
mid-April Learn more about mid-April

  • It is late to push again. This flower is at its peak in mid-April.

    It is late to push again. This flower is at its peak in mid-April.

    Xanthoceras sorbifolia is a northern plant, which is planted in Beijing and wild in the northwest and northeast provinces. Beijing Botanical Garden [Xanthoceras sorbifolia Xanthoceras sorbifolium] disease-free family Sapindaceae > > Xanthoceras sorbifolia L.

  • Introduction of High quality Pear varieties in Korea

    Introduction of High quality Pear varieties in Korea

    Qiuhuang pear was bred by Korea Horticulture Research Institute and named Qiuhuang Pear in 1985. The parent is Jincun Qiu × 20th century. The fruit of this variety is large, the average weight of single fruit is 395 grams, the fruit is flat and round, and the pericarp is yellow-brown. The flesh is white, the core is small, the meat is fine and crisp, the soluble sugar in the juice is 14.1%, the stone cell is very few, the taste is good, the quality is high and so on. The tree has strong potential, sprouting ability and branching ability, and it can bear fruit for 2 ~ 3 years. The flowers are in full bloom in mid-April and mature in mid-October. The storage period is 120 days. Ganquan Pear Korean Horticultural Research

  • Introduction of several high quality pear varieties in Korea

    Introduction of several high quality pear varieties in Korea

    Qiuhuang pear was bred by Korea Horticulture Research Institute and named Qiuhuang Pear in 1985. The parent is Jincun Qiu × 20th century. The fruit of this variety is large, the average weight of single fruit is 395 grams, the fruit is flat and round, and the pericarp is yellow-brown. The flesh is white, the core is small, the meat is fine and crisp, the soluble sugar in the juice is 14.1%, the stone cell is very few, the taste is good, the quality is high and so on. The tree has strong potential, sprouting ability and branching ability, and it can bear fruit for 2 ~ 3 years. The flowers are in full bloom in mid-April and mature in mid-October. The storage period is 120 days. Ganquan pear, Korea horticultural research institute, 1990

  • What crops are suitable for growing this spring? Recommend a lot of them!

    What crops are suitable for growing this spring? Recommend a lot of them!

    What crops are suitable for growing this spring? Recommend a lot of them!

  • Lycium barbarum red gall midge and its control

    Lycium barbarum red gall midge and its control

    Lycium barbarum red gall midge belongs to the gall mosquito family. The larvae are harmful to the ovary in the seedlings, forming abnormal buds and can not blossom. Lycium barbarum red gall midge has about 6 generations a year, overwintering as mature larvae in the soil, pupating in spring the following year, adults appearing in buds in mid-April and peak in May, laying eggs at the top of young buds. The larvae ate the ovary and the injured buds were deformed. Fall off because it can't blossom. In late September, the mature larvae were buried in the soil to overwinter. The method of prevention and control is to spray 50% 1605 EC 1000 times in the middle of April.

  • Wind and rain orchid blooming period

    Wind and rain orchid blooming period

    Cymbidium usually blossoms from mid-April to late September. It often blooms suddenly after heavy rain in spring and summer, and its flowers are shaped like lilies, so it is also called rain lilies. The wind and rain orchid blossoms for 5 to 6 times, each of which blooms one after another, in order to increase its flowering time.

    2020-11-09 Wind and rain orchid florescence wind and rain Lantong often in April mid-April to September
  • Planting technique of Rehmannia glutinosa

    Planting technique of Rehmannia glutinosa

    The first step is sowing, which can be sown in spring and autumn, the spring sowing time is from mid-April to early May, and it is suitable for autumn sowing in October; the second step is to select and prepare land, select low-lying and fertile land, and do a good job of ploughing, leveling and fertilizing; the third step is seedling stage management.

    2020-11-09 Return to the soul grass planting technology the first step is sowing can be in the Spring and Autumn period
  • Planting time and method of strawberry in open air

    Planting time and method of strawberry in open air

    Strawberries are planted in the open air from late March to mid-April every year, and exceeding the planting time will affect the number of propagation. When planting strawberries, we should choose the soil with strong water conservation capacity, good fertilizer conservation, convenient drainage and irrigation, high soil fertility and slightly acidic soil, and plant grass.

    2020-11-08 Open air strawberry planting time and method summary open air
  • When will Chengdu cherries ripen?

    When will Chengdu cherries ripen?

    Cherry is a common fruit in China, which is deeply loved by people because of its high nutritional value. every time it comes to market, many people will buy some to go home to make cherry wine, cakes and so on. When will Chengdu cherries ripen? When will Chengdu cherries ripen?

    2020-11-08 Chengdu cherry when ripe yes our country common
  • The latest control methods of walnut rot

    The latest control methods of walnut rot

    Walnut rot is caused by a fungus. The incidence of walnut rot is the highest in spring and autumn, especially from mid-April to late May. Generally, it is caused by extensive management, barren soil layer, poor drainage, insufficient fertilizer and water, weak tree potential or kernels suffering from freezing and salt damage.

    2020-11-10 The latest walnut rot disease control methods
  • When does the cherry ripen?

    When does the cherry ripen?

