
no disease Learn more about no disease

  • What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

  • Systematic prevention of diseases in fish and shrimp

    Systematic prevention of diseases in fish and shrimp

    Systematic prevention of fish and shrimp diseases refers to taking preventive measures to control the occurrence and development of fish diseases from the seedling stocking stage to the beginning of adult fishing. The occurrence of fish and shrimp disease is the result of both body and external factors, in which the infection of pathogenic microorganisms is an important factor leading to the disease of fish and shrimp. As there are pathogenic microorganisms in the aquaculture water environment, such as viruses, bacteria, molds, parasites and other pathogenic microorganisms, once the environment deteriorates, the resistance of fish and shrimp decreases, which will cause a large number of pathogenic microorganisms to invade the fish and lead to the epidemic of diseases. Because of

  • Identification and Control of Ginseng Diseases

    Identification and Control of Ginseng Diseases

    Ginseng blight 1. Symptoms. Caused by infection of Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum. So that the seedlings can not be unearthed, or invade the stem of the seedlings after they are unearthed, at the junction of dry and wet soil 3cm away from the topsoil. The injured site was light yellowish brown, gradually became dark yellowish brown, forming sunken spots, deep inside the stem and rotting, enlarged after disease.

  • Control methods of watermelon blight

    Control methods of watermelon blight

    Control methods of watermelon blight

  • Cases with no typical symptoms of orchids

    Cases with no typical symptoms of orchids

    Cases with no typical symptoms of orchids

  • The latest prevention and control methods of watermelon blight

    The latest prevention and control methods of watermelon blight

    Watermelon blight is a high-temperature and high-humidity soil-borne disease, also known as watermelon Phytophthora, dead seedlings, etc., which occurs all over the country, and the damage is aggravated year by year. The disease is more serious in the south than in the north, especially in rainy years during the watermelon growing season. Besides watermelon, it also harms melons and

    2020-11-10 The latest watermelon epidemic disease prevention and control methods blight is
  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish in spring, such as Gill rot disease and vertical scale disease.

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish in spring, such as Gill rot disease and vertical scale disease.

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases of fish in spring, such as Gill rot disease and vertical scale disease.

  • Prevention and treatment of common diseases in Pseudosciaena Crocea culture

    Prevention and treatment of common diseases in Pseudosciaena Crocea culture

    Benedeniasis [etiology] Benedenidosis is caused by parasitism. [symptoms] Benedenia is often parasitic on the body surface of large yellow croaker, yellowfin sea bream, red sea bream, black sea bream, grouper and other marine fish, especially in the first half of the back. When Benedenia parasites on the fish, the fish are restless in the water, swim crazily, rub against the net or pool wall, tear the epidermis with the size hook of the fixed plate behind the worm, injure and inflame the body surface, and secrete a large amount of mucus. In severe cases, anemia, weight loss, local or large area ulcers on the body surface or appear

  • Introduction to the characteristics of a new high-yielding pumpkin variety Hualien Yazu No.2-Youwang and a new disease-resistant pumpkin variety

    Introduction to the characteristics of a new high-yielding pumpkin variety Hualien Yazu No.2-Youwang and a new disease-resistant pumpkin variety

    The Agricultural improvement Farm of Hualien District of the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan and the world-class Asian vegetable-World vegetable Center have developed a new pumpkin disease-resistant variety "Hualien Yazu No.2-Youwang", which can resist two kinds of virus. one of the parents is the strong virus-resistant variety Hualien Yazu No.1-Tai.

    2019-06-12 High yield pumpkin new variety Hualien Yazu No.2 Youwang disease resistance
  • There is no cure for corn virus disease. Insect control is the key.

    There is no cure for corn virus disease. Insect control is the key.

    There is no cure for corn virus disease. Insect control is the key.

  • Why is fish disease difficult to treat? Characteristics of fish disease

    Why is fish disease difficult to treat? Characteristics of fish disease

    Why is fish disease difficult to treat? Characteristics of fish disease

  • Notice No. 2117 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    Notice No. 2117 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China

    According to the regulations on the Administration of Veterinary drugs and the measures for the Registration of Veterinary drugs, after examination and approval, the Live Recombinant Fowlpox virus Vaccine produced by Shihua American Baimiao Animal Health Co., Ltd. is registered in China, and the Certificate of Registration of imported Veterinary drugs is issued.

