
detach Learn more about detach

  • Yancheng Law Enforcement Detachment inspects and guides ​ seed Law Enforcement in Yandu District

    Yancheng Law Enforcement Detachment inspects and guides ​ seed Law Enforcement in Yandu District

    On the morning of January 5, Xu Shouyao, leader of the Agricultural Administrative Law Enforcement Detachment of Yancheng City, and his party went to Yandu District to inspect the seed law enforcement work in 2015. He exchanged information with Yandu District seed Management Station and Agricultural Law Enforcement Brigade on the supervision of Yandu seed market and the investigation and handling of cases in 2015.

    2016-01-09 Salt City Law Enforcement Detachment Inspection guidance Yandu District seed
  • From firefighter to "commander"

    From firefighter to

    From firefighter to "commander"

  • Can you grow bamboo? In this way, the operation becomes more and more prosperous.

    Can you grow bamboo? In this way, the operation becomes more and more prosperous.

    Split propagation: detach the asparagus from the basin, separate the plants, and plant them in the pot. Cuttage propagation: make a small cut on the selected branch with a clean knife, and cut off the branch when a nodule appears at the cut.

  • The latest points for attention in the storage of Chinese cabbage

    The latest points for attention in the storage of Chinese cabbage

    Chinese cabbage is a very common leafy vegetable in our daily life. It is also very popular in our country, and it is planted everywhere. Chinese cabbage has strong growth ability and high yield. If not all of them can be listed in time after harvest

    2020-11-10 The latest Chinese cabbage storage precautions in we
  • Five hard peach varieties suitable for Yangtze River valley

    Five hard peach varieties suitable for Yangtze River valley

    1. King of Qin. The average fruit weight is 210g, the maximum fruit weight is 350g, and the fruit size is relatively regular. Fruit peel background yellow red, ripe fruit surface 80%-100% bright red, beautiful appearance, fruit surface less hair. Fruit is round, suture line, fruit shape is more symmetrical, fruit top concave, peduncle depression deep. The flesh is red and white, with 75% redness. The flesh is especially hard and does not crack, the texture is fine, the browning resistance is strong, the soluble solids content is 13.7%, the taste is sweet and slightly sour, the fragrance is slightly good, and the quality is excellent. Semi-detached nucleus, small nucleus, unsplit nucleus, edible rate 9

  • Abe white peach

    Abe white peach

    White peach Abe was selected in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Hunan area matured in the first and middle of July, and matured in the middle and late maturity. The cooling capacity is low and there is no sprout phenomenon. The tree is strong, the tree posture is slightly opened, and the yield is especially good, with a yield of 14 kg in the third year. The fruit is short oval and large in shape. after fruit thinning, the average single fruit weight is 400g, and the maximum fruit weight is 1250 g. Fruit all red, hard meat, insolute, semi-detached, high quality, soluble solids content 14% Murray 16% extremely resistant to storage and transportation. This variety is the best coloring variety among the middle and late ripening hard flesh peach varieties at present.

  • * * newborn lambs are vaccinated against the epidemic.

    * * newborn lambs are vaccinated against the epidemic.

    * * newborn lambs are vaccinated against the epidemic.

  • Canker of cut tulip flowers

    Canker of cut tulip flowers

    It is mainly spread by bulbs, infecting new buds in the process of tulip germination, causing disease in the aboveground part. The suitable temperature for infection was 10 ℃ ~ 15 ℃, which was consistent with the growth temperature of tulip in the early stage. The disease occurs more frequently during the period from bulb germination to the expansion of the first leaf, which can last until flowering. At the initial stage of the disease, the disease spot on the leaf was waterlogged or gray-white disease spot, and in severe cases, the epidermis was detached from the mesophyll, resulting in cracking to expose the mesophyll, and yellow disease spots were formed on the bulb. Control methods: diseased plants are removed and destroyed in time, and agricultural streptomycin is sprinkled in the surrounding soil.

  • New Peach Variety: Shoulin Peach King

    New Peach Variety: Shoulin Peach King

    Shoulin Peach King is a new variety of super early-maturing and high-quality peach selected by Li Wenlin, a senior agronomist of Shouxian Fruit Tree Research Institute in Anhui Province. Shoulin peach king fruit shape is nearly round, with an average weight of 280 grams per fruit. The flesh is milky white or milky red, juicy, sweet and delicious. It contains 11.8-13.9% soluble solids, 11.5-13.8% total sugar, 5.9 mg / 100 g vitamin C, rich nutrition, semi-detached fruit and thick pericarp, which is conducive to long-distance transportation. This variety is suitable

  • Method for treating uterine bleeding and uterine prolapse of sow

    Method for treating uterine bleeding and uterine prolapse of sow

    Method for treating uterine bleeding and uterine prolapse of sow

  • Peach variety: Ruiguang 2

    Peach variety: Ruiguang 2

    Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences was bred by crossing Jingyu × NJN76. The original codename 81Mui 26Mui 2 was selected in 1986 and was approved and named in 1997. The fruit is oval, the shape of the fruit is positive, the two halves are symmetrical, and the top of the fruit is flat; the average weight of a single fruit is 134 grams, and the maximum weight of the fruit is 187 grams; the bottom of the pericarp is yellow, and the fruit surface is covered with 75% redness; the flesh is yellow in color, there is no red pigment around the core, hard solute, much juice, sweet flavor, fragrance; soluble solids 10.9%. Semi-detached nucleus. The tree is strong.

