
disc Learn more about disc

  • Canine intervertebral disc disease

    Canine intervertebral disc disease

    Canine intervertebral disc disease is a sudden intervertebral disc herniation or extrusion after intervertebral disc degeneration in dogs. 3Mel 6-year-old Peking Dog and Lion Dog are easy to get, and the incidence of intervertebral disc disease in the thoracolumbar spine is more common. Intervertebral disc herniation causes compressive paralysis of the spinal cord in dogs, which is more urgent and often occurs suddenly. Causes: due to genetic factors, puppy calcium and phosphorus malnutrition, trauma, autoimmunity, chondrodystrophy and so on, dog intervertebral disc degeneration. (1) when the intervertebral disc is chondroid metaplasia

  • Gardenias love leaves beautiful flowers quickly raise a pot

    Gardenias love leaves beautiful flowers quickly raise a pot

    Gardenias bloom, gardenias bloom gardenias symbolize strong, eternal love. Gardenia winter solstice when a budding bud, know, summer solstice will bloom. The longer the bud period, the longer the fragrance, the leaves of Gardenia tree are also years...

  • How to prevent and cure rotten head disease by planting sunflowers?

    How to prevent and cure rotten head disease by planting sunflowers?

    How to prevent and cure rotten head disease by planting sunflowers? Please introduce the harm of sunflower head rot: symptoms and conditions this disease can occur from emergence to maturity, the disease is mostly at the base of the stem, forming a water-immersed spot, white hyphae grow on the spot when the humidity is high, making the stem fragile and easy to break, and finally the whole plant dies. ...

  • What is the harm of calcium deficiency in dogs

    What is the harm of calcium deficiency in dogs

    If there is insufficient calcium supplement in puppies, there may be valgus of ribs, deformation of wrist joint and elbow joint of forelimb, O-shaped legs in small dogs, and serious deformation of forelimbs in large and medium-sized dogs. If found to be not timely, improper treatment may also cause permanent claw or claudication. In addition, the age of 2 to 3 months is an important period for intervertebral disc formation in puppies. If calcium is deficient at this time, some breeds prone to intervertebral disc disease (such as Peking Dog, Xishi Dog, Pagodle, Poodle, etc.) will occur in adulthood, causing lifelong pain.

  • Selection and management of downhill bluegrass

    Selection and management of downhill bluegrass

    First, lotus petal leaves. The general characteristics of the sheath: the sheath leaf is broad and stiff, the tip is tight; the leaf shape is placed in the middle, the leaf quality is broad and thick, the texture is moisturized, the leaf vein is fine, the leaf tip is blunt and symmetrical or slightly warped upward in the shape of a spoon, the leaf teeth are fine, and the leaf surface is related to the sheath.

  • What are the signs of the sow before delivery?

    What are the signs of the sow before delivery?

    Before parturition, the boundary will gradually appear between the base of the breast and the abdomen of the sow, and the bone disc ligament will soften gradually. Three days before delivery, the nipples gradually open outward, the skin is tense and red, the two pairs of nipples in the middle can squeeze out a little transparent fluid, and the sow vulva gradually.

    2020-11-08 Sow parturient pre-existing what symptom abstract sow prenatal
  • Varieties and varieties of Polygonatum polygonatum

    Varieties and varieties of Polygonatum polygonatum

    According to different characters, Rhizoma Polygonatum commodities can be divided into three categories: "chicken head Huang Jing", "ginger shaped Huang Jing" and "rhubarb essence". Polygonatum polygonatum is irregularly conical, with a large head and a thin tail, similar to the chicken head. Long 3~10cm, diameter 0.5~1.5cm. The surface is yellowish white to yellowish brown, translucent, all with fine wrinkles and slightly raised wavy links, the aboveground stem scar is disc-shaped, the center is often sunken, and the root scar is mostly punctate. The cross section is light brown, slightly horny, and has many yellow-white punctate veins (vascular bundles). Slight, sweet and sticky

  • Areas needing attention in koi culture, bell worm-parasite-koi disease and control-brocade carp-view

    Areas needing attention in koi culture, bell worm-parasite-koi disease and control-brocade carp-view

    Bell worm (VORTICELLA), also known as bell worm, cup worm, tongue cup worm, is a common kind of fixed ciliates in water. The bell-shaped worm is thick and thin in front and back, cup-shaped or trumpet-shaped, about 100~400UM (UM micron unit, 1000 micron = 1 mm).

  • A New Variety of Jupan Peach-early Jujuan and late Giant Peach

    A New Variety of Jupan Peach-early Jujuan and late Giant Peach

    First, the early fruit of this variety is high-yielding, one-year-old seedlings grow quickly, the fruiting rate in the second year is 100%, the fruit setting rate is very high, the fruit is thick disc-shaped, with an average of 150 grams, the maximum is 350 grams, and the ripening consequences are smooth, hairless, easy to color, and bright red extremely beautiful, white pulp, hard and brittle fine, sweet and fragrant, round kernel, extremely small, edible rate up to 98.3%. Zaojugu ripens early, the fruit growth period is 95 days, the open field planting can mature at the end of June, and the greenhouse planting can mature before May 1.

