
rootlike Learn more about rootlike

  • Who will introduce me to yam?

    Who will introduce me to yam?

    What is a yam? Who will introduce me to yam? Morphological characteristics the rhizome is thick, straight, up to 1 meter long. Leaves alternate, opposite above middle, rare or 3 whorled, often bulbous between leaf axils, leaf shape varied, triangular ovate to triangular broadly ovate, often 3-lobed to parted. The flower is female.

  • Give the flower some expired pills and keep blooming like a stimulant.

    Give the flower some expired pills and keep blooming like a stimulant.

    0071, give the flower some expired pills, just like a stimulant, the flower keeps blooming! Flower-growing friends often encounter the problem of growing pots, getting sick and growing worms, and flowers do not grow well. There must be something wrong with them.

  • How to cultivate high-yield atractylodes rhizome

    How to cultivate high-yield atractylodes rhizome

    Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae is a medicinal plant of Compositae herbaceous rhizome. It has the effects of invigorating spleen and replenishing qi, eliminating dampness and diuresis, preventing abortion and stopping sweating. It is warm and cool by nature, can withstand low temperature, fear high temperature sunburn, drought and waterlogging; it is not suitable for saline-alkali land, sticky heavy land and sandy land.

    2020-11-08 how cultivation high yield atractylodes macrocephala for compositae herb rootlike
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of planting leek how to grow leek

    High-yield cultivation techniques of planting leek how to grow leek

    Varieties: varieties with good quality, high yield, low temperature tolerance, short dormancy period and strong resistance are selected. Sowing: the temperature of emergence is 15-18 ℃, and the germination of seedlings is generally 10-15 days. Seedling stage: apply sufficient base fertilizer, intensive ploughing and rake, remove the plastic film in about 5 days. Land preparation and transplanting: land preparation

    2020-11-08 Species leek high yield cultivation techniques how planting methods abstract