
stone Learn more about stone

  • How to make bonsai with stone? Production methods and modeling requirements of stone bonsai

    How to make bonsai with stone? Production methods and modeling requirements of stone bonsai

    The high ornamental value of bonsai brings it broad market prospects, among which bonsai with stone is very popular. So, how to make stone bonsai?

  • How to make banyan bonsai with stone?

    How to make banyan bonsai with stone?

    The banyan tree has developed roots, soft roots and long roots, so it is a good material for making stone-attached bonsai. In the production of stone bonsai, choose mature, good artistic shape, long enough roots of the banyan stump, in order to create a reasonable sense of movement, but also make the stem have a sense of strength. Many gaps in choice and good posture

  • It is necessary for beginners to decorate the treasure book of pine leather stone.

    It is necessary for beginners to decorate the treasure book of pine leather stone.

    If you want to make beautiful stone scenery and mountain scenery, the best teacher is nature, but mastering some skills and knowing how to grasp the laws of nature are still helpful for aquarium landscaping. The examples used are basically the pine after self-cutting.

  • When trees meet stones-- trees with stone bonsai

    When trees meet stones-- trees with stone bonsai

    In life, elegant people often like to put artistic bonsai at home to edify their feelings. Generally speaking, bonsai is mostly flowers and plants, or a single stone, few trees with stone bonsai. Dear, when a tree meets a stone, what kind of spectacle will you make? Stone bonsai is dominated by stone.

  • Appreciation of Tibetan stone: stone cannot be said to be the most lovely.

    Appreciation of Tibetan stone: stone cannot be said to be the most lovely.

    A Dream in one Curtain & A Dream in nbsp; & Xu Ruyun & nbsp; 0 on nbsp; TV soundtrack.

  • How to fix the stone with stone bonsai

    How to fix the stone with stone bonsai

    Stone bonsai is a perfect integration of stone and plant science. As a form of expression of potted plants, it can not only reflect the natural style, but also create a sense of beauty through integration. On the other hand, the stone bonsai is usually planted on the stone, mainly through the root system of the plant to grasp the stone wall.

  • [raw stone flower] raw stone flower variety, how to raise raw stone flower

    [raw stone flower] raw stone flower variety, how to raise raw stone flower

    [raw stone flower] raw stone flower variety, how to raise raw stone flower

  • Stone bonsai when trees meet stones

    Stone bonsai when trees meet stones

    In life, exquisite people often like to put artistic bonsai at home to edify their feelings. Stone-attached bonsai is a kind of bonsai plastic art, in which the trees grow on the stone and the stone trees form a whole. This kind of basin.

  • What is a herring stone? How do you pick it? How to polish and maintain? How much is one yuan?

    What is a herring stone? How do you pick it? How to polish and maintain? How much is one yuan?

    The herring should be quite familiar, but you may not have heard of it with a herring stone hidden in its head. So what is the herring stone? How do you pick it? How to polish and maintain? Herring stone, also known as black carp stone, fish shock stone, fish essence stone, fish pillow stone, for

    2020-11-11 Herring stone what is how pick polish maintenance
  • Master-level Stone Bonsai Plastic Arts

    Master-level Stone Bonsai Plastic Arts

    Attached stone bonsai is a kind of bonsai plastic art, which is mainly stone, trees grow on stone, and stone trees are connected into one. Trees are attached to rocks, roots extend into cracks in rocks, branches twist and extend into caves or clusters on rocks, or hang under rocks, or slope horizontally beside rocks, so that strange stones and ancient trees contrast into interest

  • Production method of Sheung Shui Stone Bonsai

    Production method of Sheung Shui Stone Bonsai

    Dear, don't worry about the indoor dryness caused by turning on air-conditioning and heating for a long time in winter, and adults and children can't stand it. Because you have a natural humidifier water stone bonsai. Sheung Shui stone bonsai is a landscape formed by the arrangement and combination of mountains, stones, grass and trees in the urn. Sheung Shui stone bonsai is made of landscape bonsai.

  • Exquisite stone bonsai

    Exquisite stone bonsai

    The inheritance of Chinese bonsai art for more than a thousand years is known as three-dimensional painting and silent poetry. Bonsai with stone is the further inheritance and development of bonsai art. Stone players and bonsai lovers are deeply attracted by the perfect blending of stone and trees. In accordance with the usual practice, the following is to offer you exquisite bonsai with stone for your enjoyment.

  • What kind of stone is used to make stone bonsai?

    What kind of stone is used to make stone bonsai?

    Stone bonsai, this is a kind of bonsai that many people like. Think that the plant grows on the stone, and it is also a god. What is the method of making stone bonsai? Stone bonsai with what stone: stone bonsai production method: 1. In order to understand the law of plant growth, it is necessary to pay attention to the growth of plants.

  • How much is the price of chicken blood stone?

    How much is the price of chicken blood stone?

    How much is the price of chicken blood stone?

  • Bonsai appreciation: when trees encounter the unique beauty of stone bonsai

    Bonsai appreciation: when trees encounter the unique beauty of stone bonsai

    What miracles do trees create when they encounter stones? This is the bonsai with stone. Stone bonsai is a kind of bonsai plastic art, which is composed of stone, tree and stone tree. This kind of potted plant will attach the tree to the stone and extend the root.

  • Making of Stone Bonsai

    Making of Stone Bonsai

    The attached stone bonsai can organically integrate the tree stump bonsai with the landscape bonsai, and is the epitome and close-up of the tree image on the top of the cliff or peak rock. The tree body is embedded in the stone wall, around the cave, the trunk has a support, and the strange stone has a dangerous potential...

  • Selection method of stone money tortoise

    Selection method of stone money tortoise

    Selection method of stone money tortoise

  • Production and Collection of Tamarix trunks with Stone Bonsai

    Production and Collection of Tamarix trunks with Stone Bonsai

    The production of Tamarix trunks with stone bonsai is basically the same as that of other trunk bonsai. Tang Qingan, master of bonsai art in Zhongzhou and provincial bonsai art master, said that attention should be paid to stone selection, basin selection, seedling selection, modeling and so on in the production of Tamarix trunks with stone bonsai. In the selection of stones, we should choose those stones that are hard.

  • Let go of the stone. Stone appreciation is not an industry, but a cultural activity.

    Let go of the stone. Stone appreciation is not an industry, but a cultural activity.

    Let go of the stone! Stone appreciation is not an industry, but a cultural activity! Article | drunken stone Weng recommended picture | Shi Daochun this article is selected from "Strange Stone Circle". The copyright belongs to the original author. I recently read an article saying that Bai Juyi stabbed history in Hangzhou.

  • I like the succulent balcony in spring.

    I like the succulent balcony in spring.

    Thanks to the material of xiaoyi163, it's spring to see that everyone is sending out stones. I will also send out my own general stone! It seems that we are not in a state yet. When spring comes, everyone is sending out stones. I will also send out my own general stone! Will.
