
How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What should we pay attention to when applying potash fertilizer to rice? The application of potash fertilizer can significantly increase the yield of rice. Sufficient potassium can enhance photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance root respiration, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, make rice grains large and full and high yield.

How to improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer? The following methods can improve the efficiency of potash fertilizer: (1) the content of potassium in soil and its influencing factors the content of total potassium (K2O) in soil is generally about 0.3-2.5%. If all these potassium are available, they can be used by crops for one or two hundred years. Unfortunately, most of the upper soil potassium (more than 98%) exists in soil minerals, and crops are extremely difficult to use. We call it mineral potassium, which is the first form and the main body of soil total potassium content. The second form of potassium is slowly available potassium, which usually accounts for about 2% of the total potassium, which can be released gradually and is a reserve of available potassium. When evaluating the long-term potassium supply potential of soil, the content and transformation rate of this form of potassium should be mainly considered. The third form of potassium is rapidly available potassium, mainly exchangeable potassium, but also includes a small amount of water-soluble potassium. It accounts for only 0.1% of the total potassium, which is mainly used by crops in the current season. The content of potassium in different soils varies greatly, which is mainly due to the difference of soil parent materials and weathering conditions. In northern China, weathering is weak. No matter what parent rock is formed in the soil, there are a large number of hydromica and montmorillonite minerals with strong ability to maintain exchangeable potassium, except those with thicker texture and low clay content. generally speaking, the potassium supply capacity is high. In the south of the Yangtze River, due to the gradual enhancement of weathering and leaching, the hydromica in the clay gradually decreased, while the kaolin minerals and gibbsite which did not contain potassium and had poor potassium retention capacity gradually increased, so the phenomenon of potassium deficiency in soil was gradually obvious. Under the same climatic conditions, the degree of potassium deficiency is closely related to the parent rock. In addition, the general situation of potassium supply and demand in different areas by alluvial (2). Latosol region: latosol and lateritic red soil (except those developed by granite and metamorphic rock) and paddy soil formed during the period are the most prominent potassium deficient soils in zonal soils in China. Especially in the soils developed from shallow sea sediments and basalt, the content of potassium is very low. The large-scale application of potash fertilizer in China begins in this area. At present, all kinds of tropical economic trees and crops need to apply potash fertilizer. This is also an area where high benefits can be achieved by applying potash fertilizer. two。 Yellow soil region: from the point of view of the whole country, the potassium supply potential of this area is also low, such as the soil developed from limestone in Guangxi and the soil developed from red sandstone in Jiangxi and Hunan, so the effect of potash fertilizer is also the most significant. The soil developed from Quaternary red clay in hilly areas has a prominent demand for potash fertilizer. The potassium level of the soil developed from river alluvium is higher than that of red soil, and that of lacustrine sediment is generally higher than that of alluvium. 3. Colored soil area: the neutral and calcareous purple soil developed from purple shale in southwest and central China is the soil with high potassium supply in the south, but the potassium content of acid purple soil is low, and the effect of potassium application has been reported. 4. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River: the potassium supply potential of the paddy soil developed from alluvial and lacustrine deposits and yellow brown soil in this area is lower than that in North and Northwest China, but higher than that of red soil in Central China. At present, the high-yield paddy soil area of Taihu Lake has begun to show the effect of potash fertilizer, especially dry crops wheat and rape. 5. North China Plain: the potassium supply level of calcareous soil in this area varies with texture. Clayey fluvo-aquic soil has high potassium content and does not need potash fertilizer at present. The potassium supply level of sandy soil is medium, and the potassium application of some crops is effective. The slightly acidic brown soil is the soil with low potassium supply in this area. Generally speaking, the potash fertilizer efficiency of some soils in North China tends to increase. 6. Northwest loess region: Lou soil and black furnace soil in this area are affected by loess parent material, and the potential of potassium supply is high. At present, there is little obvious response to the application of potash fertilizer. 7. Northeast black soil area: black soil and chernozem are rich in potassium, at the same time, the multiple cropping index is not high, except for special crops, generally do not need potash fertilizer, but peat soil is an exception. 