
field rate Learn more about field rate

  • Occurrence and control of wheat sheath blight

    Occurrence and control of wheat sheath blight

    According to the investigation of the measuring and reporting stations in various counties (cities and districts), at present, wheat sheath blight has been widespread and will enter the stage of epidemic damage, and all localities must seize the appropriate period and organize the broad masses of farmers to carry out prevention and control in time. First, the occurrence and trend analysis of the occurrence characteristics of wheat sheath blight this year: first, the occurrence period is normal, due to the low temperature last winter and spring, the growth of wheat seedlings is weak, which is not conducive to the occurrence of wheat sheath blight. The earliest Xiangshui in the city was first found in mid-February, and a large area was found at the end of February and early March. Second, the prevalence rate of the disease and

  • Effects of Polygonatum polygonatum seedlings of different ages on their agronomic characters and yield

    Effects of Polygonatum polygonatum seedlings of different ages on their agronomic characters and yield

    Effects of Polygonatum polygonatum seedlings of different ages on agronomic characters and yield fund projects: national essential medicine seed seedling breeding base construction project (2015SZ0034); basic scientific research project of Sichuan public welfare scientific research institute.

  • African swine fever infection rate in the same field

    African swine fever infection rate in the same field

    Do you know the speed of African swine fever infection? In fact, this problem is the key point we need to understand, which is very important for prevention. Let's take a look together today! I. African swine fever infection rate in the same field African swine fever infection rate in the same field

    2020-11-11 African swine fever co-occurrence infection velocity
  • What are the ways to improve fertilizer utilization?

    What are the ways to improve fertilizer utilization?

    What are the ways to improve fertilizer utilization? Please introduce the method to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer can refer to the following methods: organic fertilizer combined with inorganic fertilizer Farm manure for organic fertilizer, its nutrients complete, fertilizer lasting; Chemical fertilizer for inorganic fertilizer, its nutrient single, high content, quick effect. There is no need for it.

  • Management of cotton field after rapid change of drought and flood

    Management of cotton field after rapid change of drought and flood

    At present, it is the cotton vegetative growth into the peak, and gradually turn to the stage of reproductive growth, but also to absorb more fertilizer and water and is very sensitive period. Since June 4, there have been many rainy days, the air humidity is very high, and the temperature hovers at 25: 30 ℃. Fusarium wilt has been induced in many old cotton fields that have been planted for many years. The general wilt disease rate is about 5%, the serious field disease rate is about 10%, and the incidence rate in some areas is about 20%. Some cotton field bugs, cotton bollworms and red bugs

  • What are the advantages of using sprinkler in agricultural field irrigation?

    What are the advantages of using sprinkler in agricultural field irrigation?

    Sprinkler irrigation machine is one of the ideal water-saving irrigation machines suitable for the national conditions of our country, it is divided into many kinds, and each kind of sprinkler irrigation machine has different advantages, but each kind of sprinkler irrigation machine is suitable for different places. For example, some of them can not be used in the field.

    2020-11-09 Agriculture field irrigation use sprinkler what are the benefits
  • How to plant Ziyunying? Introduction to the planting method of Artemisia mandshurica

    How to plant Ziyunying? Introduction to the planting method of Artemisia mandshurica

    How to plant Ziyunying? Do you know? What is the sowing method of Ziyunying? do you want to know? Let's take a look. Sowing method 1. Sowing rate: when sowing, the sowing rate should be slightly more, about 20-25 kg per hectare. When sowing, only need to be used per hectare

    2019-01-25 Ziyunying how planting method introduction yes
  • Brief introduction of pollution-free and High-yield cultivation techniques of Fengyuan scented Rice

    Brief introduction of pollution-free and High-yield cultivation techniques of Fengyuan scented Rice

    Fengyuan fragrant rice is a new high-quality late indica rice variety bred by the National Rice improvement Center with Thailand KDML105 as the parent. It has the blood relationship of several high-yield and high-quality parents. Its rice, rice and cooking all have a strong popcorn flavor, milled rice is transparent, rice is bright and shiny, and cold rice is not recycled. The quality analyzed by the Rice quality determination Center of the Ministry of Agriculture showed that brown rice rate was 82.6%, milled rice rate was 75.7%, head rice rate was 60.6%, milled rice length 7.6mm, length-width ratio was 3.7, chalky rice rate was 6%, chalkiness degree was 0.3%, and transparency.

  • Why does Manjianghong serve as green manure? Is Manjianghong an excellent green manure and feed?

