
Family maintenance and Management of potted Tortoise back Bamboo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Some netizens asked about the cultivation method of potted tortoise back bamboo and the family maintenance and management of potted turtle back bamboo. The following author briefly introduces: tortoise back bamboo is warm and afraid of cold, the suitable temperature for growth is about 30 ℃, 10 ℃ stops growing and goes into dormancy. Phyllostachys pubescens grows well under wet and semi-humid conditions.

Some netizens asked about the cultivation method of potted tortoise back bamboo and the family maintenance and management of potted turtle back bamboo. The following author briefly introduces: tortoise back bamboo is warm and afraid of cold, the suitable temperature for growth is about 30 ℃, 10 ℃ stops growing and goes into dormancy. Phyllostachys pubescens grows well under wet and semi-humid conditions. Tortoise back bamboo is a typical shade-tolerant plant, large-scale production must be equipped with shading facilities, can use 50% shading net, especially sowing seedlings and just cutting into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns. The molded plants should also pay attention to shading in the middle of summer, otherwise the leaves will age and lack of natural luster, which will affect the ornamental value. The specific methods are as follows:

Tortoise back bamboo belongs to Araceae, which is a perennial evergreen vine. Its shape is unique, with stems like bamboo leaves and tortoise backs. Green all the year round, colorful hanging roots, and tolerant to shade and drought. The tortoise back bamboo is an evergreen vine. The stem is stout. Young leaves heart-shaped, no hole, grow into a wide egg-shaped, pinnately parted, there is an oval perforation between the veins, leaves with long stalks, dark green. Buddha flame inflorescence, Buddha flame boat-shaped, November flowering, yellowish. Potted tortoise-backed bamboo is placed on the corner of the living room, bedroom and study, giving people a sense of elegance, elegance and elegance.

The cultivation of tortoise back bamboo is easy. In order to shorten the growth cycle and improve the ornamental effect, attention should be paid to the following points in maintenance:

Tortoise back bamboo avoid drought, afraid of direct sunlight. Phyllostachys pubescens is not strict with the soil, but it grows well in the slightly acidic soil which is rich in humus and well drained. I'm afraid of strong light exposure. Tortoise back bamboo is a typical shade-tolerant plant, large-scale production must be equipped with shading facilities, can use 50% shading net, especially sowing seedlings and just cutting into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns. The molded plants should also pay attention to shading in the middle of summer, otherwise the leaves will age and lack of natural luster, which will affect the ornamental value.

Afraid of dry air. Tortoise back bamboo grows naturally in the tropical rain forest and likes to be moist, but the potting soil will also rot the roots, make the plant stop growing, the leaves droop, lose luster, and the leaves are uneven. Watering should grasp the principle of rather wet than dry, often keep the basin soil wet, but not stagnant water, watering every 2-3 days in spring and autumn. In the midsummer season, in addition to watering every day, water should be sprayed many times to keep the leaves fresh, and hanging cultivation should be sprayed more frequently. In winter, the evaporation of leaves is weakened, and the amount of watering water is reduced.

Apply thin fertilizer frequently. Phyllostachys pubescens is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, in order to make more new leaves, green leaves with natural luster, fertilizer is applied once a month during the growing period, be careful not to let the fertilizer liquid stain the leaves. At the same time, the root of tortoise back bamboo is relatively tender, do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, so as not to burn roots. It is best to use "Huiyou" 20-8-20 with high potassium nitrate fertilizer and 20-20-20 general fertilizer in the four seasons, which is more beneficial to the growth of tortoise back bamboo.

Need to be ligated and reshaped. Phyllostachys pubescens is a large foliage plant with large thick stems and leaves, especially when the ramets of adult plants should be framed and tied to avoid lodging. The bracket is removed after it is finalized. At the same time, when the leaves of the stem nodes grow too dense and the branches grow too long, pay attention to the pruning of the whole plant and strive for natural beauty.

Diseases and insect pests

Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboos, which can be sprayed with 1000 times omethoate after cleaning with an old toothbrush. The common diseases are leaf spot, gray spot and stem blight, which can be sprayed with 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times.

