk stronger, flowerpots should be suitable, small pots should be used to grow large flowers, and it should be fattened enough. Generally, it should be fattened once a week. Pruning should be timely, pruning the flower after it has withered and after winter. After entering dormancy, fertilizer is suspended.

  • It depends on this maintenance method to make the leaves of succulent plants thicken and grow faster.

    It depends on this maintenance method to make the leaves of succulent plants thicken and grow faster.

    Many people think that enough water can promote the rapid growth of succulent plants, but it is not. Too much watering will lead to succulent plants growing taller, but not fatter. Only when controlling water, let succulent plants have the feeling of lack of water, over time.
