
How to raise orchids, culture methods and matters needing attention / water control

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Orchid is a kind of flower plant of Apocynaceae, which is highly ornamental. People are raising it in many areas of our country, but there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to when raising it. How to raise orchids? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Orchid is a kind of flower plant of Apocynaceae, which is highly ornamental. People are raising it in many areas of our country, but there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to when raising it. How to raise orchids? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of orchids? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise orchids

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of orchids

1. Soil selection

In the process of orchid culture, the choice of soil is the first step, but also a more important step, generally we can choose more fertile humus soil, this kind of soil drainage and air permeability are better, can make orchid better absorb nutrients.

two。 Fertilization requirements

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of orchids, fertilization is very important. If you want orchids to grow rapidly, it is necessary to apply fertilizer once a month during its growing period, which can also lay a good foundation for its flowering.

3. Watering requirement

Watering is an indispensable link in the process of cultivating ball orchids, but when watering, it is also said that we should pay attention to the amount of water, it is best to maintain the principle of seeing dry and wet, and remember not to cause stagnant water when watering, otherwise it will easily lead to root rot of ball orchids, which we should keep in mind.

4. Lighting requirement

In the ball orchid culture methods and matters needing attention, light is also a point that needs to be paid attention to. When the sunshine is not strong in spring and autumn, we can let it receive light all day, and when the summer sunshine is too strong, it is necessary to carry out appropriate shading treatment, so as not to cause the phenomenon of yellowing of orchid leaves.

5. Pest control

In the process of the growth of orchids, if not properly maintained, it is easy to have bad phenomena such as diseases and insect pests. When this phenomenon occurs, it must be dealt with in a timely manner. If the time is prolonged, it will easily lead to plant death. As for how to deal with it, you can refer to the article on pest control of orchids. There is detailed teaching, and here the editor will not introduce too much.

How to raise orchids, how to raise orchids, how to raise orchids

Orchid is one of the top ten traditional flowers in China, which has a long history of cultivation and is often planted in pots to decorate living rooms, studies and bedrooms. Flowering has a particularly elegant aroma, so the Jiangnan area to orchid as the "incense ancestor". Such as planting courtyard, with rockery, Yingchun, Ficus pumila and so on, fragrance and beauty, quite quaint interest. Its roots, leaves and flowers can be used medicinally, such as promoting blood, regulating qi, relieving thirst, reducing carbuncle swelling, regulating menstruation and so on.

Orchid, also known as orchid grass, is a perennial herb of Orchidaceae. The root is fleshy and milky white with dense clusters. The leaves are narrow and short, sword-shaped. Flowers are solitary and occasionally have two fragrant smells. The fruit is a capsule, commonly known as Lansun, long oval. The seed is very small, and it is difficult to germinate by conventional sowing because the embryo is not fully developed.

Common cultivated varieties are: spring orchid, also known as orchid, flowering in early spring from February to March. Huilan, also known as Jiujie Orchid, florescence from April to May. Jianlan, also known as Qiulan, florescence from August to September. Cold orchid, bloom in winter.

Orchids are native to China and often grow under well-drained valleys and sparse forests. they like a warm and humid climate, especially in a cool environment in winter and summer. It is suitable to use rotten leaf soil with good drainage and acidic soil with an 11 / 11 value of 5.5 to 6.5. Avoid high temperature, drying and stagnant water.

The traditional cultivation soil is mountain mud, and the culture soil composed of 30% slag, 30% sand, 20% rotten leaf soil and 20 "acid soil is widely used. No matter what kind of soil is used, it is best to disinfect it by steam, stir-fry it in an iron pan, or spread it out and expose it to the sun for several days to sterilize and disinfect.

The most suitable temperature for orchid growth is 18-25 degrees. In the range of 8: 33 "0, orchids can grow normally, and orchids grow slowly below 3 degrees and above 35 degrees.

Orchids prefer half-yin and half-yang lighting conditions, avoid exposure to the sun, and are more afraid of rain. It should be placed under the shade from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn and should be covered with thick shade when the sun is strong in summer. Ventilation is an important living condition for orchids, so summer management is more important than winter, and summer shaded scaffolding should be located in the southwest.

In the northeast, avoid the bright light at noon; in spring and autumn, just avoid the direct light around noon.

Sunshine; it is advisable to see more sunshine after entering the room in winter.

