
perforation Learn more about perforation

  • How to control bacterial perforation and brown spot perforation in cherry blossom leaves?

    How to control bacterial perforation and brown spot perforation in cherry blossom leaves?

    How to control bacterial perforation and brown spot perforation in cherry blossom leaves? Many small perforations often appear on the cherry blossom leaves, which seriously cause the cherry blossom leaves to turn yellow or even fall off, which is caused by the cherry blossom bacterial perforation disease and brown spot perforation disease. (1) Cherry blossom bacterial perforation: mainly harms cherry leaves. The diseased leaves appeared light brown watery spots at the initial stage, and then gradually formed a nearly round brown or purplish brown spot, surrounded by a yellowish halo, which dried up and fell off in the later stage, forming a perforation. The pathogen of bacterial perforation disease of cherry blossoms is Monococcus flavum.

  • Peach perforation

    Peach perforation

    Peach perforation is the most common leaf disease in peach trees. It occurs in all peach producing areas in the world. Including bacterial perforation, mildew spot perforation and brown spot perforation. Among them, bacterial perforation is the most common and widely distributed in peach producing areas all over the country. Peach trees infected with this disease can cause a large number of perforated leaves and withered branches, seriously weaken the tree potential, affect flower bud differentiation, and cause huge losses. Three kinds of perforation diseases harm not only peach trees, but also plum, apricot, cherry and other drupe fruit trees. [symptoms] fine

  • Prevention and control of perforation disease in peach trees with long brown spots and dry shedding perforation

    Prevention and control of perforation disease in peach trees with long brown spots and dry shedding perforation

    Prevention and control of perforation disease in peach trees with long brown spots and dry shedding perforation

  • What medicine can cure the perforation disease of peach trees

    What medicine can cure the perforation disease of peach trees

    Due to the high temperature, heat and Rain Water in summer, peach trees are most likely to induce perforation. So, what medicine can cure peach tree piercing disease? First, what medicine can cure peach tree perforation disease with Liangguoan 150x + Wofengsu 600x + garlic oil 1000 times spray 2-3 times, the disease is strict

    2020-11-08 What medicine cure peach tree perforation disease due to summer high temperature
  • How to prevent and cure the perforation of cherry blossom brown spot?

    How to prevent and cure the perforation of cherry blossom brown spot?

    How to prevent and cure the perforation of cherry blossom brown spot? Please introduce the method of cherry blossom brown spot perforation: first, the symptoms of perforation can be divided into fungi and bacteria. Cherry blossom brown spot perforation is caused by fungi, which is mainly harmful to leaves and also infects new shoots, starting from the lower part of the crown and gradually spreading upward. Get sick.

  • How to prevent and cure the perforation of cherry blossom brown spot

    How to prevent and cure the perforation of cherry blossom brown spot

    Symptomatic perforation can be divided into perforation caused by fungi and bacteria. Cherry blossom brown spot perforation is caused by fungi, which is mainly harmful to leaves and also infects new shoots, starting from the lower part of the crown and gradually spreading upward. In the early stage of the disease, there were needle-like purple-brown spots on the front of the leaves, and then expanded into round or nearly round spots with a diameter of 3-5 mm. The brown spots appeared on the edges of the brown spots, and gray-brown mildew spots appeared on the later spots. The edge of the spot produces a separation layer, and the lesion dries up and falls off, forming a perforation. Second, the incidence regularity of cherry blossom brown spot perforation pathogen in diseased leaves or tips

  • Surgical treatment of gastric perforation in pigs

    Surgical treatment of gastric perforation in pigs

    Gastric perforation in pigs is rare in clinic. The author encountered two cases, one died because of misdiagnosis and ineffective treatment, and was diagnosed as gastric perforation by autopsy after death; the other recovered after surgical treatment. Now the surgical cure cases are reported as follows: 1 clinical symptoms of a pig professional household raised a breeding Duroc boar, 6 months old weight about 75kg. On March 23, 2004, he suddenly became ill and presented with depression, anorexia, abdominal pain, restlessness, frequent lying on the ground and occasional vomiting. Palpation of the abdomen with pain response, abdominal

  • Key points and points for attention in surgical treatment of gastric perforation in pigs

    Key points and points for attention in surgical treatment of gastric perforation in pigs

    Cases of gastric perforation in pigs are rare in clinic. The author has encountered two cases, one case died of misdiagnosis and ineffective treatment, postmortem examination diagnosed as gastric perforation, and the other case was cured after surgical treatment. The cases cured by operation are reported as follows: 1 Clinical symptoms A Duroc boar raised by a professional pig farmer has a body weight of about 75kg at the age of 6 months. It suddenly occurred on March 23, 2004, showing depression, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, frequent lying on the ground, and sometimes vomiting. Palpation shows pain in the abdomen and tension in the abdominal wall

  • Fungal perforation of peach

    Fungal perforation of peach

    [symptoms] Leaf infected, primary round or subcircular spot, purple edge, slightly ringed, size 1mm; in the later stage, grayish brown mildew grew on the spot, dried off in the middle, formed a perforation, the edge of the perforation was neat, and the leaf fell off when there were many perforations. New shoots and fruits are infected, and the symptoms are similar to those of leaves. [incidence rule] [regional hazard] [comprehensive control] ⑴ eliminates bacterial sources. Cut off the diseased branches in time, thoroughly remove the diseased leaves, burn or bury them deeply. Spray before the peach tree sprouts

  • Prevention and treatment of bacterial perforation in peach

    Prevention and treatment of bacterial perforation in peach

    (1) harmful symptoms. Peach bacterial perforation mainly harms peach leaves, but also infects shoots and fruits. After the injury of the leaves, there are nearly round or irregular brown disease spots, which gradually dry up and fall off to form perforation, so it is called perforation disease. In severe cases, several disease spots are often connected to form scorched and strong spots, which dry up most of the leaves and cause early defoliation, so the disease is also called early defoliation disease of peach trees. (2) Prevention and control methods. ① strengthens the comprehensive management of Taoyuan. Increase the application of organic fertilizer and avoid

  • What is the symptom of cherry blossom brown spot perforation disease?

