
mild Learn more about mild

  • Mild blisters and severe skin cracks pay attention to the prevention and treatment of pig scabies in winter and spring

    Mild blisters and severe skin cracks pay attention to the prevention and treatment of pig scabies in winter and spring

    Mild blisters and severe skin cracks pay attention to the prevention and treatment of pig scabies in winter and spring

  • The overall situation of flood and waterlogging in China in 2014 is on the mild side.

    The overall situation of flood and waterlogging in China in 2014 is on the mild side.

    The reporter learned from the office of the State Flood Control and drought Relief headquarters that remarkable achievements have been made in flood control and drought relief in China in 2014. There are no breaches of important dikes in the country, none of the large and medium-sized reservoirs have broken down, and the number of flood deaths in the country is the lowest in history, reducing flood and waterlogging throughout the year.

    2016-03-20 In 2014 China floods disasters overall light journalists from
  • Meat, fruit, egg and vegetable "game"mild inflation" gradually throughout the year

    Meat, fruit, egg and vegetable

    Shanghai, October 10 (Reporter Chen Aiping and Yuan Junbao) data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on the 10th showed that in October 2014, the overall level of consumer prices across the country rose 1.6% from a year earlier, unchanged from the previous month. Among agricultural products, the prices of fresh eggs and fruits rose year on year.

    2016-03-20 Meat egg vegetables mutual "game " year-round mild inflation
  • Moderate and mild occurrence of the second generation of rice borer in Suijiang County in 2007

    Moderate and mild occurrence of the second generation of rice borer in Suijiang County in 2007

    Rice borer, including Chilo suppressalis, Chilo suppressalis and Chilo suppressalis in our county. In the riverside area, there are three generations a year; in the second and half mountain areas, there are two generations a year. At present, the first generation in Jiangbian area has come to an end, and the second generation has begun to occur one after another. According to the observation at the Fengchi disease and pest monitoring station in our station, the second generation of borer moths started on June 10, 1 day earlier than last year, 2 days later than usual, and the peak day was June 18, 1 day later than last year, 8 days earlier than previous years, and a total of 234 moths were attracted by June 25. 94.9 were Chilo suppressalis, Chilo suppressalis and Chilo suppressalis.

  • Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis in dogs

    Etiology, diagnosis and treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis in dogs

    Chronic glomerulonephritis is referred to as chronic glomerulonephritis, which refers to diffuse inflammation of glomeruli. A chronic renal disease characterized by degeneration of renal tubules and cell infiltration and connective tissue hyperplasia in the renal interstitium. The etiology of chronic glomerulonephritis is the same as that of acute glomerulonephritis. However, the stimulation of the pathogen was mild and lasted for a long time. In addition, there are also acute glomerulonephritis that has not been completely controlled and converted to chronic nephritis. [symptoms] the development of chronic glomerulonephritis is slow and the clinical manifestation is mild. It can be seen that the sick dog is gradually losing weight. Initial stage

  • How do peacock fish reproduce?

    How do peacock fish reproduce?

    How do peacock fish reproduce peacock fish, also known as anchovies, are colorful, graceful, mild-tempered, and can be mixed with mild small and medium-sized tropical fish. So, how do peacock fish reproduce? one

    2020-11-11 Peacocks fish how reproduce offspring peacocks
  • snow mold of spruce

    snow mold of spruce

    Spruce snow mold is mainly distributed in some countries north of 40 degrees north latitude, harming cedar, fir and spruce trees. The disease was found only on spruce trees in China. Symptoms: The whole plant and needles on the ground are infected under snow, covered with gray brown mycelium layer, or mycelium invades the host interior, causing mildew and suffocation of trees. The hyphae layer of mild disease was cotton-wool, felt-like in severe cases, brown in early stage, white and grayish brown when it was about to melt. When the disease is mild, the disease is distributed in clumps. In severe cases, trees fall into rows

  • Symptoms and control methods of lavender wilt disease

    Symptoms and control methods of lavender wilt disease

    Lavender is a common ornamental plant and a natural spice plant. However, during cultivation, lavender wilting disease occurs in different areas, especially in seedling stage, often dying in patches. It occurs in Xi'an of Shaanxi Province and Jun County of Henan Province

  • Symptoms, prevention and treatment of sheep plague

    Symptoms, prevention and treatment of sheep plague

    Symptoms, prevention and treatment of sheep plague

  • What are the effects and functions of nux vomica?