8. Desert area: the soil in this area has the highest level of potassium supply in China. At present, there is about 1/3 potassium deficiency in cultivated land in China, which needs a lot of potash fertilizer, but now the source of potash fertilizer is limited, how to apply it reasonably in order to obtain greater benefit, this is an important problem in rational fertilization at present. The experience is summarized as follows. Ways to improve the effectiveness of potash fertilizer (1) the problem of potassium will not be prominent when it is applied together with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer in the same soil, when the content of nitrogen and phosphorus is low, or the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer is low, and the production level is not high. With the increase of the amount of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizer and the increase of yield, the need for potash fertilizer will become more and more obvious. Over the past 40 years, the development of agriculture has fully confirmed this point. A large number of experiments show that the application of potassium fertilizer on the basis of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can generally increase the yield of rice by about 15%. At present, in some areas, the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizer has a downward trend, one of the reasons is that no attention has been paid to the combined application of potassium fertilizer, and the proportion of nitrogen to potassium is out of balance. Therefore, attention must be paid to balanced fertilization in production practice. (2) more potassium fertilizer was applied in cold-soaked fields with poor soil environment. Due to the improvement of potassium nutrients, the root activity of rice was enhanced, and the root oxidation power was also enhanced, thus reducing the content of reducing substances in the soil. Redox potential increased, so as to prevent or reduce the damage of sulfides, organic acids and ferrous, which is conducive to the growth of rice. Therefore, the application of potash fertilizer in cold soaking fields will often achieve good results. (3) rational distribution of potash fertilizer in rotation system of double-cropping rice and wheat-single cropping rice, potash fertilizer has a great effect on late-cropping rice and wheat. There are many reasons why the effect of potassium fertilizer on late rice is greater than that of upland rice, which is mainly related to the difference of soil potassium supply during the growth period of dry rice and late rice. For example, an experiment showed that the content of soil available potassium was 9.9 mg at early rice transplanting and decreased to 4.3 mg at maturity. Soil potassium could not be recovered and then ploughed and sowed late rice, while late rice generally applied less organic fertilizer, so the effect of potassium application on late rice was greater. When potash fertilizer is limited, it should be applied in late rice first. (4) pay attention to the application of potassium in the seedling field, as the saying goes, "half of the rice seedlings are good", which shows that the quality of seedlings will affect the growth and development of rice. After the robust seedlings are transplanted to Honda, they turn green quickly, tiller early and have many leaves, which has an obvious effect on increasing production. Potash fertilizer plays a good role in cultivating strong seedlings. In the case of the same amount of potash fertilizer, the application of seedling field and field application respectively, compared with all application in the field, often has a significant yield-increasing effect. The experiment in Jiangxi showed that when the total dosage of potassium chloride was 7.5kg (15 jin) / mu, 2.5kg (5jin) and 5kg (10jin) were applied in seedling field and field respectively, compared with 7.5kg (15jin). The yield was 357.3 kg (714.6 jin) and 318.7 kg (637.4 jin) respectively, that is, an increase of 11%. (5) the effect of applying potash fertilizer to cash crops is great. Cash crops are generally sensitive to potash fertilizer and require a large amount of potash fertilizer. For example, high yield sugarcane absorbs about K2O40~53 kg (80,106jin) per mu, bananas about 95kg (190jin), while 500kg (1000 jin) rice absorbs only 10kg (20jin). Potash fertilizer can not only increase the yield, but also improve the product quality. On the other hand, the soil for the cultivation of cash crops often has a low level of potassium supply, so the development of cash crops needs a lot of potash fertilizer. (6) according to the characteristics of crops, different varieties of potash fertilizer potassium chloride and potassium sulfate are commonly used, and sulphur potassium magnesium fertilizer has been newly imported in recent years. Potassium sulfate and potassium magnesium sulphate fertilizer have higher price, less quantity and no chlorine than potassium chloride, so they should be mainly used in chlorine-avoiding crops, such as tobacco, while potassium chloride can be widely used in other crops except tobacco. (7) paying attention to the application technology, the amount and period of application of potash fertilizer are also very important to improve the effectiveness of potash fertilizer. Each crop has its best suitable amount of potash fertilizer, applied too much, the crop will be extravagant absorption, although generally harmless, but not economical. For most crops, potash fertilizer is better as base fertilizer, and the combination of base fertilizer and early topdressing is better for some crops. Topdressing also had an effect when the plant was obviously deficient in potassium, but the yield and quality of the crop had been obviously damaged at this time. Because the clay mineral of southern soil is mainly Gaoling, its adsorption capacity to potassium is weak, but there are many Rain Water in the south, the potassium fertilizer applied is easy to be leached, and the fertilizer retention performance of sandy soil is also very weak, so it should be emphasized to apply in these soils. to reduce the loss of potassium. (8) make the best use of organic fertilizers, especially ligusticum and plant ash. China is short of potash resources, and a large amount of potash depends on imports. In addition to paying attention to the rational application of potash, we must also use local materials and increase the sources of potash. In conditional areas, we should vigorously promote the return of plant ash to the field, in conditional areas, returning ligusticum to the field is also an important measure to supplement potash fertilizer. 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