    What is the symptom of cherry blossom brown spot perforation disease?

    Symptoms of cherry blossom brown spot perforation: the disease occurs on leaves, shoots and fruits. But the main harm to the leaves, on both sides of the leaf to produce round or subcircular spots, about 1 to 4 mm in diameter, the edge is clear, slightly ringed, sometimes purple or reddish brown in the periphery, grayish white or brown in the center, and slightly wheeled. In the later stage, there are occasionally gray-brown mildew on both sides of the disease spot, that is, the conidium, especially on the back of the leaf. The disease spot often dries up and falls off, forming a perforation, and the holes are neat at the edge of the disease spot. The perforated leaves fall off early and the new shoots get sick.

  • Prevention and treatment of acute and chronic gastric perforation of raccoon dog

    Prevention and treatment of acute and chronic gastric perforation of raccoon dog

    At present, the price of peel is on the rise, and some farmers are eager for quick success and quick profit and feeding blindly, resulting in an increasing incidence and mortality of gastric perforation. Here are some suggestions to share with the majority of colleagues and farmers. First, pay attention to observation, timely adjustment of feeding with the growth of raccoon dogs, around September most raccoon dogs have entered the body mature stage, at this time should be diligent to observe the eating status and fecal status. If there is always a small amount of food residue left at the bottom of each plate and the feces are slightly dilute, then

  • Cherry blossom brown spot perforation

    Cherry blossom brown spot perforation

    [distribution] Cherry blossom brown spot perforation is an important disease in cherry blossom leaves, which occurs in cherry blossom planting areas in China. [symptoms] it mainly harms the growing leaves and the twigs. The susceptible leaves initially appeared needle-shaped purple-brown spots, and soon expanded into a round to near-circular spot, 1mm to 4mm, middle brown, slightly concentric, with purple or reddish brown edges, and grayish brown fluffy spots on the disease spot; in the later stage, there were delamination around the disease spot, brown mildew on both sides of the disease leaf, drying and falling off in the middle of the disease spot, forming round holes and forming perforation spots.

  • Perforated brown spot of cherry blossoms

    Perforated brown spot of cherry blossoms

    Symptoms and pathological changes: the disease mainly occurs in the growing leaves. During the onset of the disease, it gradually spread upward from the lower leaves, and began to grow needle-sized purple-brown spots on the leaf surface, and then the disease spot expanded into a new round brown spot with a size of 3-5 mm, and a light brown detachment was formed at the edge of the spot. Posterior macular exfoliation

  • Control of bacterial perforation in Peach planted with Peach trees

    Control of bacterial perforation in Peach planted with Peach trees

    Peach bacterial perforation is a disease with wide distribution and high incidence. Bacterial perforation occurs in all peach producing areas across the country, especially in coastal areas, lakeside areas, orchards with poor drainage and rainy years.

    2020-11-08 Species peach bacteria perforation disease control
  • Occurrence and control of perforation of cherry blossom brown spot

    Occurrence and control of perforation of cherry blossom brown spot

    Symptoms: the leaves start brown, grayish brown or purplish brown dots, gradually form round spots, non-waterlogged, opaque, there is no yellowish green halo around the spot, diameter 2: 4 ┨, the lesion boundary is clear, the periphery purplish brown. In the later stage, the middle part was white or brown, with slight wheel lines, and the disease spot withered and fell off, forming irregular perforation. 2. Occurrence regularity: the pathogen overwintered on the fallen leaves and spread by wind and rain in the following spring. The disease began in June, and the peak period was from August to September. When the rainfall was large, the disease occurred and prevailed, the tree was weak and the disease was serious. 3. Prevention and control methods:

  • New technique of Rice Seedling raising with perforated Film

    New technique of Rice Seedling raising with perforated Film

    How to control field seedling pests, root rot and rice seedbed diseases in spring? on March 25, the Municipal Agricultural Technology extension Station answered common questions for farmers during spring ploughing. Disasters should be prevented by doing a good job in seed chemical treatment, controlling seedling diseases and insect pests, and vigorously popularizing seedling cultivation in large and medium-sized greenhouses. It is understood that in 2009, I.

  • The latest control methods of bacterial perforation in peach

    The latest control methods of bacterial perforation in peach

    Peach bacterial perforation is a common disease of peach, which is not only harmful to peach, but also harmful to fruit trees such as cherry, plum and apricot. Some varieties are seriously affected, such as Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling and sea honey. The pathogen mainly harms peach leaves and fruits.

    2020-11-10 The latest peach bacteria perforation disease control methods
  • Control methods of bacterial perforation in peach

    Control methods of bacterial perforation in peach

    Control methods of bacterial perforation in peach

  • Prevention and treatment of bacterial perforation in peach

    Prevention and treatment of bacterial perforation in peach

    Peach bacterial perforation is a disease with wide distribution and high incidence. Bacterial perforation occurs in peach producing areas all over the country, especially in coastal areas, lakeside areas, orchards with poor drainage and rainy years, which often occurs seriously. if it is not controlled in time, it is easy to cause a large number of fallen leaves and reduce the accumulation of nutrition. affect the formation of flower buds. It not only weakens the tree potential and reduces production in the same year, but also affects the results of the second year, resulting in a poor harvest. In addition to harming peach trees, the disease can also damage a variety of drupe fruit trees such as plums, apricots and cherries. one
