
jailbreak Learn more about jailbreak

  • Capture methods of hamsters after jailbreak

    Capture methods of hamsters after jailbreak

    The hamster is small, dark and crawling. Sometimes if one doesn't notice, it may break out of prison because it is naughty. How can the hamster catch it after escaping from prison? First, after the hamster escapes the prison, the capture method first closes the doors and windows, blocks other exits, first in the warehouse.

    2020-11-11 Hamster jailbreak rear capture method hamster size compact
  • What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis?

    What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis?

    What are the culture methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis?

  • What if the butterfly orchid thanks?

    What if the butterfly orchid thanks?

    Many flower friends do not know what to do when the butterfly orchid is withered, and some flower friends will discard the Phalaenopsis after the flower fade, thinking that they cannot live in the north. in fact, the management of the butterfly orchid is very simple and does not need to spend too much time and energy. ...

  • Matters needing attention in Phalaenopsis Culture

    Matters needing attention in Phalaenopsis Culture

    1. Some friends are always worried about the lack of water in Phalaenopsis, regardless of whether the cultivation medium is dry or not, watering every day, resulting in serious root rot. Although water is the source of life, but soaking in the water all day will also be puffy! 2. Some friends give fertilizer as soon as they have it, and do not pay attention to the concentration. They think that if they apply fertilizer, they will grow fast.

  • How to raise potted flowers and Phalaenopsis? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis

    How to raise potted flowers and Phalaenopsis? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis

    Phalaenopsis is a perennial herb of the genus Phalaenopsis of Orchidaceae, also known as Phalaenopsis, Phalaenopsis, etc., is an epiphytic orchid, native to the subtropical rain forest, the plant draws long pedicels from leaf axils and blossoms like butterflies, which is favored by flower fans and is known as the queen of foreign orchids.

  • How to raise orchids, culture methods and matters needing attention / water control

    How to raise orchids, culture methods and matters needing attention / water control

    Orchid is a kind of flower plant of Apocynaceae, which is highly ornamental. People are raising it in many areas of our country, but there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to when raising it. How to raise orchids? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

  • Phalaenopsis cultivation methods and precautions

    Phalaenopsis cultivation methods and precautions

    Phalaenopsis is named after butterflies because of its flower shape. It is loved by people. Many people want to cultivate Phalaenopsis by themselves. A decoration network Xiaobian reminds you that when breeding Phalaenopsis, you must first master certain relevant knowledge, and the following decoration network Xiaobian to understand in detail what Phalaenopsis breeding methods have.
