
split head Learn more about split head

  • How to split the plants at the head of good luck

    How to split the plants at the head of good luck

    The leading flowers of Hong Yun usually bloom for three years, but it is difficult to bear fruit after flowering. It is usually propagated by the method of plant division, and the plant is divided in spring combined with turning the basin and changing the soil. Cut off the sucking buds that occur at the base of the plant, cut the incision flat, plant it in plain sand, and cover the basin mouth with a plastic bag to keep warm and moisturize. Sparse shade and ventilation environment

  • What kind of plant is the head of good luck? When will it split?

    What kind of plant is the head of good luck? When will it split?

    Good luck is a common family ornamental flowers, evergreen all the year round, beautiful and colorful inflorescences, many flower friends are no stranger to it, so when is it good to split up? How to split the plant? When Hongyun is at the head of ramet, ramet is suitable for April every year.

    2020-11-09 Good luck head what is it plant when split good luck
  • What is the time of good luck? what is the method of dividing plants?

    What is the time of good luck? what is the method of dividing plants?

    In the face of good luck, this is a kind of plant, which is liked by a lot of people, so when does it split up? What is the method: when Hongyun is the first ramet: when Hongyun is the first ramet, the ramet is suitable to be carried out in April every year and the bud has more than 6 leaves before it is suitable for ramet.

  • The latest reason for the formation of garlic split head and loose petal

    The latest reason for the formation of garlic split head and loose petal

    Garlic is one of our common seasonings, its garlic is wrapped in multiple layers of garlic skin, and the cloves will not break easily, but if the wrapped garlic leaves are reduced, the garlic cloves will split the garlic skin when it expands, resulting in the phenomenon of garlic head cracking and garlic cloves scattered. Well, at this time,

    2020-11-10 The latest garlic split head loose valve formation reason yes we
  • Reasons for the formation of split head and loose petal of garlic

    Reasons for the formation of split head and loose petal of garlic

    Reasons for the formation of split head and loose petal of garlic

  • Hongyun's leading split course

    Hongyun's leading split course

    The head of good luck, as its name means good luck, step by step, is a symbol of auspicious flowers and plants. As the flowers at the head of good luck are huge and dazzling, they are very suitable for family potted plants, adding a lot of peaceful atmosphere during the festival. Good luck tends to bloom only once in a lifetime.

  • How to split at the head of Hongyun, the method of ramet propagation / all the year round.

    How to split at the head of Hongyun, the method of ramet propagation / all the year round.

    For this kind of flower at the head of good luck, I believe that flower friends are no stranger, and what impresses people most is that they only bloom once in their first life! However, it is precisely because of this, the head flower of good luck is very beautiful. And if you want to continue to appreciate this beauty, a good way is to breed. It is understood that

  • The more and more orchids are raised, the more they learn to split plants. It is very important to change one into three, even if you can't give it to friends.

    The more and more orchids are raised, the more they learn to split plants. It is very important to change one into three, even if you can't give it to friends.

    Friends who have raised orchids all know that orchids grow false bulbs in the process of growth, that is, the so-called "Reed head". People usually break it off and throw it away in the process of changing pots, but it can not only take root but also sprout.

  • Meat cone light bulb how to maintain the best when it blossoms for several years

    Meat cone light bulb how to maintain the best when it blossoms for several years

    The meat cone light bulb is a plant of the genus Amygdalaceae. The surface of the plant is bright green and translucent, and it will blossom as long as the environment is right. How long does the meat cone light bulb bloom? the dormant period from May to September is the dormant period of the meat cone flower. After the dormancy period, the flower begins to grow and then blossoms, almost at the end of September and the beginning of October.

  • What should I do if I grow garlic and lose my head?

    What should I do if I grow garlic and lose my head?

    What should I do if I grow garlic and lose my head? What caused it? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that the tips of several scale buds of normal garlic are all close to the middle axis of garlic. If the tip of the scale buds opens outward, the garlic cloves split and the outer skin split, this phenomenon is called loose-headed garlic, which affects the commercial value. So the farming net sorted out the garlic powder.

  • Huilan's "head shape eight methods" and "five doors and eight styles"


    The "five-door eight-style" shape of the cymbidium is a summary of the valuable experience of the predecessors in selecting the best species according to the shape of the small bud of the cymbidium, and it is a priceless treasure left to us by the Yilan ancestors. "five doors and eight styles" spreads all over the world, has a far-reaching influence in the circle, and is a permanent topic that orchid friends often talk about. However, due to the versatility of previous writings.

  • The breeding method of good luck: how to reproduce at the head of good luck? How to split at the head of Hongyun? does it have to be divided?

