
entanglement Learn more about entanglement

  • This flower is beautiful and easy to raise, and if you throw it into the soil, you can live, grow tenaciously and blossom violently.

    This flower is beautiful and easy to raise, and if you throw it into the soil, you can live, grow tenaciously and blossom violently.

    I do not know if you have found that after entering the summer, some flowers do not grow or bloom, and there will be yellow leaves, while some flowers grow madly and can live casually in the water and soil, with extremely tenacious vitality and ornamental value.

  • Farmers' citizenization should not be entangled in financial cost

    Farmers' citizenization should not be entangled in financial cost

    The State Council recently issued "opinions on further promoting the Reform of the Household Registration system", and the reform of China's Household Registration system is on its way again. However, some commentators believe that the reform of the household registration system is still very difficult, such as financial cost is one of the thorny issues. China Society

    2016-03-20 Farmers citizens culture inability entanglement in finance finance cost
  • How to effectively prevent Magnolia from entangling arrows

    How to effectively prevent Magnolia from entangling arrows

    How to effectively prevent Magnolia from entangling arrows

  • The dispute between the red axis and the white axis of corn need not be too entangled. This issue has its own advantages.

    The dispute between the red axis and the white axis of corn need not be too entangled. This issue has its own advantages.

    The debate about which is better and the higher yield of red-axis corn or white-axis corn has never stopped. It should be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and growers can only choose suitable products according to the situation of their own planting areas.

  • Why do you entangle lights when raising dragons?

    Why do you entangle lights when raising dragons?

    Compared with other ornamental fish, the arowana has large scales, and when exposed to light, it reflects brilliance and colors that other tropical fish do not have, and the importance of hair color is self-evident. Arowana (to red.

  • Master the secret of the four seasons of the orchid to easily solve the trouble of entangling arrows and not blooming.

    Master the secret of the four seasons of the orchid to easily solve the trouble of entangling arrows and not blooming.

    Home-raised magnolia often encounter the phenomenon of arrows, do not blossom, some flower friends raised for many years is not flowering, sometimes occasionally blossom, but also the emergence of arrows. As a result, there is nothing many flower lovers can do about it. So there is a gentleman.

  • Raise these kinds of flowers at random, lazy people are not afraid to raise dead flowers.

    Raise these kinds of flowers at random, lazy people are not afraid to raise dead flowers.

    Some friends especially like flowers and plants, but can not make up their mind to raise a few pots, afraid that they can not raise well, and do not know what is suitable for themselves, so entanglement ah entanglement! Haha, in fact, there are 4 kinds of very easy to raise here.

  • Grafting Propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Grafting Propagation of Carthamus tinctorius

    Cutting and grafting is suitable for spring and autumn, the same choice of full branches, choose the flat side as the long cutting surface, cut with ribbon film for entanglement, and then cover the upper part of the scion with a film bag, so as to be isolated from the dry air, improve the survival rate of grafting and prolong the grafting period. The method of bud grafting is usually carried out in summer and autumn.

  • How to make young persimmon trees survive the winter safely?

    How to make young persimmon trees survive the winter safely?

    The cold resistance of young persimmon is poor, and the phenomenon of overwintering often occurs, so effective measures must be taken to ensure its safe overwintering. 1. Early irrigation of frozen water. Pouring enough frozen water in the middle and late October before the persimmon leaves fall and ploughing and raking a few days later can reduce the frozen layer and ensure the water needs of the roots. 2. Bury the earth to guard against the cold. Before freezing.

  • The difference between Cordyceps and White Cordyceps

    The difference between Cordyceps and White Cordyceps

    White grass is also a kind of Cordyceps sinensis, the surface is gray or light brown, mostly covered with white powder cream. The head, feet and segments are clearly discernible. Filaments are often entangled in vitro. The head is yellowish brown and quasi-round. Generally speaking, the white grass is 3800 m-4400 m above sea level, and the insect body is white.

