
stem tip Learn more about stem tip

  • Cultivation techniques of sweet potato sprouts and vegetables

    Cultivation techniques of sweet potato sprouts and vegetables

    Sweet potato sprouts, also known as sweet potato leaves and sweet potato leaves, belong to the genus Sweet Potato of the Convolvulaceae. it is a variety of sweet potato seedlings with tender stems at the tip of sweet potato seedlings selected by artificial selection. In Hong Kong, it is still known as "vegetable queen", "longevity vegetable" and "anti-cancer vegetable". It is a real green vegetable product. Nutritional ingredients.

  • Detoxification Technology of Potato

    Detoxification Technology of Potato

    Detoxification Technology of Potato

  • Virus-free technology of potato

    Virus-free technology of potato

    Potatoes are nutritious and resistant to storage. It has a short growth period and great potential to increase production, so it is fond of eating for people. However, potatoes are easy to be infected with a variety of viruses, resulting in smaller tubers, deformities, seed potato degradation and so on. The experimental results show that the detoxification of potato by stem tip tissue culture combined with virus detection and the production of virus-free seed potato can effectively prevent the degradation of seed potato and greatly increase the yield of potato. The main detoxification methods are as follows: 1. Take materials and disinfect the tubers of the varieties to be detoxified to sprout. When the buds grow 4~5cm, cut the buds and peel off the outer leaves.

  • Seed selection of Fritillaria thunbergii

    Seed selection of Fritillaria thunbergii

    Seed selection of Fritillaria thunbergii

  • Tissue Culture technique of Stem Tip of Orchid

    Tissue Culture technique of Stem Tip of Orchid

    The growing period of orchid sprouts in China coincides with the rainy season of high temperature and humidity in the south, and the multiplication of miscellaneous bacteria is rampant, especially in soil and medium. The orchid basin medium for inoculation and sampling should carry as few miscellaneous bacteria as possible, do not apply organic fertilizer, put it in a place of light and shelter from the rain, and let the buds bare when the new buds are emerging. Take the new buds of 6~13cm, cut high from the base of the plant, remove the roots, stolen goods and wrapped leaves with a scraper, wash the material thoroughly, cut the 2~3cm length, and disinfect it in 10% hypochloric acid solution for 10 minutes. Such as belt

  • How to kill rice dry-tip nematode

    How to kill rice dry-tip nematode

    After the rice dry-tip nematode erodes rice, it will make the plant leaf tip form a unique white tip, and then necrosis. the invasion of this pest has brought serious economic losses to farmers. How does the rice stem tip bug spread? How do I kill him? 1. The dry tip of rice is such as

    2020-11-08 Rice dry tip nematode how kill rice
  • Experts from the Provincial Crop Institute recommend sweet potato varieties suitable for planting in spring, summer and autumn

    Experts from the Provincial Crop Institute recommend sweet potato varieties suitable for planting in spring, summer and autumn

    Sweet potatoes can be planted in spring, summer and autumn. Spring planting is generally planted in March to April, summer planting is generally planted in May, autumn planting is planted within a week after the beginning of autumn. Here are a few sweet potato varieties suitable for planting in our province. Jinye: new variety of sweet potato for stem-tip vegetables. The variety has soft stem-tip, low crude fiber content, good palatability after ripening, suitable for vegetable use. Open field cultivation, the whole growth period can pick about 10 times, 667 square meters can pick 250 kilograms of stem tips, picking interval time is 15 days. 667 square meters receivable

  • Tips for increasing pumpkin production

    Tips for increasing pumpkin production

    Tips for increasing pumpkin production

  • Dendrobium propagation tips: learn this trick and keep growing new branches.

    Dendrobium propagation tips: learn this trick and keep growing new branches.

    Seed propagation: the probability of seed germination of Dendrobium is very low and needs artificial culture after planting. Split-plant propagation: select healthy and strong plants, divide them into several plants according to the number of stems, and plant the divided plants. Cuttage propagation: choose healthy Zhuo.

  • How to grow vegetable sweet potatoes?

    How to grow vegetable sweet potatoes?

    How to grow vegetable sweet potatoes? Please guide the planting techniques of vegetable sweet potato as follows: 1. Raising seedlings: seedlings can be raised in hotbed or covered with plastic film on the ground. Open field mulching seedlings are generally sown in late March, and the seedbed should choose a plot with leeward and sunny soil, which is 2 meters wide, and the sowing ditch is 0.6 meters wide.

  • How to detoxify Potato and increase production

    How to detoxify Potato and increase production

    Potato (scientific name: Solanum tuberosum), a perennial herb of Solanaceae with edible tubers, is the third most important food crop in the world, second only to wheat and corn. Potato, also known as ground egg, potato, potato, etc., is the tuber of Solanaceae. Vs.

    2020-11-08 Potato how to detoxify and increase production potato scientific name Solanum
  • The difference between big thistle and small thistle

    The difference between big thistle and small thistle

    The difference between big thistle and small thistle

  • Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • How to solve the problem of green radish leaves yellowing? What are the tips for solving green radish yellowing?

    How to solve the problem of green radish leaves yellowing? What are the tips for solving green radish yellowing?

    How to solve the problem of green radish leaves yellowing? What are the tips for solving green radish yellowing?

  • There are many diseases in planting lily, five common disease symptoms of lily and their control methods.

    There are many diseases in planting lily, five common disease symptoms of lily and their control methods.

    There are many diseases in planting lily, five common disease symptoms of lily and their control methods.

  • How to prevent and cure citrus peeling disease

    How to prevent and cure citrus peeling disease

    How to prevent and cure citrus peeling disease

  • Identification and management of dormant period of succulent plants look carefully to avoid rotting roots

    Identification and management of dormant period of succulent plants look carefully to avoid rotting roots

    Network succulent plants in the country of origin to adapt to the environment, almost every variety has formed the annual inherent dormancy or semi-dormant physiological habits. Due to different varieties, some of their dormancy period is in summer.

  • Five common propagation methods of Phalaenopsis

    Five common propagation methods of Phalaenopsis

    Phalaenopsis is an epiphytic orchid. When Phalaenopsis blossoms, it looks like a butterfly. It is very beautiful, so it has the reputation of "Queen of Phalaenopsis". However, the planting requirements of Phalaenopsis are relatively strict, so we should pay attention to the cultivation methods when cultivating Phalaenopsis artificially.

  • Two ways to spend the summer with succulent plants will lead to 100% safety.

    Two ways to spend the summer with succulent plants will lead to 100% safety.

    Tip: tequila does not blossom in the first five, ten, or even fifty years of life. Then, just when you have given up, it sticks out the pedicel. The smell of flowers is a strong mixture of musk and carrion.

  • Comprehensive control of tip yellowing of garlic leaves in autumn

    Comprehensive control of tip yellowing of garlic leaves in autumn

    Planting garlic in autumn is prone to leaf tip yellowing, resulting in short stems and leaves, not thick stems, low yield and poor quality. First, the cause of the disease 1. The soil fertility was low and the nutrient supply was insufficient in the later stage. two。 In the later stage, the temperature was too high and the water supply was insufficient. 3. Year after year, the density is too high. 4. It is seriously damaged by leaf spot, anthrax, aphids, red spiders and so on. Second, prevention and control measures 1. Choose sandy loam with loose soil and high fertility, and apply farmers with 667 square meters before planting.
