
Precision no-tillage hole planter daily maintenance and maintenance?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The implementation of low-tillage and no-tillage in agricultural planting is not only a new tillage method, but also a conservation tillage technology, which mainly refers to no-tillage sowing. Among many brands of no-tillage planter, a small, suspended precision no-tillage hole planter is very economical and suitable.

The implementation of low-tillage and no-tillage in agricultural planting is not only a new tillage method, but also a conservation tillage technology, which mainly refers to no-tillage sowing. Among the many brands of no-tillage planter, a small, hanging precision no-tillage hole planter is very economical and applicable, which is suitable for planting in a small area, and has been recognized and actively purchased by many farmers. The promotion and use of precision no-tillage hole planter can be said to be a specific implementation of conservation tillage, which well conforms to the current development of spring ploughing. Precision no-tillage hole seeder daily maintenance and maintenance?

Maintenance and maintenance of precision no-tillage hole planter

The following matters should be paid attention to when using precision no-tillage hole planter: select seeds carefully before sowing, require wind selection, ensure uniform seed size, and remove sundries from seeds, etc. For seeds mixed with coating agents, the coated seeds must be dried and mixed with 1% talcum powder before sowing to reduce adhesion. Chemical fertilizer also requires uniform particles, no damp pay, so that the mobility is reduced. There is no large bond, blocking the fertilizer box, especially to note that the paper labels of some fertilizers are easy to mix into the fertilizer box.

In order to make the hole seeder have a good technical state, it needs to be used and adjusted reasonably to ensure the operation quality and prolong the service life. The items that need to be adjusted during operation are as follows: the adjustment of seed metering device, the adjustment of ridge distance, the adjustment of fertilizer amount and fertilization depth, the adjustment of sowing depth, the adjustment of soil covering device, the adjustment of hanging rack and the adjustment of sowing rate.

At the beginning of the operation, a small area of trial sowing should be carried out, and the seed plant spacing, row spacing, seed amount and fertilizer application amount should be determined to meet the requirements before large-scale operation.

The hole seeder can not go backwards when sowing, and the machine must be raised when the road is driving and the ground is turning.

If the sown land is not straw returned to the field so that there is too much straw left, in order to ensure that the whole seedling is taken, the land should be properly cleared according to the situation, and at the same time, it is also convenient for the machine to work better. because small precision no-tillage hole planters have some limitations compared with large no-tillage planters.

Before operation, it should be checked whether the bolts in each part are loose or missing, whether the transmission parts are stuck, whether the transmission chain is loosened properly, and whether the lubricating parts are well lubricated. After use, check the wear and tear of each part, check whether the connection is reliable, and whether the bolt is loose or missing, if abnormal is found and repaired in time. Lubrication and maintenance should be carried out according to the situation. after each shift, the seed box and seed metering device should be checked, the fertilizer box should be checked, and the debris that may remain in it should be removed.

After the end of the operating season, the oil and debris on the surface of the machine should be removed in time. Carefully clean the seed box and fertilizer box, the lubrication parts should be re-lubricated, the transmission parts should be oiled to prevent rust after cleaning, and the whole machine should be sealed in a suitable place.

Structure and performance of precision no-tillage hole planter

The precision no-tillage hole seeder is a four-wheel tractor with small size, simple structure and excellent craftsmanship, and its matching power is 18-25 horsepower.

The precision no-tillage hole seeder is composed of frame assembly, stubble-breaking fertilization disc assembly, trench disc assembly, mid-ploughing Shunliang assembly, ridge birch assembly, ground wheel assembly, transmission shaft assembly, fertilizer box assembly, seed metering assembly, covering disc assembly, suppression wheel assembly, suspension assembly and so on.

When sowing, the transmission mode of the ground wheel is adopted, and the seed fertilizer box assembly and seed metering assembly are driven by the chain, and the work is stable and reliable. When working, it is driven by a tractor and connected by a hanging type.

According to the corresponding planting requirements of different crops, the hole planter has corresponding working methods and enough technical parameters to be adjusted freely.

Precision no-tillage hole planter can sow soybean, corn, sorghum and other crops.

Common faults and troubleshooting methods of precision no-tillage hole planter

1. The rotation of the ground wheel is inflexible: mechanical stagnation

2. there are sundries in the seed metering device or fertilizer metering device.

3. The transmission part falls off the chain: the chain is too loose or the sprocket is not on the same plane.

4. The foreign body is stuffed between the chain and the sprocket, and the transmission parts are short of oil.

5. holes in planting: blocking of sowing plate holes or too few seeds, great disparity in size and too much sundries.

6. The speed of the tractor is too fast; the terrain of the farmland is too undulating.

7. Poor performance of soil cover: incorrect adjustment angle of soil cover disc.

8. The rack is not parallel

9. High rate of seed fragmentation: seeds are not cleaned or seeds are wet

10. The gap between the seed cleaning knife and the sowing plate is unreasonable.

11. Bending deformation of transmission shaft: the chain is too long and dirty

12. The transmission parts are stuck.

Rules for safe production of precision no-tillage hole planter

Read the operating instructions carefully before using the precision no-tillage hole seeder. When working in farmland, you can use it only after you have a clear understanding of the performance, structure, installation, adjustment and use of the machine.

It is forbidden to carry heavy objects or passengers on the machinery when working or walking on the road.

Planting and fertilizing should be added to the ground during operation, and the power of the hole seeder should be cut off when adding. It is strictly forbidden to poke the fertilizer dispenser and other transmission parts with hands or tools during operation.

Drunken operation is strictly prohibited and long-term fatigue operation is strictly prohibited.

The above are the daily maintenance and maintenance methods of precision no-tillage hole planter. In a word, the hanging precision no-tillage hole planter is designed according to the requirements of no-tillage and used with small horsepower four-wheel tractor. it has the characteristics of simple structure and convenient operation and maintenance. one operation can complete the whole process of stubble breaking, fertilization, ditching, sowing, soil mulching and suppression, which reduces the number of operations, reduces the operating costs, and can meet the production requirements of different areas. It is a kind of very practical and reliable agricultural machinery and tools, which is welcomed by the majority of farmers.