
How to cultivate high-yield atractylodes rhizome

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae is a medicinal plant of Compositae herbaceous rhizome. It has the effects of invigorating spleen and replenishing qi, eliminating dampness and diuresis, preventing abortion and stopping sweating. It is warm and cool by nature, can withstand low temperature, fear high temperature sunburn, drought and waterlogging; it is not suitable for saline-alkali land, sticky heavy land and sandy land.

Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz is a herbaceous rhizome medicinal plant of Compositae, which is used as medicine. It has the effects of invigorating spleen and replenishing qi, resolving dampness and diuresis, calming fetus, stopping sweating and so on. Its nature likes to be warm and cool, and it can endure low temperature, high temperature sunburn, drought and waterlogging; it is not suitable to grow on saline-alkali land, sticky land and sandy land, but should be cultivated on shady slope and soil layer of fertile, deep, moist but not waterlogged sandy soil. White Atractylodes bogey continuous cropping, previous crops to Gramineae crops, newly opened wasteland can also be planted. It is not suitable to rotate with other crops to prevent disease infection. Now its high-yield cultivation techniques are as follows.

First, sowing and raising seedlings in early spring, 667 square meters apply 2000 kilograms of rotten barnyard manure and 50 kilograms of cake fertilizer, deeply turned and raked flat to make beds. Sow ditches between "Qingming" and "Grain Rain" with a distance of 25 cm, a width of 10 cm and a depth of 4 cm to 5 cm. The bottom of the ditch should be flat, and 30 kg of calcium phosphate should be applied at the bottom of the ditch. Before sowing, soak the seeds in warm water of 25: 30 ℃ for 12 hours, pack them in sacks and put them in the room of 25: 30 ℃. Rinse with warm water of 25: 30 ℃ every morning and evening. On the 4th and 5th day, the seed buds began to germinate. in order to prevent bacterial infection, the seeds could be soaked in 1000 times of 50% methyl topiramate for 5 minutes and dried before sowing. After sowing the fine seeds evenly, cover the seeds with charcoal or fine charred soil ash, and cover the straw to keep warm, moisturize and prevent the wind. The amount of seed used is about 5 kg (1 square meter of seedlings can be planted in 7 square meters in the field), and the grass will be exposed after emergence in about 8 days and 10 days. Pull the grass in time after Miao Qi. When the seedling height is 7 cm, set the seedling according to the seedling distance of 4 cm, pull out the thin and weak seedlings, and do a good job of trenching and drainage in time. When the dew outside the leaves is dry on a sunny morning, use a small hoe to gently weed and loosen the soil. Irrigate thin human faeces every 20 days or so, first light and then thick. In dry weather, irrigation should be carried out in time. After "Frosts Descent", dig up the stems and roots, cut off the stems, leaves and fibrous roots, put them in an indoor ventilated place for 3-5 days, and store in a dry and ventilated place after the epidermis turns white. First build a 50 cm high storage pool with bricks on the ground, then spread a layer of 5 cm thick clean sand on the ground, and then put a layer of 15 cm thick rhizome, but insert a handful of straw in the middle to facilitate ventilation and heat dissipation. Then cover a layer of fine dry sand, put a layer of rhizome, and finally cover a layer of river sand 7cm to 10cm thick. The rhizome is called technical seedling.

II. Planting management

(1) planting. In the middle of December of that year or the middle and late February of the following year, the shady slope was selected for backlight, and after applying sufficient base fertilizer and deep ploughing and fine raking, a high border with a width of 1.2 meters was made, and planting holes were dug according to the row spacing of 20 × 25 cm. After that, choose the rhizome with uniform size, full terminal bud, slender top, delicate epidermis and uniform size, and put a technical seedling in each hole with the terminal bud facing up. Then, the soil cover is compacted and filled. The amount of seed used is about 50 kg / 667 square meters. When planting in winter, it is necessary to cover plastic film for heat preservation, so as to facilitate early germination and early seedling, so as to make the plant grow healthily.

(2) weeding by ploughing. After emergence, loosen the soil and weed after the dew is dry on a sunny day after rain. Only one main stem is left after the seedlings turn green, and the sprouting is wiped out in time. After the plant was closed in the middle of May, it only pulled the grass and did not loosen the soil.

(3) topdressing. The first application was in early April, with 667 square meters of rotten human feces and urine of 800 kilograms. The second topdressing was in late May, with 667 square meters applying 1000 kg of human and animal manure water. The third time is the underground rhizome expansion period, after removing the flower buds (leaving the seed land not to pick) in the first and middle of July, 2000 kg of fecal water, 100kg of rotten cake fertilizer or 50kg of ternary compound fertilizer were applied to 667m2.

Third, pest control Atractylodes macrocephala common diseases include blight, white silk disease, iron leaf disease, rust and so on. Prevention and control methods: ① timely open ditches and drainage in the rainy season, so that there is no stagnant water after rain, and loosen the soil and prevent soil consolidation when it is sunny. The diseased plants were removed by ② and disinfected with lime. ③ drug prevention and treatment. At the initial stage, the disease area was irrigated with 1000 times of carbendazim or 50% thiophanate methyl, or 1:1:1 Bordeaux solution was sprayed once a week for 3 or 4 consecutive times. The main pests are aphids of Atractylodes macrocephala, long Guan Lang, small tigers, grubs and so on. Seed worms were sprayed with 50% dichlorvos 800 times solution in the initial stage, 7 days, and continued 3 times for 4 times. The aphid was sprayed with 1000 times of dimethoate emulsion. Small land tigers and grubs are used to irrigate the roots or poison baits with 1000 times of 75% caprylic acid EC.

Fourth, harvest and processing from late October to mid-November, when the stem changes from green to yellowish brown, cut the stem on a sunny day and dig the rhizome. The roots excavated must not be damaged or washed. After cutting off the fibrous roots and shaking off the soil, they will be dried or dried to become commodities. 667 square meters produce 800 to 1000 kilograms of dry products.