
scaly wing Learn more about scaly wing

  • Yellow poplar silk borer

    Yellow poplar silk borer

    Diaphaniaperspectalis (Walker), also known as yellow poplar black edge borer moth, belongs to the family Lepidoptera. [distribution and harm]: distributed in Shaanxi, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Xizang and other places. Harm to Populus tomentosa, Populus tomentosa and so on. Larvae often use silk to connect the surrounding leaves as temporary nests, where they feed, and when they are serious

  • Peach fruit moth

    Peach fruit moth

    Latin name: CarposinaniponensisWalsingham distribution area: morphological features: adult body length 7 mm 8 mm, wingspan 16 mm 18 mm, grayish brown. There is a blue-gray approximate triangular spot in the middle of the leading edge of the forewing. There are 7 clusters of blue-brown oblique clusters of scaly hairs on the wing surface. The lower lip of the female is longer and the male is shorter. Oval, red, with 2 or 3 circles of zigzag bristles at the top. the larva is 13-16 mm long, pink, and the forechest dorsal plate is brown. the little larva is yellow and white. No buttocks.

  • Zinc deficiency in chickens

    Zinc deficiency in chickens

    Similar symptoms: hock hypertrophy, legs, feet thick short. (Similar symptoms to colibacillosis, staphylococcosis, synovial cystosis, vitamin B6 deficiency, vitamin B2 deficiency, joint pain, vitamin B11(folic acid) deficiency, choline deficiency, manganese deficiency, vitamin PP(nicotinic acid) deficiency, zinc deficiency) Distinguishing symptoms: light feet, leg skin has scaly skin, heavy legs, foot skin severe keratosis, foot cracks. The feathers are severely damaged, especially the wing feathers and tail.

  • What are the second-class protected animals in the country?

    What are the second-class protected animals in the country?

    What are the second-class protected animals in the country?

  • Is the small hummingbird a protective animal? Where is it distributed? What kind of food do you eat? Are there any natural enemies?

    Is the small hummingbird a protective animal? Where is it distributed? What kind of food do you eat? Are there any natural enemies?

    The hummingbird, named for the buzzing sound of its wings as it flies, is small, scaly and brightly colored. Is this beautiful bird protecting animals? Where is it distributed? What kind of food do you eat? Are there any natural enemies? 1. Hummingbirds are

    2020-11-11 Size small hummingbird yes protection animal Mo it distribution in
  • Wheat moth

    Wheat moth

    The scientific name Sitotrogacerealella (Olivier) belongs to Lepidoptera, Noctuidae. Distributed all over the country. Host wheat, corn, rice, sorghum, buckwheat, Gramineae weed seeds, edible fungi and so on. The damage characteristics of the larvae eat the above seeds. Morphological characteristics: adult 4-5mm long, wingspan 14-18mm, grayish yellow; compound eyes black, antennae filiform, grayish brown; head and face densely covered with grayish brown scaly hairs; lower lip whiskers grayish brown, second thick, third tip

  • What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

    What are the common insects?

  • Impatiens red diamondback moth

    Impatiens red diamondback moth

    DeilephilaelpenorlewisilButler is the main pest of Impatiens balsamina, which is distributed in Northeast, North, East and Northwest China. The host not only has impatiens, but also has autumn orchid, grass flower and so on. The insect feeds on leaves in the form of larvae, which affects the growth and development of plants, and is the main pest of impatiens. Morphological characteristics the adult is 33-40 mm long and the wingspan is 55-70 mm. Wings and body are red

  • The Ministry of Agriculture is most concerned about the implementation of permitted fishing gear and transitional fishing gear for marine fishing.

    The Ministry of Agriculture is most concerned about the implementation of permitted fishing gear and transitional fishing gear for marine fishing.

