
enlarge Learn more about enlarge

  • Enlarge the "moments" of farmers.

    Enlarge the

    Enlarge the "moments" of farmers.

  • Diagnosis of acute gastric dilatation in dogs

    Diagnosis of acute gastric dilatation in dogs

    Acute gastric dilatation in dogs caused by Clostridium welchii was performed by gastrotomy, the organs returned to position, and 2 cases were cured by intravenous drip of antibiotics after operation. The diseased dogs without this method are easy to die. 1. Clinical symptoms: abnormal enlargement of abdomen, stiffness of limbs, tremor of muscles, gnashing of teeth, salivation, paleness of visible mucosa, shortness of breath, arrhythmia, lying still, looking back at abdomen. two。 Two dead dogs were dissected by autopsy. The changes were abnormal enlargement of abdomen, stiffness of extremities, anal valgus, pleural and peritoneal effusion. Dilatation of the heart

  • Prevention and treatment of mucinous enteritis in rabbits with abdominal enlargement and drooling fecal tape

    Prevention and treatment of mucinous enteritis in rabbits with abdominal enlargement and drooling fecal tape

    Prevention and treatment of mucinous enteritis in rabbits with abdominal enlargement and drooling fecal tape

  • Shaanxi Ganquan enlarges and strengthens the "one village, one product" industry

    Shaanxi Ganquan enlarges and strengthens the

    Shaanxi Ganquan enlarges and strengthens the "one village, one product" industry

  • It turns out that so many reasons can lead to leg disease in chickens.

    It turns out that so many reasons can lead to leg disease in chickens.

    1. Vitamin or trace element deficiency (1) when vitamin B1 is deficient, the sick chicken legs are soft and will not stand, lie down and look up at the stars. (2) when vitamin B2 was deficient, the tibia of the diseased chicken was dysplastic, the joint was enlarged, the claws were curled, and the hocks landed. Some legs spread apart, or one leg forward, one leg backward, similar to the symptoms of Marek's disease. (3) when calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 are deficient or the proportion of calcium and phosphorus is out of balance, cartilage and osteoporosis occur, the bone wall is thin and honeycomb in hollow bone, keel curved.

  • Eggplant needs to be enlarged, but fertilization should be suitable for high-temperature eggplant to apply nitrogen fertilizer.

    Eggplant needs to be enlarged, but fertilization should be suitable for high-temperature eggplant to apply nitrogen fertilizer.

    Eggplant needs to be enlarged, but fertilization should be suitable for high-temperature eggplant to apply nitrogen fertilizer.

  • Prevention and treatment of hard crop disease of pigeon with enlarged crop and hard appetite

    Prevention and treatment of hard crop disease of pigeon with enlarged crop and hard appetite

    Prevention and treatment of hard crop disease of pigeon with enlarged crop and hard appetite

  • Sick duck weak legs, enlarged joints, overcast and rain, beware of duck soft leg disease

    Sick duck weak legs, enlarged joints, overcast and rain, beware of duck soft leg disease

    Sick duck weak legs, enlarged joints, overcast and rain, beware of duck soft leg disease

  • Diagnosis of multicentric lymphosarcoma in dogs

    Diagnosis of multicentric lymphosarcoma in dogs

    1 morbidity and clinical symptoms A pug, female, more than six years old, was raised by a dog household in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. In late January 2004, it was found that food intake decreased gradually, mental depression and weight loss; after the addition of cardiolysis, multi-vitamins, multi-enzyme tablets, lactobacillus treatment, there was no obvious effect, and then treated with ribavirin, ceftazole and roxithromycin. About 3 months after the onset of the disease, the dog's weight decreased from 6kg to 4.3kg, physical weakness, dyspnea, increased pulse count, polyuria and sometimes vomiting.

  • How to maintain and enlarge the stem of the rich tree

    How to maintain and enlarge the stem of the rich tree

    The rich tree has a unique shape, is more shady and easier to manage, and has a good name. It is a very popular indoor foliage flower. The rich tree is easy to reproduce, and can survive by sowing, cutting, grafting, tissue culture and other methods. But only the plants that sow and propagate can produce fat stems.