    Cherry ripens in mid-April. Miyi County is a high-yield fruit area. Huangcao cherry is a native Sichuan cherry variety and the earliest cherry ripening in China. Because of its unique light and heat resources, rice cherry ruddy luster, crystal clear, mouth

    2020-11-09 rice easy cherry when ripe general in
  • What kind of walnut is good?

    What kind of walnut is good?

    Xiangling, Liaohe 21131, Liaohe 4, Zhonglin 52611, Xinzaofeng, Xinxin 2, Xinwen 81, Xinwen 179,185,343 and Xinsuifeng are good walnut varieties. What walnut varieties are good 1. Xiangling: the place of origin is in Shandong Province, the second year after grafting.

    2020-11-09 What walnut variety good Xiang Ling Liaohe 21131 4
  • flowering period of purple vine

    flowering period of purple vine

    Wisteria, also known as rattan, red rattan, yellow ring, a deciduous climbing entangled large vines. So when is the flowering time of the purple vine? The flowering period of wisteria vine is generally in spring, and the flowering period is from mid-April to early May. Flowering usually at 15

    2020-11-09 purple vine flowering period wisteria also known as vine red vine yellow ring
  • In which month do Hanzhong cherries ripen

    In which month do Hanzhong cherries ripen

    Hanzhong cherries ripen from mid-April to May every year. At this time, Hanzhong holds a cherry festival for the development of tourism. The places that can be picked are Cherry ditch, Xixiang County, Hanzhong City, Xixiang County, Hanzhong City, Xiakou Town, Hanzhong City, both of which are free of tickets, and the price is not expensive.

    2020-11-09 Hanzhong cherry what month ripe in every year
  • Control of Buxus inchworm

    Control of Buxus inchworm

    Occurrence regularity: the larva eats leaves and occurs for three generations in Hunan. The overwintering adults Eclosion and oviposition in mid-April, then pupation in late April, Eclosion in mid-June, second generation damage in late June, pupation in early August, Eclosion in mid-August, damage to the third generation in late August. The worst victims are the first and second generations. The damage is the most serious in the mild climate and abundant rainfall season, which can gnaw off the leaves of the whole plant in 2 to 3 days, making the plant bald. In

  • Cultivation techniques of Persian Chrysanthemum

    Cultivation techniques of Persian Chrysanthemum

    Perennial herbs, often cultivated perennially, sowed in four seasons in greenhouse, sowed in mid-November and flowered in mid-April; sowed in early January and flowered in mid-May; sown in early April and flowered in early July; sowed in early July and flowered in early September Sowing in late September, flowering from April to May, without soil mulching, soaking method, the optimum temperature for germination was 20: 25 ℃, the growth temperature was 10: 30 ℃, 4 true leaves were transplanted and once coring after planting, the flowering period of sowing in early autumn was the longest, and the flowering period was from April to October. It can be used for potted plants, flower beds, balconies and floors.

  • The harmfulness of jujube leaf beetle and its control methods

    The harmfulness of jujube leaf beetle and its control methods

    Jujube leaf beetle belongs to Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae. The insect harms jujube leaves and twigs with larvae and adults. In large occurrence years, the leaves are eaten up, and only jujube branches are left, which has a great impact on the yield. The insect is in the peak period from mid-April to mid-May, and the larvae and adults are harmful to jujube leaves, twigs, buds and flowers. Control methods: the main spray control, in the larva and adult occurrence period, spray 90% trichlorfon 1500 times or deltamethrin 15000 times to 16000 times, the general insecticidal effect is very good.

  • Control methods of jujube gall midge

    Control methods of jujube gall midge

    Due to the small size of each insect, chemical control is generally applied as follows: (1) ground control: before overwintering superior adults are about to sprout (about mid-April), 2.5% trichlorfon powder is sprayed on the ground under the crown, or 25% phoxim capsule 200mm 300 times solution (covered with fine soil or light hoe soil mixing), or 4% acephate powder Or 4% dibromophosphorus powder can be sprayed on the ground when the nursery ground is in between rows.

  • Cutting technique of oleander in spring

    Cutting technique of oleander in spring

    Oleander has long leaves like bamboo, flowers like peaches, and a long flowering period, which can last from mid-April to mid-September. Blooming flowers, thick green branches and leaves, proud frost fighting snow in winter, has a high ornamental value, is an excellent green tree species. At the same time, it has strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, so it is also an ideal plant for factory greening. The propagation of oleander is relatively easy, and it can be propagated by means of pressing, tillering, cutting and so on. The number of female plants is limited by striping and tillering, so it is not easy to propagate in large quantities. Use spring field cuttings

  • Green house peach ―― Xuelihong

    Green house peach ―― Xuelihong

    This variety is self-selected and self-bred, named Xuelihong. Outdoor cultivation, maturity is generally in June, mid-day (solar calendar); greenhouse cultivation, maturity is generally in mid-April. Greenhouse snow red, fruit shape is round, flat top, generally single fruit weight 150 grams, the largest fruit weight 350 grams, bright red color, milky white delicate, fine sanctions, transport resistance, aroma, sweet juice, soluble solids content of 12~14%, high commodity quality, known as early white tower, general price than the same time