As the saying goes, if "dry orchid and wet chrysanthemum" is watered too much in daily cultivation, it violates the flower cultivation of "Yu Lan", resulting in stagnant water in the basin soil, rotting fleshy roots, and then burning tips and paste leaves, resulting in the death of the plant. The watering principle of orchids should be "once thoroughly watered, dry and then watered". If it can not be watered at one time, the immersion basin method can be used to water it. The amount of watering depends on the temperature, light intensity and plant growth. Generally less water in winter and more in summer. It is better to water early in the morning and at noon on a sunny day in winter. Avoid showers in the second season.

In the dry season, in addition to watering, proper spraying is needed to increase air humidity. The air relative humidity had better be between 70 "~ 85", not less than 50 ^. Spray water every 1-2 days in the rainy season and 2-3 times a day in the dry season.

Known as "clear orchid, turbid jasmine" said, it is appropriate to apply thin fertilizer, do not apply thick fertilizer. Generally, nitrogen fertilizer is applied mainly in spring and summer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is mainly applied in autumn and winter, and organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer can be used alternately. During the peak growth period, the fertilizer and water of fully mature thin pancakes were applied once or twice a month. As orchids are fleshy roots, do not apply unripe fertilizer to avoid burning roots. The water should be controlled for 1-2 days before each fertilization, and then applied when the basin soil is slightly dry, and water should be irrigated once in the morning after application, so as to prevent the unclean matter in the fertilizer solution from polluting the root system and injuring the Langen. Granular compound fertilizer can also be applied during the growing period. Fertilization should be carried out on sunny days, but not on rainy days. Fertilizer application should be stopped in winter. Be careful not to stain the leaves when fertilizing.

The plant division method is commonly used to propagate, combined with turning the basin. The ramet is every 3 ~ 4 years, and the ramet time should be carried out in the dormant period after anthesis. For orchids that bloom in spring, they should split sooner rather than later in autumn, mostly before and after "the Autumn Equinox", and not "Cold Dew" at the latest. Orchids that bloom in summer should be carried out before new buds are produced in early spring. One week before the ramet, the watering should be stopped to make the basin soil slightly dry. After the root system is slightly soft, the orchid plant should be gently turned out from the basin, and 2 or 3 pseudobulbs should be used as a division unit. All the separated orchid plants should have new buds, then put them in a cool place, dry the wound, and plant them when the roots are white and dry.

The main disease is black spot. Black spot appeared on the leaf surface at the beginning of the disease, and gradually enlarged.

When severe, more than half of the leaves turn black. The cause of the disease is generally due to excessive watering and poor ventilation. In addition to cutting off the diseased leaves and burning them in time, you can spray 50 ^ carbendazim 800 times dilution or 70 "topiramate 1 000 times 1 500 times dilution.

When buying orchid plants from the market, we should pay attention to buying fresh orchid plants, that is, the leaves should be fresh green, the roots should not lose water, and there should be no dryness. In addition, Dacong orchid seedlings should be selected as far as possible, that is, orchid seedlings with multiple false plants are connected together, and single seedlings are generally more difficult to cultivate.

What to do with the thanks of butterfly orchids? culture methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis is a plant that doesn't like water in its roots. So what if the butterflies fade away? Next, let's solve this problem and tell you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Phalaenopsis.

What if the butterfly orchid thanks?

1. If your Phalaenopsis is bought by yourself or given by a friend before and after the Spring Festival, it will bloom when you buy it, and there will be no flowers until now (around the end of March). If you want it to continue blooming, you can choose to keep the pedicel and check the root system. If there are rotten roots and dried roots cut off in time, check whether the water moss is rotten, mildew and other adverse conditions, and consider whether it needs to be replaced. Still use a transparent basin, normal watering maintenance, see wet and dry, if the humidity at home is more natural (not big also does not matter), if there is liquid special fertilizer at home to give some natural better (no matter), if the plant is very strong, will soon continue to grow new buds in the front of the original pedicel If the plant is weak and consumes a lot after blooming, it will grow lateral peduncles and buds on the original pedicel and keep blooming until the end of June (this flowering period will be shorter because of the hot climate). Cut off the pedicel after the flower fade and take care of it normally.

