
potassium fertilizer Learn more about potassium fertilizer

  • What are the potash products? How should it be used? When should I replenish potash?

    What are the potash products? How should it be used? When should I replenish potash?

    When it is time to supplement potash fertilizer, some farmers still do not know the importance of potash fertilizer, what potash products are and how they should be used, resulting in missing the opportunity to supplement potash fertilizer. Potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer, and potassium in plants generally accounts for the weight of dry matter.

    2020-11-09 Potash fertilizer products have which should how apply what when
  • What is the difference between potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and potassium chloride compound fertilizer?

    What is the difference between potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and potassium chloride compound fertilizer?

    What is the difference between potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and potassium chloride compound fertilizer? Potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and potassium chloride compound fertilizer are the most common fertilizer varieties in the agricultural market, but the application objects and fertilizer efficiency of the two are very different, so the planting network has arranged potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and chloride fertilizer.

  • How to apply potash fertilizer?

    How to apply potash fertilizer?

    How to apply potash fertilizer when growing rice? When applying, we should pay attention to what to plant rice: sufficient potassium is beneficial to enhance rice photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance rice root absorption capacity, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, make rice grain large and full, high yield and stability.

  • What are the functions of crop fertilizer potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? Where does it work best?

    What are the functions of crop fertilizer potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? Where does it work best?

    Potash fertilizer has always been one of the three indispensable elements in the process of crop growth. If crops lack potash fertilizer, they will get rickets and fall down easily. What are the effects of potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? The first function of potash fertilizer is to improve stress resistance. Potassium has grown in plants.

    2020-11-09 Crop fertilizer potash fertilizer function have which is the most applicable
  • What is potassium? What's their purpose? (with specific application methods)

    What is potassium? What's their purpose? (with specific application methods)

    Potassium exists in different forms from nitrogen and phosphorus in the body. It mainly exists in the form of ions or soluble salts or adsorbed on the surface of protoplasm, rather than in the form of organic compounds. So what are the excellent potash fertilizers? As an excellent potassium source

    2020-11-09 potash fertilizer what function attachment specific application
  • How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

    How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

    What should we pay attention to when applying potash fertilizer to rice? The application of potash fertilizer can significantly increase the yield of rice. Sufficient potassium can enhance photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance root respiration, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, make rice grains large and full and high yield.

  • What is potassium nitrate?

    What is potassium nitrate?

    What is potassium nitrate? How to use potassium nitrate? Please also ask netizens to help introduce that potassium nitrate is widely used in the agricultural market. Potassium nitrate is a binary compound fertilizer, and potassium nitrate is a chlorine-free potassium and nitrogen compound fertilizer. The total content of plant nutrient potassium and nitrogen can reach about 60%. With good physical and chemical properties.

  • How to apply potassium fertilizer to sunflower

    How to apply potassium fertilizer to sunflower

    How to apply potassium fertilizer to sunflower? Sunflower as an edible and oil crop in China's growing area is expanding and widely distributed. Because sunflower has obvious potassium-loving habit, in order to compete for high yield, in addition to applying certain nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, we should also pay attention to applying potassium fertilizer. But a lot of farmers are actually...

  • How to apply potash fertilizer in orchard?

    How to apply potash fertilizer in orchard?

    How to apply potash fertilizer in orchard? What are the methods of traditional orchard fertilization methods often only pay attention to the application of nitrogen fertilizer, while ignoring the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, especially potassium fertilizer. Potassium deficiency in orchards can affect flower bud differentiation, cold resistance and fruit coloring, and reduce yield and fruit quality. When the potassium deficiency is serious, the leaf margin or whole.

  • Potassium should be sprayed on cotton leaves in August

    Potassium should be sprayed on cotton leaves in August

    As the content of available potassium (including water-soluble potassium and available potassium) in soil is decreasing year by year, available potassium has become the first major demand of cotton nutrition physiology. When 30 jin and 40 jin of high quality potassium fertilizer was applied to the base fertilizer, due to the consumption of cotton growth and development and the leaching after heavy rain, the content of available potassium in the soil would decrease to the original level in August. In August, with the deterioration of soil permeability and the decrease of soil temperature after ridge closure, soil potassium supply capacity is weakening day by day. If potassium fertilizer can not be replenished in time, it will show obvious potassium deficiency.

  • What are the effects of potash on rice? When is the best time to apply potassium fertilizer to rice? How much does it cost?

