
luster Learn more about luster

  • How can the leaves of Cymbidium be rich in luster?

    How can the leaves of Cymbidium be rich in luster?

    How can the leaves of Cymbidium be rich in luster?

  • How to identify the quality of fish species

    How to identify the quality of fish species

    First, to see whether the specifications are uniform of the same kind of fish, those who come out of the pond with uniform specifications are generally more physically fit. Second, to see if the fish is glossy and strong, there is a layer of mucus on the body surface of the fish to protect the scales and skin from germs, so the body surface shows a certain luster. On the other hand, the body surface of sick and injured fish is lack of mucus and no luster, or some diseased fish have too much mucus and lose their luster. Third, the body color of the fish species reflects its advantages and disadvantages through the body color of the fish species. The body surfaces of high-quality fish species are respectively:

  • How to cultivate the leaves of Cymbidium can be full of luster, enough light, suitable temperature / clean water to wipe the leaves.

    How to cultivate the leaves of Cymbidium can be full of luster, enough light, suitable temperature / clean water to wipe the leaves.

    Gentleman orchid, a kind of ornamental flower, raised at home can not only beautify the environment, get up in the morning to look at its green leaves, but also very refreshing and eye-pleasing. Because the flowering period of the orchid is short, its beauty is reflected in the leaves, so it is very important for the orchid to have a strong ornamental quality and make its leaves shiny.

  • How to distinguish high-quality fish species

    How to distinguish high-quality fish species

    A look at the specifications of fish species the specifications of the same kind of fish in the same pond should be neat and uniform, with little difference in body length and weight. On the contrary, the overall survival rate of poor fish species with large individual gap and uneven quality is often very low due to predation, mixed germplasm, poor feeding and other reasons. Second, look at the body color of fish species. The body color of fish species is bright and full of luster. Different species and different feeding methods have different body colors. Generally speaking, the back of high quality silver carp should be silver gray, the side of body and abdomen should be silver white, and the body color of high quality grass carp should be light.

  • How can a gentleman orchid grow leaves in order to be green and glossy?

    How can a gentleman orchid grow leaves in order to be green and glossy?

    How can a gentleman orchid grow leaves in order to be green and glossy?

  • How much is the black pearl in Tahiti?

    How much is the black pearl in Tahiti?

    How much is the black pearl in Tahiti?

  • How much is a pearl necklace?

    How much is a pearl necklace?

    How much is a pearl necklace?

  • The dried azaleas with yellow leaves and falling buds teach you a solution and will soon be full of oil and green flowers.

    The dried azaleas with yellow leaves and falling buds teach you a solution and will soon be full of oil and green flowers.

    The rhododendron leaves are black and have no luster. And the bud has dried out. What should I do? The only reason for the dryness and shedding of the bud is that there is something wrong with its roots. If you just changed the basin. This can be explained.

  • The trick of raising a gentleman's orchid blossoms hundreds of flowers every year.

    The trick of raising a gentleman's orchid blossoms hundreds of flowers every year.

    The leaves of Magnolia are not glossy, what kind of fertilizer can it be and what do you need to pay attention to? The leaves of the magnolia have no luster. There are three reasons, one is the lack of fertilizer, the other is the lack of light, and the other is that there is something wrong with its roots. Please.

  • The leaves are wide and shiny when fertilized in this way.

    The leaves are wide and shiny when fertilized in this way.

    If the leaves of Cymbidium have no luster, what should I do? If you want to raise the orchid well, it will take more time. Xiao Wei teaches you a few ways because the leaves of the orchid are not shiny. The most important thing to say first is to apply fertilizer, there is plenty of fertilizer.

  • Stop it! Once the leaves become like this, they will die immediately after they are watered.

    Stop it! Once the leaves become like this, they will die immediately after they are watered.

    Many flowers go dormant in summer, but many flower friends panic when they see withered leaves and think something is wrong. Today, Huahua will tell you how to judge whether your flowers are dormant or sick!

  • How much is the lobular rosewood bracelet?

    How much is the lobular rosewood bracelet?

    How much is the lobular rosewood bracelet?

  • To identify fish species by observing their faces and colors.

    To identify fish species by observing their faces and colors.

    A look at the specifications of fish species the specifications of the same kind of fish in the same pond should be neat and uniform, with little difference in body length and weight. On the contrary, the overall survival rate of poor fish species with large individual gap and uneven quality is often very low due to predation, mixed germplasm, poor feeding and other reasons. Second, look at the body color of fish species. The body color of fish species is bright and full of luster. Generally speaking, the back of high-quality silver carp should be silver-gray, the side of the body and abdomen should be silver-white, and the body color of high-quality grass carp should be light golden yellow and gray-black net.

  • How to grow grass beads

    How to grow grass beads

    Grass beads have their own luster, such as paint, there are natural holes in the middle, just string, the old is often used to wear door curtains, Buddha beads. Now it is generally used as an ornament, so do you know how to grow grass beads? First, choose seeds and choose large and full seeds for reasonable planting.

    2020-11-09 Grass beads how planting grass bring their own luster such as paint
  • Causes and solutions of yellowing of green pineapple leaves

    Causes and solutions of yellowing of green pineapple leaves

    In the process of indoor green pineapple breeding, many flower friends have found that the green pineapple leaves are yellowing, so why do the green pineapple leaves turn yellow, and what should I do if the green pineapple leaves turn yellow? on the whole, the green pineapple leaves turn yellow. if it is aquaculture, there are bacteria in the water.

  • How much is a gram of red coral?

    How much is a gram of red coral?

    How much is a gram of red coral?

  • What are the culture methods of velvet taro?

    What are the culture methods of velvet taro?

    Velvet taro, leaf blade long oval-lanceolate, leaf surface yellowish green or grayish green, with velvet luster. Velvet taro is a perennial evergreen herbaceous foliage plant of the family Amorphophallus and Amorphophallus. So what are the culture methods of velvet taro?

  • Family maintenance and Management of potted Tortoise back Bamboo

    Family maintenance and Management of potted Tortoise back Bamboo

    Some netizens asked about the cultivation method of potted tortoise back bamboo and the family maintenance and management of potted turtle back bamboo. The following author briefly introduces: tortoise back bamboo is warm and afraid of cold, the suitable temperature for growth is about 30 ℃, 10 ℃ stops growing and goes into dormancy. Phyllostachys pubescens grows well under wet and semi-humid conditions.

  • How to cultivate velvet arrowroot: how to do the yellow drooping leaves

    How to cultivate velvet arrowroot: how to do the yellow drooping leaves

    Velvet arrowroot, leaf blade long elliptic lanceolate, leaf surface yellowish green or grayish green, have velvety luster. Velvet arrowroot, arrowroot family, Xiao arrowroot belongs to perennial evergreen herb foliage plants. So what are the cultivation methods of velvet arrowroot

  • Green pineapple leaves yellowing reason how to do green apple yellowing

    Green pineapple leaves yellowing reason how to do green apple yellowing

    Green pineapple leaves yellowing reason how to do green apple yellowing
