
pyrethroid Learn more about pyrethroid

  • A complete collection of pond cleaning methods for aquaculture

    A complete collection of pond cleaning methods for aquaculture

    The source and main composition of quicklime-1-quicklime are natural rocks mainly composed of calcium carbonate, such as limestone, chalk, dolomitic limestone, etc.

  • Application of Pesticide Synergist insecticides

    Application of Pesticide Synergist insecticides

    A few days ago, a meeting on the application technology and marketing of rice pesticides was held in Changsha. At the meeting, experts from many units, such as the National Agricultural Technology extension Center, analyzed the market changes of rice pesticides in recent years from different angles. It is also predicted that due to the changes of major rice pests and the rapid development of pest resistance.

  • Symptoms of fish poisoning

    Symptoms of fish poisoning

    1. Symptoms of fish population poisoning increase on the water surface, ponds, reservoirs, ditches and other water surfaces in winter, fish pyrethroid pesticide poisoning is easy to occur. After fish poisoning, the population mainly floats on the water surface, drifts with the current, and the fish body is out of balance. At the beginning of poisoning, there is instantaneous excitement, then swimming slowly, slow response to surrounding stimuli, the fish lying still and lying on its side, the tail slowly swinging, the mouth slowly opening and closing, and finally sinking to the bottom of the water to die. It takes a short time from the beginning of poisoning to the appearance of death poison, fish

  • What pesticide does the caterpillar use?

    What pesticide does the caterpillar use?

    Caterpillars can often be seen in the fields. If they come into contact with them accidentally, they will be painful and itchy. So what kind of pesticide is more effective for caterpillars? 1. Insecticides can eliminate most insect pests. It can be said that insecticides are basically used.

    2020-11-08 Caterpillars with what pesticides caterpillars in crops fields often
  • Types of pesticides and matters needing attention in their selection

    Types of pesticides and matters needing attention in their selection

    1.1 Inorganic pesticides are classified according to their composition and source, such as lead arsenate, calcium arsenate, arsenite, sodium fluoride, sodium fluorosilicate, sulfur, zinc phosphide, etc. Organic pesticides. Natural organic insecticides can be divided into plant insecticides (such as ivy, pyrethrum, tobacco, turpentine, anistemisin, azadirachtin, etc.) and mineral pesticides.

  • Common pests of Lentinus edodes and their control

    Common pests of Lentinus edodes and their control

    1. Mites are commonly known as fungus lice, which are divided into acaroid mites and mite mites. The mite body is small and not easy to be seen by the naked eye, and they are mostly concentrated on the surface of the culture material; the mites are large, white, not agglomerated, and are powdery when they are in large quantities. The mycelium of Lentinus edodes with mite pests is bitten and can be eaten up in severe cases. If mites occur in the bacteria, they can be fumigated with 50% dichlorvos in cotton plugs. Mites can be sprayed with 0.5% dichlorvos or 2000 times of pyrethroid. There are mites during the period of mushroom.

  • The use of cypermethrin

    The use of cypermethrin

    Cypermethrin, also known as cypermethrin valerate, is an agricultural insecticide, which mainly controls Lepidoptera pests on crops and has strong toxicity. The appearance of the original drug is white to cream-colored crystal, easily soluble in aromatics, ketones and alcohols. The following is mainly about recording cyanide chrysanthemum.

    2020-11-08 Cyanoic acid permethrin pyrethroid pyrethrin valeric acid
  • Ant control methods

    Ant control methods

    Ants can be controlled with more than 1000 times of trichlorfon, 1000-1500 times of 50% dichlorvos EC, 2000-3000 times of 80% dichlorvos EC or 0.1% pyrethroid kerosene solvent spray. If you don't want to use the medicine, mix baking soda with powdered sugar and vegetable essential oils, and then

    2020-11-09 Ants control methods ants available 90% above trichlorfon
  • What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms?

    What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms?

    What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms? What methods can be used to control mushroom pests? Please also understand the net friend to help introduce the kind of mushroom need to control pests generally have mites, eye fungus midges, gall midges, jumping insects, nematodes and slugs and termites, for the above pests farming network finishing the control methods, the following detailed list for...