    What are the effects and functions of nux vomica?

    What are the effects and functions of nux vomica?

  • Sunburned flesh is beautiful again.

    Sunburned flesh is beautiful again.

    There is a new situation with too much thigh meat. Aunt Ruby told me that the succulent plant that had just moved out for a few days had sunburn and asked me what to do. Attention, flower lovers in the north, succulent plants have been raised indoors for a winter.

  • Differential diagnosis and Prevention of Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza in chickens

    Differential diagnosis and Prevention of Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza in chickens

    Newcastle disease and avian influenza are highly contagious diseases caused by viruses, which can occur all the year round and occur frequently in winter and spring. In the chicken industry, two kinds of diseases occur frequently, and the losses caused by them are very serious. The majority of farmers attach great importance to this and strengthen their various prevention and control efforts, but the difference between the two diseases is not very clear. In this paper, the pathogens, clinical symptoms and pathological changes of Newcastle disease and avian influenza are compared as follows. Pathogen chicken plague and avian influenza

  • How do you grow mint?

    How do you grow mint?

    How do you grow mint? Please introduce the planting methods of peppermint, such as dispelling heat, dispersing wind and sweating, clearing the leader and promoting throat. Treat colds and headaches, aphonia, unfavorable throat, mild wind and dull pain, etc. Peppermint is suitable for growing in places with mild climate, plenty of sunshine, moist soil, loose and fertile soil and good drainage. Mint is not suitable.

  • What kind of fish is mixed with kissing fish?

    What kind of fish is mixed with kissing fish?

    What kind of fish is mixed with kissing fish?

  • Symptoms and Control measures of Classical Swine Fever

    Symptoms and Control measures of Classical Swine Fever

    Symptoms and Control measures of Classical Swine Fever

  • Diagnostic techniques of Newcastle disease in chickens

    Diagnostic techniques of Newcastle disease in chickens

    Since the recognition of Newcastle disease (ND) in 1926, many countries have regarded ND as an endemic epidemic. With the exception of a few countries that produce poultry at commercial grade, all countries are vaccinated. One of the most characteristic properties of different strains of chicken Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is that its pathogenicity to chickens is very different. According to the clinical symptoms caused by infected chickens, NDV strains can be divided into 5 groups or disease types. they are: visceral virulent type, characterized by high pathogenicity and often seen with intestinal bleeding.

  • When your pig vomits, what's the first thing you think of?

    When your pig vomits, what's the first thing you think of?

    When your pig vomits, what's the first thing you think of?

  • How much is a peacock fish in 2019? How come it's not easy to die?

    How much is a peacock fish in 2019? How come it's not easy to die?

    Peacock fish is a kind of tropical fish ornamental fish, temperament is very mild, can be mixed with mild small and medium tropical fish, usually lively and active, but the life span is short, so how much is the price of peacock fish in 2019? How come it's not easy to die? I. the price of peacock fish

    2020-11-11 In 2019 peacocks fish price more less money one how raise
  • How to prevent and cure peanut virus disease

    How to prevent and cure peanut virus disease

    Flower disease, one of the main diseases of peanut, seriously affects the yield and quality of peanut, especially in the northern production areas of our country. Peanut virus disease, except bud blight mainly transmitted by thrips, other diseases such as light mottle disease, yellow mosaic disease and common mosaic disease are transmitted through seeds and aphids.

  • How to deal with the freezing injury of the evergreen flower, temperature pruning/plant ash daubing wound

    How to deal with the freezing injury of the evergreen flower, temperature pruning/plant ash daubing wound

    Evergreen flowers, the most popular foliage plants, although it is poisonous, but because of the long good-looking, strong efficacy, so many people potted at home. However, because many flower friends are novices, they do not know that Evergreen is afraid of cold. As a result, they do not take good measures to keep warm in winter, which eventually causes Evergreen to suffer from freezing injury.
