
mosaic Learn more about mosaic

  • The latest control methods of potato mosaic disease

    The latest control methods of potato mosaic disease

    Potato mosaic disease is a common disease in the process of potato planting. When it is serious, it will lead to a large reduction of potato production and cause huge economic losses to farmers, so it is urgent to prevent and control the mosaic disease. So how to prevent and cure mosaic disease? Come together.

    2020-11-10 Latest potato mosaic disease control methods
  • Control methods of Potato Mosaic Disease

    Control methods of Potato Mosaic Disease

    Control methods of Potato Mosaic Disease

  • Cowpea mosaic disease in summer how to control cowpea mosaic disease

    Cowpea mosaic disease in summer how to control cowpea mosaic disease

    Cowpea mosaic disease in summer how to control cowpea mosaic disease

  • Harmful symptoms and control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Harmful symptoms and control methods of tobacco mosaic disease

    Tobacco mosaic disease is common in all tobacco areas in the world, and it occurs in both northern and southern tobacco areas in China, especially in southern tobacco areas. the incidence of tobacco mosaic disease in the field is generally 520% from seedling stage to harvest stage, and the incidence of individual fields can be as high as 90% 100%. The loss of early onset can reach 50%, or even loss of harvest.

  • Control methods of hyacinth mosaic disease

    Control methods of hyacinth mosaic disease

    [symptoms] the leaves were damaged, showing yellow and green mosaic shape, gradually developed into stripes and patches, and in severe cases, the leaves were yellowed and twisted; the bulbs grew poorly and became smaller; the flowers were broken, shrunk and not bright; and the plants showed dwarfing. [pathogen and pathogenesis] is a viral disease, the pathogen is hyacinth mosaic virus HMV

  • Cilantro planting: what is the parsley mosaic virus?

    Cilantro planting: what is the parsley mosaic virus?

    What is parsley mosaic virus? Please introduce and control the harm of parsley mosaic virus: yellow mosaic or mosaic occurs during plant growth, and the general heart leaf occurs mostly as light mosaic, sometimes the heart leaf shrinks, rolls backward, and the plant is seriously dwarfed. Parsley mosaic virus.

  • How to prevent and cure papaya mosaic virus disease?

    How to prevent and cure papaya mosaic virus disease?

    What is the harm of papaya mosaic virus disease? How to prevent and cure papaya mosaic virus disease? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce that papaya mosaic virus is a destructive disease commonly occurring in papaya producing areas in recent years, so the farming network has sorted out the harm and control methods of papaya mosaic virus, which are listed in detail below.

  • What medicine is used for apple mosaic disease

    What medicine is used for apple mosaic disease

    Apple mosaic disease occurs in most parts of China, which is a common virus disease. The annual branches of infected trees are shorter than those of healthy trees, the number of nodes is reduced, and the fruits are not tolerant to storage. So, what medicine is used for apple mosaic disease? What kind of medicine is used for apple mosaic disease

    2020-11-08 Apple mosaic disease what medicine apple in
  • Papaya tree cultivation: what is papaya mosaic virus disease?

    Papaya tree cultivation: what is papaya mosaic virus disease?

    What is papaya mosaic virus disease? What are the prevention and control methods of papaya mosaic virus disease? Please introduce the harm of papaya mosaic virus: papaya mosaic virus is a destructive disease commonly occurred in papaya producing areas in recent years. After one kind of plant, the disease will occur, with mottled yellow flowers on the leaves and dense new leaves.

  • What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease

    What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease

    Mosaic virus disease is a common transmitted disease, which is transmitted by planthoppers, aphids or thrips, so it is difficult to control. What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease? What pesticides are used for mosaic virus disease? Mosaic virus disease can be treated with imidacloprid, chlorfenamine and thiazide.

    2020-11-08 Mosaic virus disease what pesticide mosaic yes
  • How to control sesame mosaic disease

    How to control sesame mosaic disease

    How to prevent sesame mosaic disease? Please guide the distribution and damage of sesame mosaic disease: it mainly occurs in Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui and other sesame producing areas. There are two types: common mosaic type and wrinkled mosaic type. It is caused by turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) and a globular virus (CMV) alone or in combination.