    2020-11-08 The difference between Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps sinensis
  • How to raise green pineapple how to breed healthy and beautiful green pineapple

    How to raise green pineapple how to breed healthy and beautiful green pineapple

    How to raise green pineapple how to breed healthy and beautiful green pineapple

  • 10 key points in the use of wheat planter

    10 key points in the use of wheat planter

    Wheat machine sowing has the characteristics of uniform sowing, consistent depth, stable row spacing, good soil cover, seed saving, high work efficiency and so on. The correct use of the planter should pay attention to the following 10 points: the maintenance before entering the field should clean up the sundries in the sowing box and the trench opener.

    2020-11-08 Seed wheat planter use key points wheat machine sowing with
  • Direct dry bonsai modeling

    Direct dry bonsai modeling

    Straight-dry modeling is the most common form in bonsai production, because the vast majority of bonsai materials can be made into direct-dry style, especially digging trees can be found everywhere, but it is not easy to make a good straight-dry bonsai. After all, it is not easy to find superior quality materials for mountain digging.

  • How big can the king snake grow?

    How big can the king snake grow?

    How big can the king snake grow?

  • Performance characteristics of 4u-2 potato excavator

    Performance characteristics of 4u-2 potato excavator

    The machine can adapt to the performance of clay soil, medium clay and sandy loam with moisture content within 25%, and can be popularized and used everywhere. 2. The digging shovel with unique structure can avoid soil accumulation and weed entanglement, and the digging depth is stable without missing digging. 3. The lifting parts are arranged with curved and straight bars at intervals, and equipped with lifting chain stirring mechanism, which greatly improves the shaking and separation performance and has high light potato rate. 4. The rate of damaged potato was increased by using belt lifting chain without damaging potato

  • White silk disease of tulip

    White silk disease of tulip

    Symptoms: the whole plant withered, the stem base wrapped around white fungus or rapeseed tea brown sclerotia, the affected part became brown and rotten. A large number of white fungi and tea-brown fungi can be seen on the soil surface. Pathogen: SclerotiumrolfsiiSacc. It is called neat micronucleus disease, which belongs to the subphylum of semiknowns. The hyphae were white silk-like, fan-like or radial expansion, and then gathered into fungal cords or entangled sclerotia. Sclerotia is like rapeseed, the initial white to yellow-white, and then become tea-brown, round, smooth surface. In addition, there are reports of Corticiumrolfsi

  • Once you see these three unusual snakes, you should stay away, or their lives will be in danger!

    Once you see these three unusual snakes, you should stay away, or their lives will be in danger!

    Snakes are common reptiles in our lives. Here are three rare snakes. Stay away from them as soon as you see them, or your life will be in danger! The horn viper is a highly aggressive venomous snake that lives in North Africa.

    2020-11-11 These three species uncommon snakes once see want stay away otherwise
  • Grey mold of carnation

    Grey mold of carnation

    [introduction] the disease is a common disease of growing carnation in greenhouse and greenhouse, which can cause brown spot or rot of petals, which seriously affects the quality of cut flowers. [symptoms] Botrytis cinerea mainly occurs when light brown water stains begin to appear at the edge of petals, and then several petals are entangled by gray fungi. If the environment is wet, the petals rot and there is gray mildew on it. When the flower bud occurs, there are waterlogged irregular spots, soft rot, but also produce gray mildew.

  • Management of summer cherry blossoms

    Management of summer cherry blossoms

    1. Grass mulching has high temperature in summer, evaporates quickly, and the amount of water is more than that in other seasons, but it is still necessary to adhere to the principle of "no dry, no watering". Cherry blossoms are shallow root plants, and the roots are close to the surface of the soil and are easy to dry. Straw can be used to cover the roots of the trees, which can not only maintain moisture and resist drought, but also prevent the capillary roots of cherry trees from being exposed, and greatly reduce the evaporation of soil water. 2. Dry entanglement and drought prevention can be wrapped with straw within 2 to 3 years after planting to prevent the trunk from drying. Because the cherry blossom bark is thin, wrapping the bark can prevent it.

  • How to deal with passion fruit tendrils

    How to deal with passion fruit tendrils

    How to deal with passion fruit tendrils