    What are the effects of potash on rice? When is the best time to apply potassium fertilizer to rice? How much does it cost?

    Rice is a food crop that needs a lot of potassium. In recent years, super hybrid rice is being popularized and applied, and hybrid rice requires more potassium than conventional rice, sometimes 30%~40% higher. So, what is the effect of potassium fertilizer on rice? rice

    2020-11-09 potash fertilizer on rice the role what when rice
  • Is potassium nitrate fertilizer good?

    Is potassium nitrate fertilizer good?

    Is potassium nitrate fertilizer good? How to use potassium nitrate fertilizer with good effect? What should I pay attention to when buying potassium nitrate fertilizer? Please introduce that potassium nitrate is a binary fertilizer of nitrogen and potassium, which has two forms of white powder and granule, which is easily soluble in water and is one of the varieties of high concentration compound fertilizer mainly containing potassium. Potassium nitrate is usually present as particles, appearance.

  • Potassium fertilizer can make grape fruit sweet and big

    Potassium fertilizer can make grape fruit sweet and big

    Spraying potassium fertilizer outside the roots is the main way to apply potassium fertilizer in grape growing season, because it has many advantages such as fast absorption, good fertilizer efficiency and timely supply. Spraying potassium outside roots in combination with pest control saves labour. Grape is a potassium-loving fruit tree. Under the condition of potassium deficiency, the yield of potassium fertilizer is higher than that of no potassium fertilizer, and the sugar content is higher.

  • Potassium deficiency leads to Water loss in Dayan Maize can be applied with potassium fertilizer for high yield

    Potassium deficiency leads to Water loss in Dayan Maize can be applied with potassium fertilizer for high yield

    Potassium deficiency leads to Water loss in Dayan Maize can be applied with potassium fertilizer for high yield

  • Can buying industrial potassium chloride from a soil fertilizer formula store be used as a corn-based fertilizer? Let's take a look.

    Can buying industrial potassium chloride from a soil fertilizer formula store be used as a corn-based fertilizer? Let's take a look.

    First of all, let's be clear: industrial-grade potassium chloride can also be used as corn fertilizer. Aiming at the question of whether industrial potassium chloride can be used as corn base fertilizer, first of all, we should clarify two small problems: first, whether corn can be chlorinated.

  • How to apply potash fertilizer to grow vegetables

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow vegetables

    How to apply potash fertilizer to grow vegetables? We should pay attention to what potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer. Many vegetables often need more potassium than nitrogen and phosphorus. The potassium content of well-growing vegetables is 2.5% of dry matter, which is higher than that of nitrogen and phosphorus. Most vegetables absorb more potassium than nitrogen, such as cucumber.

  • What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?

    What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?

    Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium play an important role in the process of plant growth, so what kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? What's the use? What kind of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer? Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is a fertilizer that supplements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for plants.

    2020-11-09 Nitrogen and phosphorus potassium fertilizer what is fertilizer fertilizer in the process of plant growth
  • How to apply potassium sulfate compound fertilizer to crops?

    How to apply potassium sulfate compound fertilizer to crops?

    How to apply potassium sulfate compound fertilizer to crops? Please introduce the following methods of applying potassium sulfate compound fertilizer to several crops: cucumber: general cucumber high-yield field base fertilizer 5000 kg per mu of high-quality organic fertilizer, 50 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer. The principle of topdressing is a small number of times, the total amount of topdressing about 50 kg, topdressing.

  • What is potassium magnesium sulfate fertilizer?

    What is potassium magnesium sulfate fertilizer?

    What is potassium magnesium sulfate fertilizer? Please give a detailed introduction to potassium magnesium sulfate fertilizer, which is a kind of multi-element potassium fertilizer, which not only contains potassium, sulfur and magnesium, but also contains calcium, silicon, boron, iron, zinc and other elements, which is weakly alkaline, especially suitable for acid soil, generally as base fertilizer and as topdressing fertilizer. Suitable for rice, corn and sugarcane.

  • What is the function of potash fertilizer?

    What is the function of potash fertilizer?

    What is the function of potash fertilizer? Is there any way to increase the content of potash in the field? Also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that potassium is one of the three elements of fertilizer. Potassium in plants generally accounts for 0.2%-4.1% of dry matter weight, second only to nitrogen. The planting network sorted out the effect of potash fertilizer on crops and the methods to improve the utilization rate of potash fertilizer.
