
What are the functions of crop fertilizer potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? Where does it work best?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Potash fertilizer has always been one of the three indispensable elements in the process of crop growth. If crops lack potash fertilizer, they will get rickets and fall down easily. What are the effects of potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable? The first function of potash fertilizer is to improve stress resistance. Potassium has grown in plants.

Potash fertilizer has always been one of the three indispensable elements in the process of crop growth. If crops lack potash fertilizer, they will get "osteomalacia" and fall down easily. What are the effects of potash fertilizer? Which crops are most suitable?

The function of potash fertilizer

The first is to improve stress resistance. Potassium participates in many physiological activities in the process of plant growth, which can promote the metabolism of carbohydrates and nitrogen, control and regulate the activity of various mineral nutrient elements, activate the activities of various enzymes, control the transport of nutrients and water, and maintain the internal pressure of cells. to prevent plant wilt.

The second is to improve quality. The application of potassium fertilizer can improve the stress resistance of crops and play a very important role in ensuring the high and stable yield of crops. For example, corn, through the application of potassium fertilizer, can improve the quality of corn stalk and prevent lodging.

The third is to increase output. Due to the high content of potassium in the original soil in some areas, many farmers are not aware of the important effect of potassium on yield.

Which crops are most suitable for potash fertilizer?

The types of potassium fertilizer are potassium sulfate, potassium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium nitrate and so on, plant ash (mainly composed of potassium carbonate).

1. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate: potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a colorless tetragonal crystal or white crystalline powder, which is used as high-efficiency phosphorus-potassium compound fertilizer in agriculture. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate products are widely used in almost all types of crops, such as cash crops, grain, melons and fruits, vegetables and so on.

two。 Potassium chloride: the content of active ingredient is generally 50-60%, which is physiologically acidic fertilizer and can be used as base fertilizer, topdressing and extra-root topdressing. Application should be avoided in coastal areas, and Fuji, Hongxing and other varieties vulnerable to manganese damage (apple rough skin disease) are prohibited.

3. Potassium sulfate: the active ingredient is generally 50% 52%. It is a good potassium sulfate compound fertilizer suitable for all kinds of fruit trees and can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer.

4. Plant ash: contains a variety of ash elements, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, silicon and so on. Among them, potassium and calcium are the most, followed by phosphorus. Gramineae woody ash contains K2Omur8.09%, P2O5-2.3%, CaO-10.72%. Plant ash can be used as base fertilizer and topdressing fertilizer. The effect of spreading in early spring is the best, which can not only meet the needs of the growth and development of fruit trees, but also increase the ground temperature and benefit the growth of roots. Plant ash is alkaline and can not be mixed with ammonium nitrogen fertilizer to avoid ammonia volatilization.

Should we apply potash fertilizer?

The application of potash fertilizer has not attracted people's attention, which has a lot to do with the content of potash fertilizer in the soil. The potassium supply capacity of soil in China varies greatly in different regions, which is generally low in the south and high in the north, low in the east and high in the west. However, due to the long-term neglect of the application of potash fertilizer, the content of potassium in soil is decreasing in many areas. So, should we apply potash fertilizer or not?

Look at the dirt. The content of potassium in the soil of our country is slowly decreasing. In addition, an appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer should be applied to the soil in the north.

Second, look at the crops. As potassium plays an important role in improving the content of protein and sugar in crops, it is recommended to apply potassium fertilizer in general cash crops, especially legume crops, potato crops, cotton and hemp, tobacco and fruit trees.

Third, look at the external nutrient input. Straw returning to the field has been advocated in recent years, because the content of potassium in straw is high and easy to release, which can supply a lot of potassium to the soil.

Where does it work best?

When potassium-demanding crops are in the rapid growth period, it is best to spray on the leaves, for example, cotton is a potassium-loving crop, during the rapid growth period of cotton bolls, the amount of potassium transported by the roots can not meet the demand, and the potassium in the leaves near the cotton bolls is quickly exhausted. At this time, spraying potash fertilizer on the leaves of crops can make up for the lack of potassium and increase the yield of cotton wool.

During the development of crop roots, it is best to apply the commonly used conservation tillage to leave more crop residues on the surface of the soil, which also causes a higher concentration of potassium to accumulate in the surface layer of the soil and can not go deep into the soil layer.

When the soil moisture is good, these potassium can seep smoothly, but when the soil is dry, it will limit the absorption of potassium. This dislocation can lead to potassium deficiency as crops take root deeper below the soil layers that contain the most potassium in order to get enough water. In this case, deep application of potassium fertilizer can significantly improve the availability of potassium.

The location of other nutrients also determines how much potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus can stimulate crop root branches, and the proportion of roots will be higher in places with higher concentrations of nutrients. The application of potassium fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer and phosphorus fertilizer in the same ditch can increase the chance of root contact with potassium.

What do you pay attention to when applying potash fertilizer?

1. Due to soil application

Potash fertilizer should first be put in the areas where the soil is seriously deficient in potassium. From the point of view of soil texture, the content of available potassium in sandy soil is often low, so potassium fertilizer should be increased, while the content of available potassium in clayey soil is often high, which can be applied less or not. Potassium sulfate can be applied in soils lacking potassium and sulfur, and potassium chloride can not be applied in saline-alkali soil.

two。 Due to crop application

When used in rainy areas or areas with irrigation conditions and good drainage conditions, potassium chloride can be applied to most crops, while a few cash crops should not be used to improve their quality.

3. Reasonable collocation

Potassium sulfate is better for tobacco, sugar crops and fruit trees; because of the high cost of potassium sulfate, potassium sulfate can be used in high-efficiency cash crop fields, and cheaper potassium chloride should be used in general field crops except a few crops that are sensitive to chlorine.