
how to carry out Learn more about how to carry out

  • How to carry out artificial lactation in cultured bamboo rats

    How to carry out artificial lactation in cultured bamboo rats

    When is it necessary to artificially breast-feed the cubs of bamboo mice? For example, if the mother rat does not bring her cub, the mother rat dies accidentally without breast milk, and so on, we need to carry out an artificial lactation. Sichuan Yinghao bamboo rats usually fill cattle with artificial lactation of bamboo rats.

    2020-11-08 Breeding bamboo rat how carry on artificial lactation when need
  • How to plant peonies? How to carry out maintenance management? How's the profit?

    How to plant peonies? How to carry out maintenance management? How's the profit?

    Peony flowers, beautiful color, jade smile pearl fragrance, elegant and unrestrained, magnificent, known as the king of flowers. Peony flowers are large and fragrant, so it is also known as the national color and Tianxiang, which is widely cultivated all over the country at present. Do you know how to grow peonies? How to carry out maintenance management? How's the profit? Planting technique of peony flower

  • When does the brown bamboo split? How to carry out daily maintenance?

    When does the brown bamboo split? How to carry out daily maintenance?

    Palm bamboo, also known as palm bamboo, is an evergreen foliage plant of Palm family. The viewing effect is very good, with some Jingshan, it has the feeling of tropical rain forest, so do you know when the brown bamboo will split? How to carry out routine maintenance? Brown bamboo split time brown bamboo split

    2020-11-09 Brown bamboo when divide plant how carry on daily maintenance
  • When does the brown bamboo split? How to carry out daily maintenance?

    When does the brown bamboo split? How to carry out daily maintenance?

    Palm bamboo, also known as palm bamboo, is an evergreen foliage plant of Palm family. The viewing effect is very good, with some Jingshan, it has the feeling of tropical rain forest, so do you know when the brown bamboo will split? How to carry out routine maintenance? Brown bamboo split time brown bamboo ramet culture is usually carried out in spring combined with changing pots.

  • How to grow apple and pear

    How to grow apple and pear

    How to grow apple and pear

  • How to carry on the field management when the cabbage heart stage enters the critical growth period?

    How to carry on the field management when the cabbage heart stage enters the critical growth period?

    Abstract: the heart stage of Chinese cabbage has entered a critical period of growth, how to carry out field management? The cabbage heart period of cabbage is an important period for cabbage growth. If the cabbage is well managed in this period, the yield of cabbage can be high in the later period, so cabbage in this period.

  • How to carry out the field management of sweet potato

    How to carry out the field management of sweet potato

    How to carry out the field management of sweet potato

  • How does June snow breed? Introduction to the breeding method of June snow

    How does June snow breed? Introduction to the breeding method of June snow

    June snow, also known as Mantianxing, white horse bone, broken leaf holly, etc., is a small evergreen shrub of Rubiaceae, which is afraid of strong light, likes warm climate, can tolerate cold and drought slightly, likes soil with good drainage, fertile and moist loose soil, and has low environmental requirements and strong growth. Cuttings and split-plant methods are often used to propagate.

  • How to carry out weeding and ploughing of licorice

    How to carry out weeding and ploughing of licorice

    Licorice is suitable to grow on the open land where crops can not be planted, and as long as there is water in this kind of land, there are often a lot of weeds, and the success or failure of planting and the yield are all related to weeding. If there are many weeds, the utilization rate of water and fertilizer of licorice is low, and the yield decreases naturally. For licorice planted in the field, weeding should be carried out by the combination of artificial and chemical weeding. In other words, artificial weeding was mainly used in the planting year, and from the second year, weedy plots selected appropriate herbicides for chemical weeding from June to July, shoveling once before entering the rainy season and again after autumn.

