
solitary Learn more about solitary

  • What are the effects and functions of "Changshengcao"? Can you treat rheumatism? (with taboos)

    What are the effects and functions of

    The name "living alone" may not be familiar to everyone. It is the name of traditional Chinese medicine, which belongs to blindly in Chinese herbal medicine. Duhuo is mainly planted in Sichuan and Hubei in China, which can also be called everlasting grass, solitary slippery and so on. So what are the effects and effects of living alone? Food prohibition

    2020-11-09 " long grass " solitary living efficacy and effect what is it?
  • What is living alone? What is the effect and function of living alone?

    What is living alone? What is the effect and function of living alone?

    As we all know, the names of the ancients were both literary and artistic. Such as the name of traditional Chinese medicine. What we are going to talk about today is the solitary life of traditional Chinese medicine with a domineering name without losing tenderness. So, what is living alone? What is the effect and function of living alone? I. what is independence?

    2020-11-09 What yes what is it? what is it? what is it?
  • The four lakes of Yunlin County are in full bloom to welcome people to enjoy the flowers enthusiastically.

    The four lakes of Yunlin County are in full bloom to welcome people to enjoy the flowers enthusiastically.

    Changchun Gunting Garden, Sihu Township, Yunlin County, held a "Spring outing Pastoral Flower appreciation activity" on the 10th. More than 30 new varieties of Guting flowers were displayed at the scene, and a large area of solitary flowers bloomed, attracting people to take their families to spring flowers. County Mayor Li.

  • Do solitary hamsters have bacteria? Can you hibernate? How much is it per piece? How to divide the male from the female? How do you raise it?

    Do solitary hamsters have bacteria? Can you hibernate? How much is it per piece? How to divide the male from the female? How do you raise it?

    The hamster is 5-12 cm long and fat and round. They usually dig holes in nesting places and like to be nocturnal. This kind of animal is very mini and lovely, and it is a very powerful solitary animal. So do hamsters have germs? Can you hibernate? How much is it per piece? How

    2020-11-11 Living alone animals hamsters yes bacteria hibernation price more
  • Even bees say socializing is a waste of energy.

    Even bees say socializing is a waste of energy.

    For us, bees are like humans, highly collaborative social species. However, just as there are isolated individuals in human society, are there antisocial individuals in the bee world? Bees that live in groups, there will be unsociable bees...

  • Morphological characteristics of Taxus chinensis

    Morphological characteristics of Taxus chinensis

    Evergreen trees, 30m in height and 1m in dry diameter. Leaves spirally alternate, base twisted into distichous, strip slightly curved, 1-2.5cm long, 2-2.5mm wide, leaf margin slightly retrorse, leaf apex acuminate, leaf back with 2 broad yellowish green or gray-green stomatal bands, dense convex spots on midvein, leaf margin green belt is very narrow, dioecious, male cones solitary in leaf axils, female ovules solitary on top of lateral short axis of upper rachis, with disk-shaped aril at base. The seed is oblate-ovoid, 2-angled, and the seed is egg.

  • Taxodiaceae


    Latin name: Taxaceae English name: YewFamily,TaxusFamily introduction: evergreen trees or shrubs. Leaves spirally arranged or crossed opposite, striate or lanceolate. Male cones solitary leaf axils or bract axils, or spikes concentrated at the top of branches, stamens numerous, each with 3-9 anthers, locules longitudinally lobed, pollen without air sac; female globules solitary or paired to leaf axils or bract axils, with numerous imbricate or cross-opposite bracts at base, ovules 1, erect, borne.

  • Morphological characteristics of Panax notoginseng

    Morphological characteristics of Panax notoginseng

    Panax notoginseng is a perennial herb with a height of 30cm to 60cm. The main root is fleshy, mostly short conical. The rhizome is short and thick, commonly known as "sheep's intestines". Aboveground stems erect, smooth, glabrous, solitary, unbranched, longitudinally striated. Palmately compound leaves 3-6 whorled stem apical, long stalked; leaflets 3-7, long elliptic to Obovate, 5-15 cm long, margin serrulate, bristles on both sides of veins. Umbels solitary at the top of the stem, flowers numerous, bisexual, yellowish green at first blooming, white when in full bloom; calyx and Corolla 5 each

  • Succulent plant-- Longjiao peony

    Succulent plant-- Longjiao peony

    Longjiao peony is a variety of triangular peony, solitary, mostly spherical or flat spherical, the color is purplish red. Place of origin: the province of Nuevo Leon in northern Mexico is usually solitary or oblate, dark green or emerald green. Verrucous grains of adult plants.