  • bark rot of Korean pine

    bark rot of Korean pine

    Pine bark rot disease is also called drooping branch disease, soft branch disease, dead branch disease, withered shoot disease, is a branch ulcer disease, mainly harmful to pine species. Symptoms: The disease harms the bark of the branches of young Korean pine trees, and can also occur at the base of the trunk when it is serious, causing canker disease. The pine needles above the infected parts turned yellow-green to greyish green, and gradually turned brown to reddish brown. The injured branches shrink and wrinkle due to water loss, and the needle drop marks are slightly enlarged. When the lateral branches are diseased, the lateral branches will droop downward. branchlet base diseased, then

  • Did not expect that mosquito-repellent incense is a pesticide, inferior mosquito-repellent incense will cause cancer, physical mosquito prevention is the healthiest.

    Did not expect that mosquito-repellent incense is a pesticide, inferior mosquito-repellent incense will cause cancer, physical mosquito prevention is the healthiest.

    Many people do not know: in addition to the production license, manufacturers of mosquito-repellent incense must also have a "pesticide registration certificate" and a "pesticide production license". Because...

  • Precision no-tillage hole planter daily maintenance and maintenance?

    Precision no-tillage hole planter daily maintenance and maintenance?

    The implementation of low-tillage and no-tillage in agricultural planting is not only a new tillage method, but also a conservation tillage technology, which mainly refers to no-tillage sowing. Among many brands of no-tillage planter, a small, suspended precision no-tillage hole planter is very economical and suitable.

    2020-11-09 Precision no-tillage hole seeder daily how maintenance and maintenance
  • The Origin of the name of Campanula what is the Flower language of Campanula

    The Origin of the name of Campanula what is the Flower language of Campanula

    The Origin of the name of Campanula what is the Flower language of Campanula

  • Introduction and culture method of land money, an evaluator of atmospheric quality

    Introduction and culture method of land money, an evaluator of atmospheric quality

    Introduction and culture method of land money, an evaluator of atmospheric quality

  • When do plum blossom trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves? What are the main ornamental varieties and locations?

    When do plum blossom trees usually lose their leaves? When will it blossom, bear fruit and grow new leaves? What are the main ornamental varieties and locations?

    Plum blossoms usually blossom in winter and spring and bear fruit from May to June (the fruit period in North China extends to July-August). They fall leaves in autumn and sprout and grow new leaves in spring. The varieties of plum can be divided into fruit plum and flower plum, the main ornamental is flower plum, flower plum can be divided into straight plum and Zhaoshui.

    2020-11-09 Plum blossom tree general what month fallen leaves when will blossom
  • How to breed daffodils?

    How to breed daffodils?

    Daffodils mainly have lateral buds, lateral bulbs, double-scale propagation and tissue culture. The main results are as follows: (1) when castration bulbs are used for lateral bud propagation, the lateral buds wrapped inside are dug out and used as propagation materials. In autumn, the lateral buds are scattered evenly on the finished surface and covered with a thin layer of soil. The front of the front of Danzah should be watered thoroughly

  • Common breeding methods and matters needing attention of Zhu Dinghong

    Common breeding methods and matters needing attention of Zhu Dinghong

    The bright color of Zhu Dinghong is very popular with people. Some friends make it into canned flowers, which is convenient for florists to grow. The editor will introduce to you Zhu Dinghong's common breeding methods and matters needing attention. Interested friends can learn about it together.

  • Introduction to the manufacturing method of dried snake

    Introduction to the manufacturing method of dried snake

    The dried snake of traditional Chinese medicine is a dry body made by removing intestines and other internal organs after laparotomy. The processing method of dried adult snakes is as follows: after being caught by a medicinal snake, it is killed or burned to death in boiling water, then step on the head and neck of the snake with its feet, hold the tail of the snake in one hand, and cut the skin from the head and neck with small round head scissors in the other hand, separate the snake skin from the snake meat by the neck, cut the snake skin, and pull the skin down to the anus to cut the snake skin. The snake meat is centered on the head, rolled into a disc, and its tail is inserted into the last circle.

  • White cat butterfly spring orchid

    White cat butterfly spring orchid

    Zhejiang Xinchang orchid friend Pan Haiming mountain mining. The outer three lotus-shaped bamboo leaves, the color is bright green, the angle is symmetrical, the inner butterfly is complete, and the middle fold is obviously raised, but what is different from the general core disc is that its inner background is white-green, with a pair of purplish red spots on it. At that time, some orchid friends got Pan Haiming's consent to name it ".

  • Green to send spring

    Green to send spring

    Green orchid: blooming in late spring, also known as sending spring. In Yunnan, green orchids bloom, indicating that the season changes from spring to summer. Cultivate this orchid, the flowers bloom and fall to know the sky, the seedlings grow to know the soil, do not have a different state of mind, five or six flowers per stalk. The petals are green, the lips are wide, the labial disc is light green, and there are purple spots on it. The leaves are wide and curved, Lord.
