
sporidia Learn more about sporidia

  • Urgent-sea bass with sporozoa

    Urgent-sea bass with sporozoa

    Urgent-sea bass with sporozoa

  • Several popular fish medicines

    Several popular fish medicines

    This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, silver carp, bighead carp and crucian carp, which can kill Chinese fleas, anchor fleas, rotifers, melon worms, third-generation worms, sporidia, ring worms, fish larvae, hook larvae, etc. it can also kill water centipedes, leeches and other pests. This product is a new type of highly effective insecticidal drug, which can effectively kill Anchor flea, Chinese flea, rotifer, ring worm, third generation worm, sporidium, double scale trematodes and other fish parasites. For four major domestic fish, freshwater white Pomfret, mandarin fish, sea bass, eel

  • Prevention and treatment of muscle cloudy disease and spasm disease of cultured Penaeus vannamei

    Prevention and treatment of muscle cloudy disease and spasm disease of cultured Penaeus vannamei

    White turbid muscle disease: etiology: temperature mutation is the main cause, the temperature is too high or too low; Vibrio infection or sporidia parasitic on muscle. Symptoms: the muscles of the last two segments of the abdomen become white and lose transparency, while some diseased shrimps turn white all over the body, and the muscles turn white by microscopic examination.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture southern whitening shrimp muscle white turbid disease and spasm diseased
  • Prevention of coccidiosis in cultured mandarin fish

    Prevention of coccidiosis in cultured mandarin fish

    Siniperca chuatsi coccidiosis was prevalent in our province last year, which caused great economic losses to farmers. Siniperca chuatsi parasitic on the gills, the cysts are round or tumor-like, white, gathered by a number of oval vesicles, the parasitic site of the cysts cause local Gill tissue.

    2020-11-08 Culture mandarin fish tail sporidia disease prevention mandarin fish tail spores
  • 4 new fish drugs with high efficiency

    4 new fish drugs with high efficiency

    1. Perchlorine. This product is a fungicide, timely use of fish, shrimp, crab, soft-shelled turtle, eel, frog bleeding and red skin, printing, rotten Gill, black Gill, enteritis, decaying shell, red leg disease has a very good control effect. It has significant disinfection, sterilization and improvement effect on pond sediment and pond water. 2. Fish, insects and worms. This product is a new type of high-efficiency insecticidal drug, which can effectively kill fish parasites such as Anchorage, Chinese oysters, rotifers, ring worms, third-generation worms, sporidia, trematodes, monogonimus and other fish parasites.

  • 7 new effective fish medicines

    7 new effective fish medicines

    Fish bug killer. This product is an external insecticide for green, grass, bighead carp, crucian carp and bream. It can kill parasitic Chinese carp, anchor head carp, trochodina, small melon worm, third generation worm, sporozoa, dactylogyrus, fish carp, hook shell larvae, etc. on fish within a few hours. It can also kill water centipede, ants and other pests. High chlorine. This product is a fungicide. It has strong killing effect on bacteria, fungi, germs, fungi, etc., and has strong killing effect on hemorrhagic disease, red skin, printing, rotten gills, black gills, enteritis, rotten shell and red skin of fish, shrimp, crab, turtle, eel and frog.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of fish parasitic diseases

    Diagnosis and treatment of fish parasitic diseases

    Diagnosis and treatment of fish parasitic diseases

  • What kind of medicine is used in general fish pond disinfection? How to disinfect it?

    What kind of medicine is used in general fish pond disinfection? How to disinfect it?

    Aquaculture in fish ponds is a good direction for people in our country to get rich and earn income, and it is generally necessary to carry out disinfection before using fish ponds for culture. What kind of medicine is used to disinfect the fish pond? How to disinfect it? What kind of medicine is used to disinfect fish ponds? Usually trimmed and modified.

    2020-11-11 General fish pond disinfection use what medicine yes how
  • Problems in the black larval stage of Japanese eel and its countermeasures

    Problems in the black larval stage of Japanese eel and its countermeasures

    At the turn of spring and summer, Japanese eel culture is mostly in the black larval stage, which generally reflects the decline of feeding rate, prone to rotten Gill, rotten tail syndrome and other phenomena, which seriously affect the healthy, sustained and steady development of Japanese eel culture. This paper analyzes the main problems existing in the culture stage of Japanese eel black larvae, and puts forward some countermeasures for reference. First, the feeding rate decreased: the feeding rate decreased or the feeding amount was difficult to increase in the culture of Japanese eel black larvae, and the main inducing factors

  • New fish pond the most local anti-leakage method, new fish pond with what disinfection? What should I pay attention to?

    New fish pond the most local anti-leakage method, new fish pond with what disinfection? What should I pay attention to?

    The best way to prevent water leakage in the new fish pond is to tamp the bottom of the pond completely by mechanical compaction, and the yellow mud can be evenly applied to the bottom of the pond and then irrigated after natural air drying. What to disinfect the new fish ponds: bleach and Qingtang Ling can be used in the new fish ponds.

    2020-11-08 New fish ponds new fish ponds most earnest prevention leakage method use what