  • What is tobacco mosaic disease?

    What is tobacco mosaic disease?

    What is tobacco mosaic disease? There are two symptoms of tobacco mosaic disease. 1. Common mosaic disease: infected by the virus, the tender leaves begin to develop the disease first, and the mesophyll along the veins turns yellow and bright veins appear. Then the dark or light color parts gradually expand to form yellow and green mottled (mosaic); in severe cases, the leaves.

  • Control of snake melon mosaic virus disease

    Control of snake melon mosaic virus disease

    Snake melon annual climbing vines; stems slender, much branched, longitudinally angled and grooved, pubescent and sparsely villous hirsute. Snake melon has well-developed roots, many lateral roots, adventitious roots, slender stems, up to 5-8 meters long, five-angled, green stems and strong branching ability.

    2020-11-08 Snake melon mosaic virus disease prevention and control snake melon annual climbing
  • Prevention and treatment of rose mosaic disease

    Prevention and treatment of rose mosaic disease

    Rose mosaic disease is widely distributed, which can cause the decline of the yield and quality of cut rose flowers. Symptoms: the symptoms vary from rose to rose. Rose mosaic virus is characterized by small green spots, sometimes showing polygonal patterns. The leaf surface around the lesion is often more or less deformed. Some of the symptoms are circular.

  • Tulip mosaic disease

    Tulip mosaic disease

    [alias] Tulip soft rot. Tulip mosaic disease is as widespread as tulip broken color disease. Sometimes the virus and tulip broken color virus together to produce a compound infection, forming a serious mosaic. [symptoms] there are yellow stripes or fine-grained spots on tulip leaves and dark spots on petals; in severe cases, the leaves rot. [pathogen] the pathogen of tulip mosaic disease is cucumber mosaic virus (cu-cumbermosaicvirus,CMV).

  • How to control black-skinned sugarcane mosaic virus?

    How to control black-skinned sugarcane mosaic virus?

    What harm does black-skinned sugarcane mosaic disease have? How to control black-skinned sugarcane mosaic virus? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of black-skinned sugarcane mosaic virus, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. The harm of black skin sugarcane mosaic virus: black skin fruit.

  • What are the diseases in the period of cultivation and management of green bamboo? The symptom of mosaic disease of green bamboo and the effect of ecology on green bamboo

    What are the diseases in the period of cultivation and management of green bamboo? The symptom of mosaic disease of green bamboo and the effect of ecology on green bamboo

    During the period of cultivation and management of green bamboo, bamboo blind stink bug, long horned stink bug, bamboo leaf roll worm, bamboo leaf flat aphid, bamboo stem flat aphid, golden needle worm and Taiwan elephant nose worm are the main pests, and the diseases are mosaic disease, bacterial wilt, rust and coal disease.

    2019-04-30 Green bamboo cultivation management period which disease mosaic
  • How to prevent soybean mosaic disease

    How to prevent soybean mosaic disease

    Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province is the main soybean producing area, with an area of nearly 300000 hectares planted all the year round. In recent years。 The occurrence of soybean mosaic disease has a trend of increasing year by year, most plots have occurred, the field disease plant rate is generally about 4.8%, serious up to more than 20%, soybean grain brown (black) spot grain rate is more than 10%.

  • To understand the relationship between flower planting and meteorological conditions, and the types of flower virus diseases.

    To understand the relationship between flower planting and meteorological conditions, and the types of flower virus diseases.

    Types of flower virus diseases

  • Barley planting: what is the harm of barley yellow mosaic disease?

    Barley planting: what is the harm of barley yellow mosaic disease?

    What harm does barley yellow mosaic disease have? Please introduce to me the harm of barley yellow mosaic disease: when the disease occurs at the seedling stage, there are short striped chlorotic spots parallel to the veins on the undeveloped heart leaves, then the leaves unfold, and the chlorotic spots combine to form irregular chlorotic mosaics; the leaves are stiff and yellowing.