    In order to strengthen the management of fishing gear, consolidate the achievements of the special action on cleaning up and rectifying illegal fishing gear, and protect marine fishery resources, according to the Fisheries Law of the people's Republic of China, the regulations on the Conservation of Biological Resources in the Bohai Sea and the Action platform for the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources in China

    2015-12-26 Ministry of Agriculture on implementation marine fishing permissible fishing gear and for
  • Breeding method of buddleja

    Breeding method of buddleja

    We usually use three propagation methods, container seedling propagation, hardwood seedling propagation and cuttage propagation. 1. Container seedling container seedling, usually we choose to seedling in spring, peat, decomposed sheep dung, fine sand according to the ratio of 2:1:1 evenly mixed, disinfected into the hole plate or nutrition bag

  • How to reproduce, the mode of reproduction / sowing / cutting / ramet

    How to reproduce, the mode of reproduction / sowing / cutting / ramet

    Drunken fish grass is a kind of flower plant of Brucaceae, which can be seen in all provinces of our country. With more and more people raising it, people are more concerned about its reproduction. How to reproduce it? What are the breeding methods of drunken fish grass? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

  • What are the larvae of common flying animals such as flies, cicadas, mosquitoes, butterflies and dragonflies?

    What are the larvae of common flying animals such as flies, cicadas, mosquitoes, butterflies and dragonflies?

    In our daily life, we often see five kinds of small flying animals: flies, cicadas, mosquitoes, butterflies and dragonflies. The larvae of these five kinds of animals are all very obscure, so what are the larvae called? According to data, fly larvae are commonly known as qu.

    2020-11-11 Common flying animals flies cicadas mosquitoes butterflies dragonflies
  • Leave the cones to the forest, and there will be a perfect tree! The Taiwan fir that hit the moon began to grow from the big sesame seeds.

    Leave the cones to the forest, and there will be a perfect tree! The Taiwan fir that hit the moon began to grow from the big sesame seeds.

    Leave the cones to the forest, and there will be a perfect tree! The Taiwan fir that hit the moon began to grow from the big sesame seeds.

  • Chicken skin bleeding and necrotic diseases

    Chicken skin bleeding and necrotic diseases

    Chicken skin bleeding, necrosis and other diseases are: [colibacillosis (skin type)] similar symptoms: omphalitis, dermatitis. Differential symptoms: omphalitis occurred in chicks, dermatitis, necrosis, ulceration occurred in young chickens, and some formed purple scabs; microscopic examination of smears showed gram-negative microbacilli. Treatment: norfloxacin 0.5g/ kg feed for 5 days, or ciprofloxacin, 0.1 ml 0.3 g per kg of water for 5 days, chloramphenicol added 1 per kg of feed.

  • A collection of pictures of partridge species

    A collection of pictures of partridge species

    A collection of pictures of partridge species

  • How much is a partridge now? How to breed?

    How much is a partridge now? How to breed?

    Partridge, also known as the pheasant, is a common bird in the short bush forest, because of the high nutritional value of meat and is known as table food, some are currently in artificial breeding, how much is a partridge now? How to breed? 1. partridge introduction: 1. partridge is

    2020-11-11 now partridge more less money one how to breed also known as
  • Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura

    DiometacremetaButler belongs to the family Lepidoptera. It belongs to one of the bridge-building insects, which is one of the most important pests to damage edible fungi such as Ganoderma lucidum, Pleurotus ostreatus, Auricularia auricula and so on. The main damage characteristics are to eat Ganoderma lucidum cap and meat, leaving a curved tunnel at the victim site. And there are notched holes in the fruiting body. Reduce the commodity value of Ganoderma lucidum. The morphological characteristics of the adult are 11 mm in length and 25-26 mm in wingspan. The male worm has a dark purple-brown body, head and chest.

  • Occurrence regularity and control of sweet potato diamondback moth

    Occurrence regularity and control of sweet potato diamondback moth

    Sweet potato diamondback moth Herseconvolvuli (Linnaeus) belongs to Lepidoptera, Noctuidae. It is distributed in Japan, as well as in Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Zhejiang, Taiwan, Guangdong and other provinces in China. It mainly harms the plants of Convolvulaceae, Solanaceae and Leguminosae. I. form

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potato diamondback moth occurrence regularity and control
  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • [drunken fish grass flower] growth of drunk fish grass flower

    [drunken fish grass flower] growth of drunk fish grass flower

    [drunken fish grass flower] growth of drunk fish grass flower