Family maintenance and Management of potted Tortoise back Bamboo

China Garden Network October 21 news: some netizens asked about the cultivation method of potted turtle back bamboo and the family maintenance and management of potted tortoise back bamboo. The author briefly introduces: tortoise back bamboo likes warmth and fear of cold, the suitable temperature for growth is about 30 ℃, 10 ℃ stops growing and goes into dormancy. Phyllostachys pubescens grows well under wet and semi-humid conditions. Tortoise back bamboo is a typical shade-tolerant plant, large-scale production must be equipped with shading facilities, can use 50% shading net, especially sowing seedlings and just cutting into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns. The molded plants should also pay attention to shading in the middle of summer, otherwise the leaves will age and lack of natural luster, which will affect the ornamental value. The specific methods are as follows:

Tortoise back bamboo belongs to Araceae, which is a perennial evergreen vine. Its shape is unique, with stems like bamboo leaves and tortoise backs. Green all the year round, colorful hanging roots, and tolerant to shade and drought. The tortoise back bamboo is an evergreen vine. The stem is stout. Young leaves heart-shaped, no hole, grow into a wide egg-shaped, pinnately parted, there is an oval perforation between the veins, leaves with long stalks, dark green. Buddha flame inflorescence, Buddha flame boat-shaped, November flowering, yellowish. Potted tortoise-backed bamboo is placed on the corner of the living room, bedroom and study, giving people a sense of elegance, elegance and elegance.

The cultivation of tortoise back bamboo is easy. In order to shorten the growth cycle and improve the ornamental effect, attention should be paid to the following points in maintenance:

Tortoise back bamboo avoid drought, afraid of direct sunlight. Phyllostachys pubescens is not strict with the soil, but it grows well in the slightly acidic soil which is rich in humus and well drained. I'm afraid of strong light exposure. Tortoise back bamboo is a typical shade-tolerant plant, large-scale production must be equipped with shading facilities, can use 50% shading net, especially sowing seedlings and just cutting into live seedlings, avoid direct sunlight, so as to avoid leaf burns. The molded plants should also pay attention to shading in the middle of summer, otherwise the leaves will age and lack of natural luster, which will affect the ornamental value.

Afraid of dry air. Tortoise back bamboo grows naturally in the tropical rain forest and likes to be moist, but the potting soil will also rot the roots, make the plant stop growing, the leaves droop, lose luster, and the leaves are uneven. Watering should grasp the principle of rather wet than dry, often keep the basin soil wet, but not stagnant water, watering every 2-3 days in spring and autumn. In the midsummer season, in addition to watering every day, water should be sprayed many times to keep the leaves fresh, and hanging cultivation should be sprayed more frequently. In winter, the evaporation of leaves is weakened, and the amount of watering water is reduced.

Apply thin fertilizer frequently. Phyllostachys pubescens is a more fertilizer-tolerant foliage plant, in order to make more new leaves, green leaves with natural luster, fertilizer is applied once a month during the growing period, be careful not to let the fertilizer liquid stain the leaves. At the same time, the root of tortoise back bamboo is relatively tender, do not apply raw fertilizer and thick fertilizer, so as not to burn roots. It is best to use "Huiyou" 20-8-20 with high potassium nitrate fertilizer and 20-20-20 general fertilizer in the four seasons, which is more beneficial to the growth of tortoise back bamboo.

Need to be ligated and reshaped. Phyllostachys pubescens is a large foliage plant with large thick stems and leaves, especially when the ramets of adult plants should be framed and tied to avoid lodging. The bracket is removed after it is finalized. At the same time, when the leaves of the stem nodes grow too dense and the branches grow too long, pay attention to the pruning of the whole plant and strive for natural beauty.

Diseases and insect pests

Shell insects are the most common pest of tortoise-backed bamboos, which can be sprayed with 1000 times omethoate after cleaning with an old toothbrush. The common diseases are leaf spot, gray spot and stem blight, which can be sprayed with 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times.

Pot management of tortoise-backed bamboo conservation skills of tortoise-backed bamboo in summer and autumn

The tortoise back has a peculiar shape of bamboo leaves and cracks in the hole, much like the back of the turtle. The stem node is stout and like Luohan bamboo, dark brown air root, vertical and horizontal difference, shaped like a wire. Its leaves are green all the year round and are extremely shade-tolerant. It is a famous indoor large potted foliage plant. Now let's take a look at the knowledge of tortoise carrying bamboo.

First, the introduction of tortoise back bamboo

The tortoise back bamboo is an evergreen vine with a stout stem. Young leaves heart-shaped without holes, grow into a wide egg-shaped, pinnately parted, there is an oval perforation between the veins, leaves with long stalks, dark green. Buddha flame inflorescence, Buddha flame boat-shaped, November flowering, yellowish. Tortoise back bamboo, also known as "Penglai banana" and "Penglai banana", is an evergreen climbing foliage plant of Araceae. The stem is covered with brown air roots, shaped like electric wires, so the leaves are oval, and many oblong holes and deep cracks are scattered in the pinnate veins. Its shape is similar to the tortoise shell pattern, and the stem has nodes like bamboo stems, so it is called "tortoise back bamboo".

Fleshy inflorescences, the whole flower is shaped like a "table lamp", with lampshades and light bulbs. Originally from the Mexican rainforest, it likes warm and humid environment, avoid direct sunlight and is not resistant to cold. It is used as indoor potted plants in the north of China. Tortoise-backed bamboo is commonly used in potted plants in Europe, America and Japan to decorate guest rooms and windowsills. In addition to potted plants, South American countries Brazil, Argentina and Mexico in Central America often plant bamboo vines on scaffolding or attached to walls, making them excellent vertical greening materials.