  • New product introduction: Shoulin peach king, a new peach variety

    New product introduction: Shoulin peach king, a new peach variety

    Shoulin Peach King is a new variety of super early-maturing and high-quality peach selected by Li Wenlin, a senior agronomist of Shouxian Fruit Tree Research Institute in Anhui Province. Shoulin peach king fruit shape is nearly round, with an average weight of 280 grams per fruit. The flesh is milky white or milky red, juicy, sweet and delicious. It contains 11.8-13.9% soluble solids, 11.5-13.8% total sugar, 5.9 mg / 100 g vitamin C, rich nutrition, semi-detached fruit and thick pericarp, which is conducive to long-distance transportation.

  • Peach variety: Ruiguang 3

    Peach variety: Ruiguang 3

    Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences was bred by crossing Jingyu × NJN76. The original codename 81Mel 25Mel 10 was selected in 1986 and was approved and named in 1997. The fruit is nearly round, the fruit shape is positive, and the top of the fruit is flat; the average weight of a single fruit is 145 grams, and the maximum fruit weight is 235 grams; the peel is green and white, 75% of the fruit surface is covered with redness, and does not leave the peel; the flesh is white, with a small amount of red pigment, juicy, sweet flavor and light flavor; soluble solids 11.5%. Semi-detached nucleus. The tree is strong.

  • Harm and control of Angelica rust

    Harm and control of Angelica rust

    The pathogen is Angelica sinensis stalk rust (P.angelicae). The summer spores are ovate to long oval, yellowish brown, (25Mu42) microns × (22Mel 30) microns, with small spines on the surface and 3 germination pores. Teliospores elliptic to clavate, chestnut brown, (32 / 49) × (17 / 26) microns, round at both ends, slightly constricted at septum; stalk colorless and detachable. Monospore teliospores sometimes occur. 1. Harmful symptoms: damage to leaves, petioles and fruit stalks. Summer spores scattered or grouped on abaxial surface of leaves, bare, brown. Alternaria

  • Peach variety Ruiguang 3

    Peach variety Ruiguang 3

    It was selected by Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in 1981 by crossing Jingyu × NJN76. The original codename 81Mel 25Mel 10 was selected in 1986 and was approved and named in 1997. The fruit is nearly round, the fruit shape is positive, and the top of the fruit is flat; the average weight of a single fruit is 145 grams, and the maximum fruit weight is 235 grams; the peel is green and white, 75% of the fruit surface is covered with redness, and does not leave the peel; the flesh is white, with a small amount of red pigment, juicy, sweet flavor and light flavor; soluble solids 11.5%. Semi-detached nucleus. Tree potential

  • What kind of plant is crab claw orchid?

    What kind of plant is crab claw orchid?

    What kind of plant is crab claw orchid?

  • Control methods of yellow mushroom disease of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Control methods of yellow mushroom disease of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Prevention and control methods: [1] mushroom facilities should be thoroughly disinfected, detachable supporting materials should be removed, brushed or soaked in bleach solution and dried in the sun, bleach dosage is 1: 150 times water, ground and space should be sprayed with 1:50 times Venus disinfectant solution. [2] the culture material and fermentation material should be thoroughly, and the soil-covering material should be fumigated with formaldehyde (see the control method of Agaricus verrucosporium compiled by our factory) [3] ventilation should be maintained in the mushroom room, and the air relative humidity in the mushroom room should be reduced properly to reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse.

  • Peach variety: Ruiguang 7

    Peach variety: Ruiguang 7

    The Forest and Fruit Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences was selected by crossing Jingyu × B7R2T129 (monophyletic pollen provided by the United States). The original code is 82Mui 40Mel 25. The fruit is nearly round, neat and round at the top; the average weight of a single fruit is 145 grams, and the maximum weight is 240 grams; the peel is yellow-white with purple-red spots or halos, and the skin is not easy to peel off; the pulp is yellow-white, hard solute, resistant to storage and transportation, succulent after full maturity, sweet or sour and delicious; soluble solids are about 11%. Leaving the core. The tree is medium in height and half-open.

  • Tao Ruiguang No. 7

    Tao Ruiguang No. 7

    The Forest and Fruit Research Institute of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences was selected by crossing Jingyu × B7R2T129 (monophyletic pollen provided by the United States). The original code is 82Mui 40Mel 25. The fruit is nearly round, neat and round at the top; the average weight of a single fruit is 145 grams, and the maximum weight is 240 grams; the peel is yellow-white with purple-red spots or halos, and the skin is not easy to peel off; the pulp is yellow-white, hard solute, resistant to storage and transportation, succulent after full maturity, sweet or sour and delicious; soluble solids are about 11%. Leaving the core. The tree is medium-sized and half-open.

  • Grafting technique of Ginkgo biloba potted plant

    Grafting technique of Ginkgo biloba potted plant

    Ginkgo is a long-lived tree, not only slow growth rate, and flowering and fruiting very late, Ginkgo seedlings generally after 20 to 30 years of growth before flowering and fruiting, and low yield, poor quality. However, if grafting technique is adopted, it can blossom and bear fruit in 23 years. Grafting not only produces fruit earlier,
