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  • What are the signs of the sow before delivery?

    What are the signs of the sow before delivery?

    Before parturition, the boundary will gradually appear between the base of the breast and the abdomen of the sow, and the bone disc ligament will soften gradually. Three days before delivery, the nipples gradually open outward, the skin is tense and red, the two pairs of nipples in the middle can squeeze out a little transparent fluid, and the sow vulva gradually.

    2020-11-08 Sow parturient pre-existing what symptom abstract sow prenatal
  • Stem cell research opens up the second battlefield to clone sheep.

    Stem cell research opens up the second battlefield to clone sheep.

    The leap from sheep to monkey without two papers published on November 20th, Shaukolet Mitalipov (ShoukhratMitalipov) would have been the most high-profile stem cell research scientist during this period. On November 14, the scientist at the National Primate Research Center in Oregon published a paper in the journal Nature, announcing that he had successfully obtained a cloned embryo of a rhesus monkey. This is the first time that scientists have cloned a viable embryo from a primate.