2. If it is domesticated by yourself, it usually begins to grow pedicels and buds (heated houses) around December of the first year, and generally blooms at the end of February and the beginning of March, and the florescence lasts until the end of May. Then the practice is the same as (1). If you want to see the flowers again, keep the pedicels, maintain them normally, and quickly grow lateral peduncles, buds and blooms on the pedicels.

3. Whether purchased or domesticated, if you do not want it to continue blooming after the first flowering (so that the physical strength of the plant can be preserved), cut off the pedicel in time, still check the root system and plant material, and then maintain it normally. by the end of the year, new stalks will sprout naturally and buds will appear frequently.

4. Many people think that Phalaenopsis is difficult to maintain because it needs a warm and humid environment. It is a blessing for Phalaenopsis to have such an environment. But Phalaenopsis is very leather and solid, and even without such an environment, it is easy to maintain it in the north. You can pay attention to the following:

(1) first, we should spend the summer smoothly. If possible, try to keep it in a place where there is bright light but not direct sunlight; reduce the water supply (although the summer temperature is high, but if the water is too high, it is easy to cause plant death by rotting roots); if you think you don't know how to apply fertilizer (thin fertilizer, preferably Phalaenopsis liquid fertilizer), keep it with clean water all the time, especially in summer, try not to apply fertilizer or apply less. To be on the safe side after the summer, the root system and plant materials can be checked again to ensure the basic elements of normal plant growth.

(2) the quality of management in autumn is an important factor affecting the flowering of Phalaenopsis. In autumn, you can apply thin fertilizer frequently to make the plant strong, and at this time you can appropriately increase the light. The temperature difference in the northern climate will appear sooner or later in autumn, which will prompt Phalaenopsis to give birth to flower buds. Dry in autumn and keep proper moisture. It is possible to spray water to increase the humidity of the air (it doesn't matter if you don't spray).

(3) New pedicels and buds should grow around the end of December in normal winter. It is strictly forbidden to blow the wind directly to the flower buds during maintenance, and it is best to stop fertilizing and control water to prevent bud falling caused by improper application of fertilizer and water. If the heating in the house is too high, you can spray more water to keep the humidity (it doesn't matter if you don't spray).

(4) observe the growth of root system at ordinary times. The vital root system is the basic element to maintain plant growth. The root color is green, robust, sturdy, and the root tip is red, showing exuberant vitality; if a jailbreak root is found, it means that there is something wrong with plant material or maintenance, and it needs to be adjusted; if the root system is black and rotten, it means that the water is too large, and if some roots have symptoms of dryness, it means excessive lack of water. Under normal conditions, the leaves are bright, shiny, thick and stiff, indicating that the growth is good, and new buds will continue to grow.

Culture methods of Phalaenopsis:

1. Temperature

The first thing to keep Phalaenopsis at home is to keep the temperature. Phalaenopsis likes the environment of high temperature and humidity, the lowest temperature during the growth period should be above 15 ℃, and the suitable temperature for Phalaenopsis growth is 16-30 ℃. Attention should be paid to warming at the turn of autumn, winter and spring, as well as when the winter temperature is low. In general, rooms with heating equipment in winter are not difficult to reach, but be careful not to put flowers directly on the radiator or too close to them.

When the summer temperature is too high, it is necessary to cool down and pay attention to ventilation. If the temperature is higher than 32 ℃, Phalaenopsis will usually enter a semi-dormant state to avoid continuous high temperature. The flowering period is around the Spring Festival, and proper cooling can prolong the viewing time. The night temperature during flowering should be controlled between 13 and 16 ℃, but not less than 13 ℃.

2. Humidity

Phalaenopsis is native to the primeval forest with more fog and higher temperature. Phalaenopsis does not have thick pseudobulbs to store nutrients, and if there is not enough humidity in the air, the leaves are wrinkled and weak. Therefore, Phalaenopsis should be cultivated and maintained in an environment with high ventilation and humidity.

The suitable air humidity for Phalaenopsis growth is 60%-80%. The new root of Phalaenopsis should be watered more in the prosperous period and less in the dormant period after anthesis. The plants grow vigorously in spring and autumn around 05:00 in the afternoon, and the plants are watered at 09:00 and 05:00 every day. The light is weak and the temperature is low in winter. Watering every other week is enough and should be carried out before 10:00 in the morning. In the event of a cold wave, it is not suitable to water, keep dry, wait until after the cold wave to resume watering.