  • Piglet paratyphoid fever and its treatment

    Piglet paratyphoid fever and its treatment

    Piglet paratyphoid fever and its treatment

  • Viral disease: wild swimming disease of eel

    Viral disease: wild swimming disease of eel

    [pathogen] Anguilla Anguilla (Anguilla Anguilla) is also known as crazy running disease, faint head disease and so on. The pathogen is eel coronavirus. [symptoms and pathological changes] the diseased eel first appeared abnormal grazing, then stopped feeding and swam alone, then sank into the water after struggling on the surface for a while, then floated for a struggling swim, opened its mouth to breathe, and gathered feebly in the sewage outlet until death. The diseased eel has muscle spasm, twisted body, enlarged liver area, hyperemia of fins and chest. Autopsy showed that the liver was enlarged and the liver, kidney and heart were severely congested and bleeding. [epidemic situation] Anguilla Anguilla

  • Disease control of soft-shelled turtle-mumps disease

    Disease control of soft-shelled turtle-mumps disease

    Etiology: the cause is unknown and may be caused by a virus. Symptoms: some of the diseased soft-shelled turtle had enlarged neck and bleeding organs; some had bleeding spots on the abdominal nail, and mouth and nose bleeding could be seen in the later stage of the disease. The disease has two characteristics: first, the neck is enlarged, but not red; second, there are clots or no blood in the gastrointestinal tract. On his deathbed, his neck stretched out. Prevention and treatment: 1) due to the unknown etiology, there is a lack of effective treatment, prevention-oriented. "Nongfu 3" is often fed for 1-2 days, once or twice a month.

  • Diagnosis and Prevention of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Diagnosis and Prevention of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Diagnosis and Prevention of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

  • Six measures in melon garden to make melons and fruits sweeter

    Six measures in melon garden to make melons and fruits sweeter

    Enlarging the diurnal temperature difference is beneficial to the accumulation of photosynthates (sugars). In the fruiting period of muskmelon, the diurnal temperature difference should be enlarged as much as possible. Generally, the temperature in the greenhouse is kept at 30 ℃-35 ℃ during the day, 13 ℃-14 ℃ at night, and the temperature difference between day and night is 16 ℃-18 ℃. Less application of chemical fertilizer, heavy application of organic fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, no or less application of chemical fertilizer is another effective measure to improve the sweetness of muskmelon. Generally, chicken manure and bean cake are the main organic fertilizers, which can be applied per mu.

  • Prevention and control of porcine circovirus

    Prevention and control of porcine circovirus

    Porcine circovirus infection (Porcinecircovirwsinfection) is an immunosuppressive infectious disease characterized by postweaning multiple system failure and dermatitis nephropathy caused by PCV- Ⅱ, which is characterized by physical decline, weight loss, pallor, diarrhea and reddish-purple spots on the skin. The disease was first reported by Canadian scholars in 1991 and has occurred in many countries and regions in the world in recent years. The disease was first reported in China in 2000. At present, pig density is raised in China.

  • Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    In the modern chicken industry, the incidence of chicken leg and foot disease has increased, which has become a difficult problem that can not be ignored. At present, some chicken farms (households) lack sufficient understanding and understanding of chicken leg foot disease, and often do not pay attention to it, which can easily lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. According to the author's clinical practice for many years and the clinical experience of many colleagues, the causes and similar symptoms of common leg and foot diseases in chicken production are summarized as follows. 1 nutrition-related leg and foot disease 1.1 vitamins

  • With the change of seasons, infectious pig diseases occur frequently, let's see how to diagnose several common diseases!

    With the change of seasons, infectious pig diseases occur frequently, let's see how to diagnose several common diseases!

    In late spring and early summer, the seasons change, the climate is changeable, all kinds of epidemic diseases are high, and pigs are easy to be infected with epidemic diseases. A group of diagnosis and treatment methods of infectious pig diseases are specially arranged for farmers' reference. 1. In pig production, we often encounter the following typical dysentery.

    2020-11-11 Season change contagion pig disease multiple look breeding talent
  • Common variable immunodeficiency pneumonia and other diseases

    Common variable immunodeficiency pneumonia and other diseases

    There is a common variable immune deficiency (CVI) in immunodeficiency, which is prone to respiratory tract infection, chronic digestive tract diseases and lymph node enlargement in a small number of people.

  • Prevention and treatment of several new diseases in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of several new diseases in pigs

    1. Post-weaning multisystemic asthenia syndrome this disease is a new disease characterized by shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing, diarrhea, anemia, obvious lymphoid lesions and progressive weight loss in weaned pigs caused by porcine circovirus Ⅱ (PCV2). The incidence of the disease is 5% to 20%, some as high as 100%, and the mortality rate is 100%. It has seriously affected the growth and development of pigs, caused huge economic losses, and has evolved into a worldwide disease, which has been widely concerned by countries all over the world. The disease usually occurs in 6 weeks.