  • Mosquito incense is more toxic than King Pesticide.

    Mosquito incense is more toxic than King Pesticide.

    Recently, a piece of news that "for fear of being bitten by mosquitoes and ordering 20 plates of mosquito-repellent incense in the house, all five members of the family were poisoned" has maxed out many people's moments. The net of part-time jokers.

  • Key points of winter management of river crabs cultured in ponds

    Key points of winter management of river crabs cultured in ponds

    2015 is a relatively warm winter, the daytime temperature is basically maintained above 10 degrees, warm winter is relatively special for river crabs, the living habits of river crabs are greatly affected by temperature, mainly because river crabs begin to feed at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. Normal photography above 16 degrees

    2020-11-08 Ponds aquaculture river crabs winter management key points 2015
  • Agricultural Technology Center: some pesticides fail due to the increase of resistance to diseases and insect pests

    Agricultural Technology Center: some pesticides fail due to the increase of resistance to diseases and insect pests

    At the beginning of 2017, the National Agricultural Technology Center organized 60 pesticide resistance monitoring sites in 20 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) to monitor the drug resistance of 11 major diseases and pests, including vegetables, rice, wheat, cotton and so on. the results showed that some diseases and pests were commonly used in the field.

    2020-11-09 Agricultural technology center part pesticides diseases and insect pests drug resistance growth
  • Control techniques of chicken lice

    Control techniques of chicken lice

    Control techniques of chicken lice

  • Insecticide of Orchid-Fenvalerate

    Insecticide of Orchid-Fenvalerate

    Insecticide of Orchid-Fenvalerate

  • How to prevent pests from developing drug resistance?

    How to prevent pests from developing drug resistance?

    How to prevent pests from developing drug resistance?

  • Knowledge points of mixed insecticides

    Knowledge points of mixed insecticides

    In recent years, vegetable nematode disease has become a kind of important disease in vegetable production, especially in protected vegetable production. For the prevention and control of vegetable nematode disease, in addition to some conventional agricultural control measures (such as selection of disease-resistant varieties, cultivation of disease-free seedlings, reasonable.

  • Prevention and Control of Gray planthopper in Corn Field

    Prevention and Control of Gray planthopper in Corn Field

    Prevention and Control of Gray planthopper in Corn Field

  • Mushroom fly

    Mushroom fly

    The larvae, also known as maggots, mainly feed on the fruiting body to cause tunnels and affect the quality, and the wound is also easy to be infected by bacteria and rot. Different methods should be used to control mushroom flies in different periods. There are a large number of maggots in front of this mushroom, which can be fumigated with dichlorvos at the amount of 0.90 kg / 100 square meters, while 0.15 kg of 1% potassium chloride or sodium chloride solution is sprayed on each culture block (which can be replaced by 5% salt water). After mushroom, maggots can be sprayed with low-toxic pesticides such as fish rattan essence, pyrethroid, nicotine and so on. (nicotine can be self-made

  • Prevention and Control of main Diseases and insect pests of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    Prevention and Control of main Diseases and insect pests of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    Sudden fall disease (blight): the fallen leaves should be removed and treated in time after falling leaves in autumn, and then 3~5Be stone sulfur mixture should be sprayed to the ground. Metasequoia red blight: immediately after the end of the plum rain season, 1% Bordeaux liquid is sprayed on the crown for 5 times, once every 10 colors for 15 days, the disease can be controlled. Color roll moth: the best control period is the early stage of larval sting (early and middle April). 50% fenitrothion, 40% dimethoate, 80% dichlorvos and pyrethroids can be used in dry season (July and August).

  • How to control gray planthopper in corn?

    How to control gray planthopper in corn?

    How to control gray planthopper in corn? Please introduce the method when gray planthopper occurs in cornfields, it usually requires frequent and heavy use of drugs to control the number of insects. In recent years, accidents of drug damage to corn caused by improper use of drugs occurred frequently in production. Therefore, attention should be paid to the safe use of drugs in the control of gray planthopper. ...