In China, a large number of tortoise-backed bamboos were introduced from the United States in the early 1980s, and the potted seedlings sown were deeply loved by the masses. Up to now, large-scale potted tortoise back bamboo has become the main backbone material in the hotel lobby. The potted tortoise-backed bamboo supported by snake pillars in the south is sold all over the country and has become one of the leading products of foliage plants in Guangdong. Tortoise-backed bamboo has entered thousands of households.

2. Pot management of tortoise back bamboo

In pot culture, 3 parts of rotten leaves, 3 parts of compost and 4 parts of river sand were mixed to form culture soil. When changing the basin and soil every spring, mature organic fertilizer or phosphorus and potassium fertilizer are added into the basin as base fertilizer. The growing season must be often watered, watering should grasp the principle that it would rather be wet than dry, keep the basin soil moist, and spray water to the leaves frequently in summer to maintain high air humidity. The winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ to prevent the cold wind from blowing, otherwise the leaves are easy to wither and yellow and fall off. Winter basin soil should be dry, slightly moist, too wet and easy to rot roots and leaves. Spray the branches and leaves with the same or similar water as room temperature every 3-5 days to remove indoor dust pollution and keep the plants fresh and bright. From May to September, dilute liquid fertilizer was applied every 2 weeks or so, foliar fertilizer was applied during the peak growth period, and 0.1% urea solution or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was better. Little or no fertilizer should be applied during overwintering.

For long-term breeding, the moisture should be sufficient, and the culture soil should be kept moist every 2-3 days; when the weather is dry, water should also be sprayed to the leaves to keep the air moist and master the watering principle that it is better to be wet than dry, so as to facilitate the growth of branches and leaves and bright leaves. The amount of water can be gradually reduced in autumn and winter. Excessive watering causes rotten roots, but it is still necessary to maintain moist air and spray water to the leaves every 7-10 days to keep the plants and leaves fresh and evergreen.

Tortoise back bamboo is more fond of fertilizer. In order to make it grow vigorously, dilute liquid fertilizer is applied twice a month from April to September. Pay attention to shading in the growing season, semi-overcast is better, avoid strong light, especially in midsummer can not be placed in the sun, otherwise it is easy to cause leaf scorch and burn, affecting the ornamental value. Tortoise back bamboo planting for 2-3 years, the stem is too high, up to more than 1.5 meters, but can not stand upright, can be inserted bamboo pole support, anti-lodging. Large potted plant with a 1.3-1.5 meter wooden stick, inserted in the basin, planted on the tortoise back bamboo, a lodging prevention, two attached columns to grow luxuriantly. Or cut the stem too high to propagate and let the mother plant sprout new stems and leaves again.

It should be kept indoors above 10 ℃ in winter, but keep the temperature above 5 ℃ at least, otherwise the leaves will freeze and scorch, and the basin soil should be dry. Brown spot and anthracnose often occur during the growing period of tortoise back bamboo, which can be controlled by spraying 1000 times of 50% thiophanate and 75% chlorothalonil, or 50% carbendazim 800 times. Poor ventilation in summer and winter, shell insects and Noctuidae larvae often absorb juice and eat tender leaves on the back of the stem, which can be caught or brushed manually, preferably with 1500 times of omethoate emulsion or 2000 times of isocarbophos EC, or 1500 times of 40% fumigation EC.

Summer and autumn maintenance

Due to the strong sunshine and hot and dry temperature in autumn and autumn, potted turtle-backed bamboo should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. At the same time of reasonable shading, spray more water on the leaf surface, play the effect of humidifying and cooling, and keep the leaf surface bright and bright, adding cool meaning to the interior. Due to frequent watering and spraying in summer, the basin soil is easy to harden and reduce acidity. In order to prevent physiological yellowing of tortoise back bamboo and lead to iron deficiency chlorosis, a small amount of ferrous sulfate can be added at the same time of watering. The concentration is about 0.5 color 1.0% to achieve the purpose of improving the acidity of the basin soil and replenishing the iron nutrition of the plant.

In order to make the bamboo survive the winter safely, a small amount of potassium chloride or potassium carbonate can be applied at the end of autumn to increase the concentration of plant cell fluid and enhance its cold resistance so that it can survive the severe winter safely. The method to restrain its growth is to control watering and fertilizing, and to change watering to foliar spraying; a clean and hygienic metal cone thorn can be selected to interspersed the basal stem node of the tortoise back bamboo, destroying part of its transport tissue and preventing the transport of some nutrients, so that the plant shape is neat and compact, the stem is short, the stem is dense, the handle is short, and the leaves are beautiful.