  • Bonsai in Linquan study on the case

    Bonsai in Linquan study on the case

    Forget the mountains, walk in sparse forests, accompanied by solitary trees, listening to pine waves, this anecdote of the ancients, today I am afraid it is difficult to find. If this scene is used as a clear reward in the study, then the place of the knee is also born Qingkuang, what a pleasure. The "literati tree" bonsai is exactly this.

  • The living habits of hamsters

    The living habits of hamsters

    Hamsters are solitary animals, are afraid of water, do not like to bask in the sun, and have their own taboos about eating. Chocolate, sweets, fresh milk and carambola are all dietary taboos. Hamsters' living habits 1. They all like to come out at night.

    2020-11-11 Hamster of life habit hamster belonging to solitary animal
  • Celery leaves and peonies

    Celery leaves and peonies

    The leaves are like celery, and the flowers are like peonies, hence the name "celery leaf peonies". It is a perennial perennial herb. Plant height 20 cm ~ 40 cm, tuber fusiform, often several aggregated at root neck; stem solitary, or a few branched, hairy; basal.

  • Succulent plant-- Huanghua Sunwave

    Succulent plant-- Huanghua Sunwave

    Zhaobo, apricot family succulent plant, this kind of growth is fast, easy to cultivate, slender thick green leaves about 3 cm, yellow flowers. Watering is also carried out alternately with dry and wet, but to prevent long-term drought and waterlogging. High temperatures in summer need shade.

  • Peacock grass--hearty, lively, always cheerful

    Peacock grass--hearty, lively, always cheerful

    Peacock grass compositae, marigold is an annual herb. Stems erect, branches obliquely spreading. Leaves pinnate, heads solitary, tubular flowers corolla yellow, achenes linear, flowering July-September. Originated in Mexico. Distribution in Sichuan, Guizhou,...

  • The difference between sweet beans and Dutch beans

    The difference between sweet beans and Dutch beans

    Leaf difference: sweet bean leaves are oblong or ovoid; Dutch bean leaves are oval with small teeth on the lower edge. Flower differences: sweet bean flowers solitary or arranged in racemes, white or purplish red flowers; Dutch bean flowers white or purplish red, flowers arranged in racemes. Fruit difference: sweet bean pod long oval, Dutch bean pod long oval or oblate.

  • The difference between Gardenia jasminoides and Gardenia jasminoides

    The difference between Gardenia jasminoides and Gardenia jasminoides

    Leaf difference: Gardenia jasminoides leaves opposite or 3-leaf whorled, leaf blade oblanceolate; yellow gardenia leaves leathery, oblong-lanceolate or Indian-lanceolate, entire. Flower difference: water gardenia flowers solitary, petals 5 to 6, showing white; yellow gardenia Corolla white or milky yellow, high dish-shaped.

  • How to distinguish Euphorbia angustifolia

    How to distinguish Euphorbia angustifolia

    Rhizome: cylindrical, can grow above 20cm, diameter is 3-6mm, stem can be as high as 30-60cm. Leaf blade: linear to ovate, apex more acute or obtusely pointed, without petiole, 2-7cm long. Flowers: inflorescences solitary, sessile at bottom, involucral bracts campanulate.

  • What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties?

    What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties?

    What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties? The peony flower is colorful and magnificent, and is known as the "king of flowers". At the same time, because the peony flower is large and fragrant, it is also known as "national color and Tianxiang". There are thousands of peony varieties in our country.

  • What month is the florescence of the latest crab claw orchid?

    What month is the florescence of the latest crab claw orchid?

    The flowering period of crab claw orchid is from October of each year to February of the following year. If it is cultivated indoors, its florescence can be adjusted by controlling the light. Its flowers are solitary at the top of the branch and are rose-red in color. Cultured crab claw orchids should be loose and rich in organic matter.

    2020-11-10 The latest crab claw orchid flowering is what month
  • The difference between plums, cherries, apricots, peaches and plums

    The difference between plums, cherries, apricots, peaches and plums

    The difference between plums, cherries, apricots, peaches and plums