    Why does Manjianghong serve as green manure? Is Manjianghong an excellent green manure and feed?

    Application of Manjiang Red and Green Fertilizer in Paddy Field farming: Manjianghong we have always been regarded as aquatic pollution plants, but in fact, it is good, if you do not know, then take a look at this. It is of great use in paddy fields. Reduce food crops

    2019-01-03 Manjianghong why as green manure is a kind of excellent and
  • Field Management of Yacon

    Field Management of Yacon

    Field Management of Yacon

  • Field management technology of pea

    Field management technology of pea

    Field management technology of pea

  • Occurrence and control of rice diseases and insect pests in recent years

    Occurrence and control of rice diseases and insect pests in recent years

    Since July, our city has encountered continuous overcast rain and high temperature weather after rain, which is very beneficial to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the late stage of rice. At present, most of the rice in our city enters the booting stage to heading stage, which is the susceptible period of rice diseases and insect pests. On August 7, our station conducted field investigation in Tangdian, Datun and other places. Rice blast, sheath blight and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis all occurred and needed urgent control. The specific conditions are as follows: Rice blast: leaf blast was found on Yunhui 290 planted in Datun Xintile-house, with a diseased leaf rate of 3.6% and a disease index of 0.75, covering an area of 2 mu. sheath blight

  • What are the main diseases and insect pests of sweet corn?

    What are the main diseases and insect pests of sweet corn?

    What are the main diseases and insect pests of sweet corn? How to control the main diseases and pests of sweet corn are: corn borer, big. Leaf spot and sheath blight. First, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests: corn borer: moderate, local heavy occurrence. According to the survey, the average injury rate of mature corn plants is 10.06%, and the average of serious fields.

  • Agricultural measures for controlling Rice pests

    Agricultural measures for controlling Rice pests

    In recent years, with the increasing occurrence of rice pests, the use of some toxic and residual pesticides in rice is also gradually increasing, which brings hidden dangers to rice safety. In view of this situation, the author has purposefully carried out agricultural control research in the demonstration area since 2004. through two years of practice, the results show that agricultural measures are applied to rice pest control. it has more unique and excellent effect than chemical control, biological control and physical mechanical control, and can improve the control of rice pests.

  • The latest field management of yacon

    The latest field management of yacon

    Yacon is also called chrysanthemum, is a perennial herb, it is generally eaten as a vegetable, but can also be eaten raw, is an underground fruit. Yacon contains a lot of water and sugar, taste very good, although the sugar content of yacon

    2020-11-10 the latest yacon fruit field management also called
  • Occurrence and control of rice blast and rice planthopper

    Occurrence and control of rice blast and rice planthopper

    First, the occurrence of rice blast: Rice leaf blast has appeared in Helan, Qingtongxia and other places. The initial period is June 13, about 10 days earlier than last year. Especially after the rainfall on July 7 and 12, the humidity in the field is relatively high, which is very beneficial to the development of leaf blast. The average rate of disease fields in the recent general survey of Qingtongxia is 16.7%.

  • The latest pea field management techniques tutorial

    The latest pea field management techniques tutorial

    Peas are a common seasonal vegetable in our lives, and they are generally sold only in fixed seasons. Its tender pods, seeds and its tender seedlings and shoots are edible, so it can be said that it is not only a bean vegetable, but also a sprout.

    2020-11-10 latest peas field management techniques methods tutorials
  • How to strengthen the tillering rate of Rice at Seedling stage

    How to strengthen the tillering rate of Rice at Seedling stage

    How to strengthen the tillering rate of Rice at Seedling stage

  • Advantages, cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Tainan 4, a new soybean green manure variety

    Advantages, cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Tainan 4, a new soybean green manure variety

    Tainan 4, a new green manure soybean variety, do you know the advantages, cultivation methods and matters needing attention of this soybean? Want to know something about it? Let's take a look at it together. The first advantage of the variety is that the amount of seeds per unit area of green manure cultivation is saved: Tainan

    2019-04-29 Soybean Green manure New Variety Tainan No. 4 advantages
  • The control of wheat diseases, insect pests and weeds in spring is the key.

    The control of wheat diseases, insect pests and weeds in spring is the key.

    If the disease center is found in the field, spray control should be carried out in time. If the rate of diseased leaves reaches 5% and the severity is less than 10%, use 15% vermicelli wettable powder 50 grams or 20% strychnine EC 40 milliliters per mu, or 25% vermicelli wettable powder 30 grams per mu, or 12.5% Supra wettable powder 15 grams per mu.