  • How to plant and water Dutch chrysanthemum

    How to plant and water Dutch chrysanthemum

    Dutch chrysanthemum, when planting, there is some attention to watering. How to grow Dutch chrysanthemum? How do you water it? How to plant Dutch chrysanthemum: it can be planted by means of ramet, cutting, sowing and so on. Ramet can be carried out in spring and autumn.

  • How to grow the latest apple and pear

    How to grow the latest apple and pear

    Apple pear is a kind of fruit cultivated by grafting technology. Apple pear is a kind of fruit which is similar in shape to apple but is actually a pear. Apple pear is not widely planted in the market now, so the yield is not very high, and it is also in the market.

    2020-11-10 The latest apple pear how kind it is a kind of
  • The planting time and method of sunflower, how long will it be harvested?

    The planting time and method of sunflower, how long will it be harvested?

    Land selection and soil preparation: planting in plots with medium fertility and low soil viscosity, and dressing seeds with new high-fat film before sowing. Planting time: it is suitable to sow seeds from March to April in spring. Check the field to replenish seedlings: if there is a lack of seedlings, you should replant them in time. Fix seedlings between seedlings: avoid squeezing seedlings. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: can

    2020-11-08 Sunflower of planting time and method how long harvest summary
  • When is the right time for grafting oranges? How to carry out grafting?

    When is the right time for grafting oranges? How to carry out grafting?

    Oranges, also known as oranges, are native to China. There are many excellent varieties, which have been cultivated for more than 4000 years. Among them, grafting is also a better way of reproduction to ensure quality and quantity. So, when is the right time to graft oranges? How to carry out grafting? When will oranges be grafted

    2020-11-09 Orange when grafting suitable how proceed orange
  • When is it better for Fusang to be grafted? How to carry out grafting?

    When is it better for Fusang to be grafted? How to carry out grafting?

    Fusang is also known as hibiscus, hibiscus and Chinese rose. The flowers are large and colorful and bloom all the year round. They are planted all over the world, especially in the tropics and subtropics. Among them, grafting is an important way of reproduction, so when is it better for Fusang to be grafted? How to proceed

    2020-11-09 Fusang when grafting better how to carry out
  • How to carry out Scientific Hybridization in Magnolia

    How to carry out Scientific Hybridization in Magnolia

    How to carry out Scientific Hybridization in Magnolia

  • How to carry out Guanyin Culture in Dishui

    How to carry out Guanyin Culture in Dishui

    How to carry out Guanyin Culture in Dishui

  • How does Photinia reproduce? the method of propagation / sowing / cutting / ramet / striping

    How does Photinia reproduce? the method of propagation / sowing / cutting / ramet / striping

    Photinia officinalis is a common ornamental flower in people's life, which can be seen in many parts of our country. With more people breeding, people are more concerned about its reproduction. How does heather breed? What are the breeding methods of Photinia paniculata

  • How to carry out Scientific Hybridization in Magnolia

    How to carry out Scientific Hybridization in Magnolia

    How to carry out Scientific Hybridization in Magnolia

  • How to carry out field management by Huang Jing

    How to carry out field management by Huang Jing

    (1) weeding should be carried out frequently after weeding and emergence, especially at the seedling stage of sowing fields, so as not to bully the seedlings and affect their growth. (2) the seedlings were too dense when the height of the seedlings was 5-8 cm, and the seedlings were fixed according to the plant spacing of 8-10 cm before withering in autumn or after emergence in the following year. Take the seedlings from time to time to different places for transplanting. (3) drought prevention and drainage Huang Jing likes the soil moist, timely watering in case of dry weather to keep the soil moist; drainage in the rainy season to avoid stagnant water in the field and prevent rot

  • How to grow the latest winter jujube

    How to grow the latest winter jujube

    In fact, winter jujube is a kind of late-ripening jujube, its growth cycle is often compared with price, it is usually planted in spring, and the fruit does not mature until winter, and the taste of winter jujube is excellent, crisp and sweet, and its nutritional value is high. In our

    2020-11-10 The latest winter jujube how grow good in fact is a kind of