    The breeding method of good luck: how to reproduce at the head of good luck? How to split at the head of Hongyun? does it have to be divided?

    (1) propagation of tillering buds. When the tillering buds at the top, stem base or root of Hongyundang fruit grow to 10 cm long, cut and peel off the lowest part of the leaves at the connection with the mother plant with a scraper and dry them for a day or so. The depth of planting should not exceed 1 inch 5 of the whole bud length.

  • Introduction to the main valuable varieties of Orchid (Cymbidium)

    Introduction to the main valuable varieties of Orchid (Cymbidium)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • Introduction to sowing and ramet propagation of Paeonia lactiflora

    Introduction to sowing and ramet propagation of Paeonia lactiflora

    Paeonia lactiflora is a perennial herb of Ranunculaceae with large and beautiful flowers. Paeonia lactiflora is not only available for ornamental use, but also has medicinal value in its roots. Artificial cultivation of Paeonia lactiflora can be propagated by sowing and dividing plants. The editor will introduce to you these two propagation methods of Paeonia lactiflora. Interested flower friends can learn about it together.

  • chopped pepper fish head

    chopped pepper fish head

    Raw materials: fat head fish head 1 1000 grams, Hunan special chopped pepper, monosodium glutamate, red oil, ginger, onion, white radish pieces of the right amount. Production method: ① Wash the fish head, remove gills and scales, and split it into two from the middle of the fish lip.② Spread salt and monosodium glutamate evenly on the fish head, marinate for 5 minutes and then spread chopped pepper on the fish head. Put 2 to 3 slices of ginger and white radish at the bottom of the dish, put the fish head on top, and put some chopped ginger on the fish.③ Steam the fish head in the pan for 15 minutes,

  • There are skills in keeping garlic seeds.

    There are skills in keeping garlic seeds.

    The continuous asexual propagation of garlic cloves leads to the degradation of vitality, which shows that the plant is short and weak, the disease resistance is poor, the garlic becomes smaller and the yield decreases. Seed selection, seed retention, purification and rejuvenation should be done in concentrated garlic-producing areas. Head and valve selection-nbsp selects plants in the field before harvest, marks the plants that accord with the characteristics of the variety, grows strongly and is disease-free, and selects them for seed at harvest. When harvesting, we should also choose garlic with large and round head, no abnormal flap, no damage, uniform size, skin color, meat color and split in line with the characteristics of this variety.

  • How to process salty garlic rice

    How to process salty garlic rice

    Garlic is processed into salty garlic rice, which has simple equipment and remarkable economic benefits, and is quite popular in the international market. 1. Technological process material selection → split → soaking → peeling → rinsing → grading → ironing → cooling → rinsing → pickling → finishing → matching soup → barrel → finished product. Second, the method of operation 1, seed selection. Garlic is required to be mature, dry, clean, with a complete outer skin, no moth, no mildew, and eliminate garlic that is too small and single-headed. 2. Split and soak. Artificial split, excluding garlic stalk and

  • Five-fillet fish head

    Five-fillet fish head

    Raw materials: silver carp head, shredded ham, shredded shiitake mushrooms, shredded bamboo shoots, shredded red pepper, shredded green pepper, spring onions, ginger, garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, sesame oil, water starch, salad oil and so on. Production: fish head to remove Gill wash clean, with a knife from the jaw cut, but do not split, showing a "hinge" of a large piece. After rinsing clean, marinate with cooking wine and refined salt, steam for about 15 minutes on the plate, decanting the soup from the plate. Heat the wok, pour in the oil, and stir-fry several kinds of shreds.

  • Towel gourd has no head and rule of law in deep winter

    Towel gourd has no head and rule of law in deep winter

    Vegetable farmers who grow towel gourd all know that towel gourd generally grows weakly in late winter, and once there is a headless situation, this vine is considered useless. Why are there headless vines? Because the towel gourd head change process, all the branches below the growth point are removed, it is difficult to appear new, if we are not careful to the upper growth point.

  • Processing technology of salty garlic rice

    Processing technology of salty garlic rice

    Garlic is processed into salty garlic rice, which has simple equipment and remarkable economic benefits, and is quite popular in the international market. 1. Technological process material selection → split → soaking → peeling → rinsing → grading → ironing → cooling → rinsing → pickling → finishing → matching soup → barrel → finished product. Second, the method of operation 1, seed selection. Garlic is required to be mature, dry, clean, with a complete outer skin, no moth, no mildew, and eliminate garlic that is too small and single-headed. 2. Split and soak. Artificial division, elimination of garlic