The principle of watering is to see dry and wet, and when the surface of the cultivation substrate becomes dry, water should be watered again, and the water temperature should be close to room temperature. When the indoor air is dry, sprayers can be used to spray directly to the leaves, and you can see that the leaves are wet, but be careful not to spray water spray on the flowers during flowering. Tap water should be stored for more than 72 hours before watering.

3. Lighting

Although Phalaenopsis prefers shade, it is still necessary to make the orchid plant accept some light, especially before and after flowering, the appropriate light can promote Phalaenopsis to blossom and make the flowers gorgeous and long-lasting, generally should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, do not let direct sunlight.

4. Ventilation

The normal growth of Phalaenopsis needs flowing fresh air, so domestic Phalaenopsis must be well ventilated, especially in the high humidity period in summer, it must be well ventilated to prevent heat, and at the same time avoid the infection of diseases and insect pests.

5. Fertilization

Phalaenopsis should be fertilized all year round and should not be stopped unless the low temperature lasts for a long time. Winter is the flower bud differentiation period of Phalaenopsis, and the cessation of fertilizer can easily lead to no flowers or few flowers. Spring and summer is the growing period, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every 7 to 10 days, organic fertilizer should be used, Phalaenopsis special nutrient solution can also be used, but do not apply when there are buds, otherwise it is easy to drop buds early. Long leaves in summer (that is, after flowering), nitrogen and potash fertilizer can be applied. Phosphate fertilizer can be used in autumn and winter flower stem growth period, but it should be thin, about every 2-3 weeks.

The time of fertilization is after watering in the afternoon, and after several times of fertilization, orchid pots and orchid plants should be washed with a lot of water to avoid residual inorganic salts harming the roots.

6. Management

The flowering period of butterfly orchids is usually around the Spring Festival, and the viewing period can be as long as 2-3 months. When the flowers wither, the withered flowers should be cut off as soon as possible, which can reduce the consumption of nutrients. If the flower stem is cut off from the base of 4-5 nodes, it can blossom again after 2-3 months. However, the nutrient consumption of the plant is too high, which is not conducive to the growth of the coming year.

If you want to blossom again in the coming year, it is best to cut the flower stem from the base, and when the matrix ages, it should be replaced in time, otherwise the air permeability becomes worse, which will cause root rot, weaken plant growth and even die. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to change the basin in May when the new leaves grow.

Notes for Phalaenopsis:

1. Watering too frequently: friends who cultivate Phalaenopsis always worry that Phalaenopsis is short of water, regardless of whether the cultivation medium is dry or not, watering every day, causing serious root rot.

2. The temperature is too low: usually the flowering plants of Phalaenopsis are on the market in early spring, and they are generally enjoyed in the living room and other places after buying them home. Although the daily temperature in these places is enough, the night temperature is a little too low. On the other hand, most of the professionally cultivated orchids are in well-equipped greenhouses, in contrast, the temperature and humidity at home are not enough, so the growth of the plant tends to weaken day by day. Therefore, sometimes, no matter how well maintained, orchids still do not blossom.

3. Excessive fertilization: apply fertilizer as soon as there is fertilizer, and do not pay attention to the concentration, thinking that if you apply fertilizer, you will grow faster. It should be noted that Phalaenopsis should be fertilized with thin fertilizer, a small amount of fertilizer for many times. Keep in mind that "replenishment" should not be excessive, or it will be counterproductive.

4. Small plants grow large pots: feel that using large pots can give Phalaenopsis a relaxed environment and sufficient materials. In fact, after using a large basin, the water plant is not easy to dry, it is important to know that Phalaenopsis likes ventilation, ventilation is comfortable.

5. Flower dry bag: today's Phalaenopsis is mostly driven by flowers. After leaving the base, it is easy to have a dry bag problem after the environment changes. At this time, do not think it is dry, do not water more, but increase indoor humidity and control indoor temperature. The temperature should not be too high. Try to buy flowers with thick petals.

Phalaenopsis is easy to suffer from soft rot and gray spot. Soft rot is very contagious. Once it is found, the diseased plants can be isolated immediately. The diseased plants can be controlled by manganese zinc substitutes or Haoshengling, usually sterilized once every 15 days. The common cultivation medium of Phalaenopsis is mainly water grass and moss, so the potted plant material should not use soil, but should use water moss, pumice, Alsophila dust, charcoal and so on.