    2015-12-26 People's Republic of China Ministry of Agriculture notice No. 2117 according to
  • Emergency help: prevention and treatment of No. 5 disease (foot-and-mouth disease). There are already piglets.

    Emergency help: prevention and treatment of No. 5 disease (foot-and-mouth disease). There are already piglets.

    Emergency help: prevention and treatment of No. 5 disease (foot-and-mouth disease). There are already piglets.

  • New techniques for prevention and control of apple ring disease

    New techniques for prevention and control of apple ring disease

    New technology for prevention and control of apple ring disease Apple ring disease, apple tree rot and early apple defoliation are the three major diseases of apples in China. Because of its close relationship with climate, the disease is more serious in North China, Northeast China and East China. 1...

  • Occurrence and Control of Solanaceae virus Diseases

    Occurrence and Control of Solanaceae virus Diseases

    The climate in southern Guangxi is warm in winter and there is no obvious frost, so it is a good place to grow vegetables in winter and transport vegetables from the south to the north in winter. Therefore, after harvesting late rice, vegetables are grown in winter and put on the market after the Spring Festival. The economic benefit is higher, and the new chapter of "the plan of the year lies in autumn and winter". This has become another way for local farmers to become rich and well-off. Among the many cultivated vegetable varieties, Solanaceae (tomato, pepper, eggplant) vegetables are favored by local farmers because of their unique planting advantages. according to statistics, the perennial planting area is about 80,000 mu, and it is predicted that the planting area will increase year by year.

  • Popular science | Why can edible fungi cure diseases?

    Popular science | Why can edible fungi cure diseases?

    Why NO.1 Edible Fungi can treat a variety of diseases Edible Fungi can enhance the physique of the human body, and has the therapeutic effect of strengthening the body, strengthening the foundation, strengthening the body and dispelling evil.

  • A New Variety of Pleurotus ostreatus-- Kangdi No.2

    A New Variety of Pleurotus ostreatus-- Kangdi No.2

    "Disease resistant No. 2" is a new wide-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus variety successfully bred by single spore hybridization. it has stable biological characters, strong resistance to miscellaneous bacteria, fast mushroom emergence, good mushroom shape, transportation resistance and high yield. It is an excellent strain on the market in autumn, winter and spring. Its main characteristics are as follows: 1. Resistance to yellow mushroom disease: in the environment where yellow mushroom disease or spot disease, dead mushroom and wilt mushroom occurred in the first tide-2 tide of other black varieties, "disease resistant No. 2" could produce mushroom continuously for 5 ~ 6 tides without any disease. 2. Resistance to heavy water: in the process of production management

  • Prevention and control of leaf banyan spot disease no matter whether it is far from being lost or not

    Prevention and control of leaf banyan spot disease no matter whether it is far from being lost or not

    Ficus arborescens is one of the highly ornamental green-leaf plants. When it has scab, at a loss at the same time if it is allowed to indulge, it will spread into a large spot, and finally the leaves fall off. Family potted banyan banyan leaf banyan.

  • Characteristics of garlic disease and its prevention and control in this year

    Characteristics of garlic disease and its prevention and control in this year

    Due to the long-term influence of drought, the root system development of garlic in many places is poor, the freezing resistance of garlic seedlings is weak, and the occurrence degree of various diseases is more serious than in previous years. The author recently visited Cangshan, Jinxiang, Shanghe and other garlic towns in Shandong Province, and concluded that the current garlic production should focus on the prevention and control of the following four main diseases: first, garlic virus disease in garlic production in the past, garlic virus disease was ignored by many garlic farmers. This year, due to the influence of the dry weather in the previous period, the incidence of garlic virus disease in some areas is higher than that in some areas.

  • Main diseases and control of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    Main diseases and control of Pseudosciaena Crocea

    1. Bacterial diseases 1. Vibrio pathogen: Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Symptoms: ulcers on the body surface of diseased fish are typical features of the disease. In the early stage of the disease, there are petechiae, ecchymosis and irregular erythema on the body surface, which are more common in the abdomen and tail. In severe cases, the lower jaw bleeding, ulcer, fin base congestion and redness, fin strip defect, caudal stalk muscle decay, the formation of hemorrhagic ulcer. The liver, spleen, kidney and intestine are congested, the liver is enlarged and yellowish mucus is found in the intestine. Microcurved bacteria could be seen in the focus tissue under microscope. Epidemic: the disease
